Former Tango Gameworks creative director and art director, Ikumi Nakamura, has finally revealed her future within the video game industry now that she's moved on from the GhostWire: Tokyo developer. Her departure, as you might recall, followed just three months after her famous appearance at E3 2019.
During a mini-documentary, where she explores abandoned locations around Japan, Nakamura announced her plans to start up her own indie studio now that she has learned more about what makes a "good working environment" during her travels to other studios.
"I decided to use that experience to open my own small studio and build my IP. I want to try my hand at an IP again in that studio, this is what I'm working on right now."
It's unclear exactly what Ikumi will be working on, but apparently, it'll be a project "full of dark jokes". She wishes she could reveal more and also says she wants to hire "many" people from around the world, in the hope she'll be able to bring "something new" to players.
Prior to Tango Gameworks, Ikumi worked on concept art for Bayonetta and The Evil Within - so her new studio, where she'll act as the creative director, is definitely one to keep an eye on.
Nakamura's former employer, Tango Gameworks, was recently snapped up by Microsoft in the Bethesda acquisition. Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, believes it's a "great step" in securing a foothold in Japan. The studio's latest project, GhostWire: Tokyo, is currently a timed PlayStation 5 exclusive.
Excited to see what Nakamura's studio comes up with? Give us your thoughts down below.
[source, via]
Comments 1
The phrase "good working environment" makes me uneasy in the context it's used. I hope she didn't have to go through an 'unpleasant' experience at Tango. I wish her the best.
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