It seems like it's going to be a long time before Cyberpunk 2077 finally stops hitting the press in a negative way, as Bloomberg has posted a lengthy report talking to developers about the behind-the-scenes of making the game.
One of the most interesting parts of this report relates to Cyberpunk 2077's original April 16, 2020 release date, which left some members of the team scratching their heads, even making bets on when the game would be delayed.
"Fans were elated, but internally, some members of the team could only scratch their heads, wondering how they could possibly finish the game by then. One person said they thought the date was a joke. Based on the team’s progress, they expected the game to be ready in 2022. Developers created memes about the game getting delayed, making bets on when it would happen."
The report goes on to suggest that cancelling features and "scaling down the size of Cyberpunk’s metropolis" helped after this, but plenty of issues persisted, and as the launch date drew closer, "everyone at the studio knew the game was in rough shape", even after the game had been certified gold in October.
"When management announced in October that the game had “gone gold” — that it was ready to be pressed to discs — there were still major bugs being discovered. The game was delayed another three weeks as exhausted programmers scrambled to fix as much as they could."
What are your thoughts on this whole Cyberpunk 2077 saga? Tell us down in the comments below.
Comments 20
The more I see about Cyberpunk and the release situation, the more disgusted I am it was allowed to happen.
No apology made by the CEO is enough really.
Could of been avoided if they just scrapped last gen and made it for pc, ps5 and xbox series X
@UltimateOtaku91 Imagine the uproar if they had done that and skipped the Series S!
@StonyKL more of an uproar than what's already happened? I suppose the series S version would of the same as the X
Another interesting part of the Bloomberg report is this:
"Although Cyberpunk was announced in 2012, the company was then still mainly focused on its last title and full development didn’t start until late 2016, employees said."
So basically, they had only been working on the game full-time for four years, yet it was announced back in 2012. That's even worse than we thought because everyone thought the game would come out during the PS4/Xbox One generation due to that early announcement. If full development started in 2016, then they should've not only focused on making the game for next-gen only, but also released it later than 2020, i.e. 2022 as this article suggests. That's why it's bad to announce games too early when they aren't even in full development. This entire project was an absolute disaster right from the beginning, I can't even begin to imagine what was going on in the minds of the higher-ups.
I found it a good game, but after 25 hours I decided I wanted my refund anyway. It ran ok on Series X, but graphics looked like xbox 360 material at times.
After the game is running properly and has been updated for Series X I might rebuy, but for now I prefer to play other things.
Whats funny they originally announced the game for the Xbox 360/Ps4 they should have never announced a Series X/Ps5 Version
Wow, that's damning...
They thought it would actually ship 2022!
I played around 30 hours but then decided to put it on hold due to the many bugs that after all those hours were non-stop everywhere. I’ll eventually install it again once the patches are ready, there’s plenty to play so no big deal. Having said this, this has possibly been the worse launch in history and CDPR management deserve all the crap they’re getting.
Everyone keeps talking about the bugs, but it was clear from the beginning that players bought a content-incomplete alpha version. The AIs are all placeholders. The NPCs are are as shallow and lifeless as NPCs 20 years ago. Every review says the combat difficulty isn't balanced. Whole areas from the trailers are sealed off. It's nothing like The Witcher 3, though they said it would be as late as 2019.
It will be a good game when it's done. But that still won't be until 2022. And I won't pay full price since the execs continue to lie about it.
Can't stress this enough. Glad 343 didn't go this route. I'm skipping this game or buying it for dirt cheap, but cdpr can comeback from this with their next game. They have to. Can't believe c2077 got 12 user goty awards. Must be from pc gaming sites.
I remember Insomniac talking about how they rewrote the Sunset Overdrive engine to load faster on the PS4's hard drive with 3D model compression. Web slinging is faster than skating, and it also benefited the PS5 load times. Clearly CDPR did not bother with optimizing that until the end, and it shows.
Things like this will stick with them. Regardless of whether they fix Cp2077. I got to the end of the game, but didn't finish it as I found the main storyline boring. I will play it again once the next gen patch hits, but this is the last game I pre-ordered.
@LiterallyDoNotCare yeah, and even if PC as a game it really isn’t that solid anyway.
@hallower1980 yes, clear, but I think nobody expected that many bugs! The actual number of bugs you encounter in a let’s say 30 min run is completely ridiculous 😂
@LiterallyDoNotCare So on PC do the police still appear and disappear from nowhere? Are the NPC's still a dumb and characterless as the PS5 version? I have no idea how a game can win awards with quality this bad?
@Jacko11 He was only really apologising to the share holders as that’s all he cares about, because they keep him in his job with his fat salary and huge bonuses. Unless he’s one of those CEO’s that’s paid a dollar a year and instead earns millions in shares of the company.
I’ve been enjoying the game on my Series X but by God it’s buggy, the physics engine alone is a joke. It’s a shame as the story is really good.
oh my, Cyberpunk 2077 is worse then i expected, that why you should never anounce a game early, when you are unsure about it release date, very few developers like Nintendo can do this and make masterpiece after masterpiece, CD Projeck Red tried to be Rockstar and failed.
I remember they cut wall running out of the game fairly late in the day. I think it was too easy to use it to get past certain trigger points and so they took it out to cut down on the work they needed to do to finish it.
It would be nice if it could be put back in, although I suspect they'll just focus on fixing what's there now rather than creating new headaches for themselves.
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