Update: And we're back! Xbox Live ended up being down for quite a few hours, but it looks like everything (or nearly everything) has returned to normal. Let us know if you're still having issues down below!
Original story: Been having issues accessing Xbox Live this evening? Don't worry, you're not alone. The service has suffered a temporary major outage over the past few hours, affecting pretty much everything to do with getting online.
The issue hasn't been fixed at the time of writing, but it should be in the very near future as Microsoft has stated that it's "close to resolving the issue". You can check out more status updates over at the official Xbox website.
Was Xbox Live down for you today? How long for? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 27
That's good to know, brought my mine to work with me and when I set it up couldn't get online. I was starting to worry as everything was working fine before I left the house.
I was wondering why i couldnt log in. Mmmm guess its nintendo switch time then
I was playing Sea of Thieves when it went down. I was up in the Crows Nest and the ship started tilting, I said to my mate "wow, thats a big wave". Second thing I said was " OK, thats a HUGE wave". Next thing I topple out of the nest which by that point was nearly horizontal, I fell in the sea, swam back up and emerged to see our brig sailing off into the sky Peter Pan style!! We were all in hysterics, which were short lived when we couldn't rejoin the game lol.
Can someone help me out. It won’t let me play my Gamepass games I’ve downloaded. Says signin or renew subscription. I’ve signed in, my internet is good, but it isn’t letting me play
I’ve tried restarting.
I was so mad when I couldn't log on today - I had the living room to myself for a good hour and I couldn't what I wanted to play - the drawbacks of digital titles!
Did Microsoft's servers explode after Wal-Mart released All Access Series X consoles today?
@Bdbrady Try going to the Network settings and turning off your internet, then logging into your account. The problem I had is that my account kept getting stuck trying to connect to Xbox Live and I couldn't actually log in. Disabling internet until you can log in helped me.
Oof, just encountered this, everything is down. Dang it! I blame State of Play.
This sucks, big time... I decided to go all digital but seems I forgot to make my Series X my main console when I upgraded... Now can't play anything... This is infuriating...
It didn't affect me because I was playing single-player but the game (Shadow of the Tomb Raider) warned me I was playing offline. It only affects me if I'm playing Sea of Thieves or... yep, Fortnite (but I don't play it as often as before). If you go to Settings and then Network you can see if Xbox services are down (it currently says so).
And yes, you can play digital games without Xbox Live or internet connection as long as you're playing on your home console.
@Thaliard @Bdbrady That's true, going to Settings, Network and setting the console to Offline removes many problems like single-player games that kick you out when you get disconnected from Live (sometimes because of a single internet hiccup). It happened to me when I was about to complete Resident Evil 0 Leech Hunter 100%.
This is the reason why i will never go full digital. Im more like 95% digital at the moment
@Tharsman I have a lot of digital-only games and I couldn't play games even though it's set as my Home Console in the system settings....
Though, my Xbox One X still shows as a console I can download games to from the App despite unlinking the console when I did a factory rest.
It also shows up as a console I can stream to...again, it's been completely unlinked from my account.
Starting to wonder if my account recognizes my Series X as my primary console.
@GamingFan4Lyf Try this link, sign in and remove your old console: Devices / Manage / Remove console.
@GamingFan4Lyf Same here. In my case I can't download anything from PC to My Series S. The store only recognizes my old Xbox One X (That was unlinked and I don't have it anymore)
@BlueOcean Yup, did that!
I am not sweating it unless it becomes a significant problem. Everything works fine with my Series X.
@eduscxbox I have the same issue. I wonder what would happen if I remove my Series X as my Home console and then initialize it as my home console. In fact, when I setup my Series X, it never asked me to do it - it just had it checked already. Kind of wonder if it was a bug in the setup process. Like...my machine may SAY it's my home console, but it's not actually my home console from an account linking standpoint.
@TrueAssassin86x I think I would be fine if I had my console set as home console.
I was playing ReCore, though, and althogh I own it digitally I think I have a disk somewhere... Maybe I can just insert the disk and keep playing...
@GamingFan4Lyf @BlueOcean Update: apparently my Series X wasn't set as my home Xbox.
Weird, I know I checked the setting before and it said it was already set.
Oh well, set now!
@Tharsman I didn't he same thing up untill a few days ago when for some reason I went into the options and saw that my Series X wasn't my primary console.
So now that I'm back online, first thing I did was set the Series X as home console.
This throws a bit of a curve ball at my plans for a living room Series S set as primary so my partner could play my digital games under their account... If things like this, as rare as they might be, might lock me to onlu play games on the Series S...
@GamingFan4Lyf Probably some issue with Xbox about that. Mine also wasn't set as primary. But I'm sure I have done that before.
Would be nice if pure xbox could post some tips on how to play digital titles in this type of situation. Otherwise my series S was useless yesterday evening. Only partly usable thing was console settings.
P. S. One positive thing was that I finally got a proper sleep. Otherwise when You have a big family with Kids only real opportunity to play is when everyone goes to bed.
@Gipsons Will keep that in mind! I'm sure we can put some tips together.
Well, I had no issues playing yesterday (single player evening) but I did bump into an issue that frustrated me and I initially thought it was due to the Xbox Live issues. Turns out Hellblade doesn't like Quick Resume :/ I had 6 achievements glitch out on me and to unlock them I'd have to play the game again... I found a thread on the Internet where a few guys experienced the same a couple of months back. Sucks, really. As much as I like the game I won't be replaying it as it's a tough game to stomach for me at times.
@GamingFan4Lyf All good then. What I did was set the Series X as home console (Settings/General/Personalisation/My home Xbox) and on the website I removed the Xbox One X afterwards.
@FraserG For writing that guide, go to Settings/General/Personalisation/My home Xbox/Learn more. It's well explained on there 😊.
@FraserG That would be nice, to know how to play games while offline. Because I was unable to log in my account.
Makes me wanna go check my Xbox 1 thanks dude
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