Korean Influencer Gets Mad At Receiving Xbox Jenga Gift

Remember those Xbox Series X Jenga kits Microsoft was sending out a few weeks ago? Well, people still appear to be receiving them around the world, and one particular influencer in Korea was very bemused by it all.

Described as a YouTuber who "mainly does cooking and very occasionally World of Warcraft", they repeatedly questioned whether the gift was an "early April Fools' joke", asking if "this is the best that Microsoft can do?", before eventually throwing the Jenga set to the floor in somewhat comedic fashion.

The Xbox News for Koreans Twitter account criticised Microsoft for sending the Jenga kit "to a random influencer without any explanation", suggesting "there is no Microsoft employee in Korea who knows about Xbox and games."

As per Google Translate:

"Our Korean Microsoft, without knowing anything about it, just sent Jenga to an influencer who doesn't play Xbox or Microsoft games at all. You have achieved the result of being thrown away."

The streamer in question has since removed the clip from his personal YouTube and Twitch channels, most likely because they've realised the Jenga set actually contains countless hidden Xbox Game Pass codes!

What do you make of this? Give us your thoughts down in the comments below.