It's hard to believe we're now almost three full months into the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S's lifespans, and one of the most talked about features of the new consoles so far has been their game-switching 'Quick Resume' abilities.
However, it's fair to say the feature hasn't reached its full potential yet. We've been having trouble getting some games to utilise it correctly on Xbox Series X, and even Microsoft has acknowledged that it's "at the beginning of the journey" with Quick Resume, and the team is taking a lot of feedback about what fans want to see.
So, with that said, we're interested to know how you're finding Quick Resume so far on the new consoles. Is it working well for you? How would you like to see it evolve over the coming months? Tell us down below.
Comments 28
It’s a great feature. It has on occasion not worked for me though. SW Jedi FO crashed trying to resume a few times for me, and SW Battlefront 2 would run at like 2-3x speed after resuming a couple times for me - which was really funny, but yeah I would die in about 4 seconds and have to quit and reopen the game to make it stop, hahaha.. I’d also love to see a list of what games I have “paused” and ready to resume.
Save for the fact that 1 or 2 games I've played seemed not to use quick resume at all, it's one of the best features of Xbox Series S/X. Love it!
Any 360 games I play don't seem to use the feature. Other than that it is extremely useful and has saved me an hour or 2 already I think.
It's wonderful when it's used, and has worked without issue. The problem is that most of the games I play don't seem to use it, a significant number.
I feel kinda mislead on how widespread the support was, before launch.
I'd really like to see an icon, when you have the Xbox guide up, showing if the game supports Quick Resume. Similar to the Auto HDR one.
I got my series x yesterday and I forgot it was a feature. I don’t think I’ll be using it much.
I tried using it with The Medium, but it crashed the game upon resume. It was the first time trying to use it since getting the Series X the past Tuesday.
Haven't used it since.
I mean, I have been playing multiple titles on the system, I am just so used to closing games down when I am done. Old habits die hard, I guess. But, if it's prone crashing from time to time, I think there is room for improvement.
It's great but I'm not convinced it doesn't cause issues for online games. I would also like the option to actually quit a game if i want to. As far as i know how can't choose which games are in a quick resume saved state. But it is great when you just select the game and your right back where you were when you turn the system off, it's so fast.
Love it although still not perfect.
I’ve found issues with the Tomb Raider games. When I quick resume there’s no audio.
Little Nightmares, I’ll load into where I left off however next load from checkpoint will just freeze on blank screen.
For games I play online, it’s actually added a step for me as I choose to force quit the game to avoid any disconnected issues.
Overall, I think it’s great. Sometimes I forget the console has only been out a few months. Vast majority of games at the moment were designed without this feature in mind. I’m happy to live through the teething problems.
Love it but there are some quirks that need ironing out. Biggest of all: patches kill quick resume. It a game is in hybernation, the Xbox should ask if I want to apply that update, at least give me time to go into the game and find a save point!
Also feel there should be an automatic group at the top of my game groups that show games that are ready to resume.
Pointless and doesn’t work on most games.
@Krzzystuff To manually quit a game, press the Xbox button, highlight the game, press the menu button, and select “Quit” - This will make it so the game is no longer suspended in Quick Resume.
Its great but the problem is modern games are updated so often they're usually closed anyway before I play them again. What would be useful is a list of whats actually on quick resume and let you pick and choose which games have it on
I'll be honest : I never use that stuff.
And I'm always turning my Xbox off "for real" when I'm done.
I only use the sleep mode when I have downloads of updates pending.
And that's great, cause what I love the most about the Series X is how fast it can boot up, even when it was really powered off.
What a great machine.
I hardly use it. I rarely, if ever, left games suspended on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 and games load so quickly on Series X that having to boot them up fresh is a non-issue.
@Bobobiwan from what I understand quick resume works even if you fully power off the machine
@carlos82 as I posted the same earlier, I figured I might as well just disable game auto updates. I don't care if a game updates until the day i sit to play it anyways (I don't play things like War Zone, or any multi-player game for that mater.)
