
Topic: Starfield

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@Lavalera I wouldn't say it has diminished by enjoyment of the game as I absolutely adore it. The freezes may be due to the fact I quicksave A LOT and I tend to mash buttons to do it in quick succession... ups.
Other things like dropping from floors it only happened once where I was about to reach the night club in Neon and before the stairs I just landed on a hole in the floor and had to jump from it lol.
I would say the only really annoying thing for me is the fact that conversations happen in real time so you can be facing the back of the person or someone is in between you two. I much prefer how it goes in Witcher 3 where it just gets you to other part of the engine for example.


@Balta666 glad to hear that you still love it and the bugs arent that frequent. I also love it very much despite the flaws it has. Just like @themightyant describes it.
No idea how far i am it but i feel i have a lot of side and main quests to go. And am absolutely certain i will replay this game in the future again

PSNid: Lavalera


@Balta666 Going back and reading some of yours, and others, experiences.

I've definitely had quite a few bugs too. Crashes, long loads (minutes) where i'm questioning if it's stalled, some loads that do never end where the game has to be restarted, falling through floors, some truly wacky, and amusing, companion / NPC behaviours that were as meme worthy as Mass Effect Andromeda. But nothing that killed the game for me or blocked a quest. (Better than most BGS games so far)

The two most egregious to me, because they were slightly immersion breaking AND ongoing were:

1) Andreja's head completely vanished and it wouldn't come back, not with a load or a restart. Not the best thing to happen to the character you are trying to romance. lol

2) Vasco was floating randomly above my ships hull every time I took off and flew the ship in space.

I figured out eventually I could fix them by changing my companion off Andreja and back for #1, i've had to do this twice, and moving Vasco to somewhere else other than the ship for a bit for #2. I also changed ship, somewhere in the middle this got fixed. But it was a little frustrating and killed immersion a little.

Unlike you I also think the AI is atrocious. I've been using the Starborn power to see life, including through walls, and they just stand there like morons just outside a room - clearly waiting for an in-game prompt - while I murder their friends & colleagues. And often enemies just stand there getting shot while I shoot them. It's pretty bad imho. But I agree in the open they can swarm you a little if you aren't careful. Ultimately the combat is better than other BGS games even if the AI sucks. (Witcher 3 combat sucks in that area too, it's never been a strong suit in this genre, didn't stop it being an amazing game)

And yet little of this matters to me right now. It is a jank-fest at times, but I don't care much, BGS games always have been janky, it didn't stop me loving them before, it doesn't now. Not least now i'm over the hump and enjoying what the game DOES have to offer.

Edited on by themightyant



@R1spam The thing about these games is that you don't actually have to follow the main quest at all if you don't want. Its often just the starting point for a Bethesda game but if you just want to go off and be an explorer, a space pirate, a smuggler, settle on as many planets as you want or build the most agile or most powerful ships, you can. You can join factions or not, decide what character/role you want to play in that world. Its a 'Role Playing' game and you don't have to 'follow' the 'role' the Story pushes you along - although its often worthwhile as a 'starting' point, but many players either get 'distracted' from completing that main story line and end up going on their own 'adventures', discovering side quests or some other interesting thing that no quest would have led you too, or try to stay on the main story and then realise they have barely scratched the surface, visited a 'tiny' fraction of the map but at least now they have the 'freedom' to go and explore, become the Role they want to be in that world.

Its basically Bethesda saying 'this' is our storyline that will help you understand the world, the systems and who the main players in that world are, the factions and the politics of it but once you have done that (or if you prefer to go off and make your own 'path') then that may help you to decide what 'role' you want your character to be in this world. Not everyone wants to spend time building their own ship or base building, exploring and scanning every planet, joining any/some/all factions or want to be 'good' or 'bad' but the game allows you to. Sometimes, the 'best' experiences can be those you just happened to stumble upon and decided to do because it felt you discovered it organically - not directed to it or even told about it and therefore had 'no' expectations...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@Ryu_Niiyama Re:Ship that travels 28LY. Did you try editing your ship using the "Upgrade" option, not the more complex "Ship Editor". It's a simpler interface that allows you to just replace important elements like the GRAV DRIVE to more powerful models very quickly. That will likely get you over 28LY.

Anyone else finding there is just never enough capacity on the ships. My last had 2000+ and I was running out. It's hard to know what to keep and what to sell.

