Henry Cavill, most notable for this role as Superman and Geralt of Rivia in the Netflix adaptation of The Witcher, has been teasing a new project on his Instagram. Upon closer inspection, it appears that it could be related to the Mass Effect universe.
In a tease on Instagram, Cavill can be seen getting prepped to shoot with a script in his hand. The caption reads: “Secret project? Or just a handful of paper with random words on it... Guess you’ll have to wait and see. Happy hump day all.”
Through the magic of the internet, fans have reportedly managed to enhance the words on the script and discover its contents. According to Game Pressure, the blurred text is an excerpt from the Mass Effect 3 Wikipedia entry. Some of the key words they believe to have found include “Cerberus”, “Reaper”, “Geth”, and “Tali’Zorah”.
This could mean a couple of things. One of the most obvious is that a Mass Effect TV series in the works, or maybe even a film. Alternatively, Cavill could be shooting an advert for the upcoming Mass Effect Legendary Edition, or even recording dialogue for a new game in the franchise. We don’t know for sure at the moment, but according to Cavill’s tease, we will just have to "wait and see."
What do you think this Mass Effect project to be? Let us know in the comments below.
[source instagram.com, via gamepressure.com]
Comments 7
As a new Mass Effect game has been teased, I wouldn't be surprised if he is voicing a character - maybe the new 'lead'. I don't know if 'Ryder' will continue to be the lead in the next ME game and Cavill could be voicing the 'Male' lead...
I think a Netflix TV series could work or a movie depending on the budget.
Can't see him voicing a character in a game. I think he's a bit too high profile and costly for that.
Never played Mass Effect and keep hearing it's amazing. I'll have to give it a go at some point in my life.
@Krzzystuff Same! I'm waiting for that remastered trilogy edition they're dropping in a couple months.
@IsThatATitleist3 I'm debating what to do with that. Apperently it's just some better graphics but less butt shots in the remaster.... which is the way to go? Friendly reminder 6-12 months it will be in EA Play for free so if you have a backlog and aren't sure you will play it just hang back and save up for that new headset or SSD expansion instead.
@Krzzystuff Forgot about the backlog point...I may just wait lol
@IsThatATitleist3 that will be $20 CAD... financial advice ain't free us know. Lol
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