@VenomousAlbino the issue is not how fast the games can load, but it's often extremely frustrating to go through all the splash screens games tend to have. Publisher logo screen, studio logo screen, game logo, engine logo, disclaomer screens, additional license screens, etc etc, all with fixed timers so players don't miss the branding...
@Bobobiwan quick resume works even if you shut down the console "for reals".
@Tharsman and yet I've never thought to myself, "damn, wish I'd used quick resume". Don't get me wrong, it's a welcome feature to have if/when it works; it's just not something I've bothered with because to me personally waiting a few extra seconds to play isn't that big of a deal.
It also seems like every time I read the words "quick resume", they're followed by complaints about how it doesn't work with every game.
@Tharsman yeah I think I might do the same, especially now that I've upgraded my broadband
I don't tend to switch between a lot of games--I tend to focus on just one thing at a time, till I've beaten it. What I have found Quick Resume excellent for is having my Series S set to Energy Saving mode and being able to pick right up where I left off. It's nice to be able to turn the system off more fully while not having to worry about long load times to get back into the game.
I swap between games a lot so I’m loving. It’s actually become the default in my mind. When I play on Switch/PS5 I’m momentarily confused by the game booting up when I switch back to a game I had played recently or even when I just boot a game after turning on the console. I just expect games to be in a suspended state at all times.
I love it. Not having it on ps5 drives me crazy, though i understand the tiles may be used in a way that makes it sort of similar. Most games don't do that yet though.
But too many games don't support it, it do it right. You don't know what ones are stored, what supports it, and what bumps what off the list. And as some said, patches break it.
But when it works it's amazing. Between switching between fenyx, hitman, ffxv, quantum break.... And it's all almost instant!
@Bobobiwan quick resume works with fill power off. That's what makes it better than x1/ps4/ps5 rest mode! You're still booting from cold to quick resume.
@VenomousAlbino I often play for 30 min stints and have to go do something. I may play 3-4 of these stints a day. Sometimes it can take about a minute to get into a game. It all adds up in a week.
Now I have used it I don't like going back and the frustrating thing is when it doesn't work at all on a game. I can handle the odd time it not working but not at all puts me off a game a bit now unless I can get a longer session in.
You should have added I don't use it, cause I certainly don't use it. Nor do I find the idea useful for my preference.
I don’t care that much. However. I still use my Xbox One occasionally (it’s hooked up to the family TV, mainly so that the kids can have at it and my Series X sits on a shelf above my desk… I take quick breaks during “office hours”). Everything is so much snappier on the SX. That said; I think the majority of the games I play support it and the feature has saved me additional hours so far. I think at least twice before I load up a game on my X1. Not so much on the SX. I have too many games to play, saving some time to do so is a plus. Not a requirement or something to fuss about.
It seems like it causes more problems than it’s worth. In Fenyx Rising it will often cause the game to crash in the menus mode. For games that require online connection (Injustice 2 and NHL 20 are the two I’ve played recently), I have to fully quit out of the game before able to reconnect online.
Other games it sometimes works and other times not. It’s not clear why or how it chooses to quick resume.
Let me start by saying, I love Quick Resume. Days after Skyrim re-released and I dabbled in it, we lost power on the house for an entire day. Two weeks later I decided I'd go back to Skyrim again after listening to a co-worker playing it. I QR'ed right back to exactly where I left it. Holy cow. Weeks and a power loss to the house. QR worked.
Now with that said, why do I sometimes leave Control and it Quick Resumes, but then doing the same exact process, sometimes Control has to totally load again? Why no QR?
It can be very sporadic. Control, Valhalla, even Forza Horizon 4. All sporadic and I can't tell why it works one time and another time it doesn't. I also can not tell which games are successfully held in QR. That would be a nice feature.
Too many issues with it at the moment, unfortunately.
It's a great feature and hopefully in a year or so's time it'll be perfect.
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