Edited on by themightyant



@Balta666 it's good to hear that all the faction quests are strong. I've only done a couple of Ryujin industry quests and just joined the freestar rangers so will dig some more into those and leave the main quest for a bit. I decided to change up my playstyle a bit, changed out my follower and become a bit more of a heel and I've already found some interesting quests and choices come out from being more sarcastic and selfish. I just tried to smuggle something and its already led to something really cool. @BAMozzy I totally get that, I never finished the skyrim main quest but enjoyed the dark brotherhood questline and while I finished fallout 4, the moments that stick with me are the brotherhood of steel questline or working through vault 114 in the metro. I guess I was really trying to tease out what folks favourite quest lines were that they would recommend finding (without spoilers), as the galaxy is so big, it would be really easy to miss something amazing!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


@themightyant if you go to your room in the lodge there is an unlimited storage wall safe, I keep all my resources there. Just take all from ship + run to lodge. Bed there to heal up right after.

The only downside is if you want to craft you have to take the materials out of the safe (the lodge has all of the fabricators in the basement).

Just means you can use a smaller cargo, but abit more faffing about.



@PsBoxSwitchOwner Yeah it's the faffing I don't like. Feels like a third of my first 10 hours was spent in menus or inventory management that's why I don't use the unlimited storage at the Lodge for resources. It just feels very clunky to constantly be swapping stuff between pots. I only use that locker for long term store for unique items, mostly armour, packs and weapons I might want to keep. It's better now I have a lot of credits and have realised what to pick up and what not to, but inventory is still a hassle.

I had another small janky bug I can't fix. I have a medium sized asteroid following my ship around, so anytime there is a ship animation there is an asteroid hovering with me. It's not the biggest deal but it is irritating and breaks immersion, one of the games biggest strengths. Apparently on Xbox there is no way to fix it right now short of changing ship, something I don't want to do as I just spent a fortune building and upgrading it. The only options seem to be:

  • Wait for Bethesda to fix it
  • Go back to an earlier save without the bug (probably lose 6+ hours)
  • Install on PC and use command console to hide the asteroid. Save the game and then hope the change sticks when back on Xbox

Hopefully BGS fix this one, and some of the other bugs listed above soon otherwise I will try #3.

UPDATE: Apparently this is a common bug but I won't be trying #3 as it disables achievements too.

Edited on by themightyant



@themightyant I’ve had numerous bugs/crashes, especially on loading screen where it’s kicked me back to the Xbox Home Screen, it’s happened over 10 times. In 70hrs.

Best one? I’ve just finished the story, rolling the credits and it’s just crashed me back to Home Screen lol.



@PsBoxSwitchOwner Wouldn't' be a BGS game with them. But it does make me question why they get such a pass compared to some other games and studios who would be murdered for some of the things i've seen, yet with BGS it's laughable. (Not saying they should, just that it seems a bit unfair on other devs and studios)

BTW the credits getting skipped is classic "that's not a bug, that's a feature" credits are too long nowadays, you won. Lol

Hope you enjoyed the story. Having messed around doing random adventuring this week I think i'm ready to progress some main and faction quests this weekend... until I get distracted again!



@themightyant oh I didn’t win. I had to watch them twice! Yes I dislike the ‘it’s good by Bethesda standards’. Should be held up to 2023 standard.

I have very mixed feelings on Starfield, slow start, good middle but by the end I was getting more annoyed with a lot of little features. (Such as inventory management) I probably went 8/10 > 9/10 > 8/10.

I will probably do a new game plus run through once some mods drop, as I think there will be some good QoL ones.



@PsBoxSwitchOwner I get that. I've slowly gone up in score from a 7 (or maybe even a 6 in the first few hours) to an 8 or a 9, but the more I play the more I like. It's just these frustrating things, especially the ones that seem solvable like bloody inventory management that hold it back. Can't wait to do the main quests as those have been brilliant so far, but i'm only early into each.

As to random quests has anyone done the one about the cult? I found a random ship in space and when I hailed it there was no response, I boarded and everyone was dead. There were hundreds of packs of tainted orange juice 'of the enlightened' (or somesuch) and each body had an invitation to the death cult and a note about their life and how they wanted to 'ascend'. Really enjoyed that, despite it's bleak nature I miss a lot of these sort of events with amazing environmental storytelling.

Edited on by themightyant



Disappearing down a sidequest rabbit hole and changing up my companion has got its hooks into me. I found some amazing armour and a new ship. It's so much better than the frontier, I can't wait to try it out!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


@Ryu_Niiyama you can put spoilers in a block by posting [/spoiler] and then when you are finished, same again without the slash. Guess I know which way they are going to make new game plus 😕

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


Got side-tracked again this weekend, but hit level 43 and completed the Ryujin questline. There were some interesting moments, but ultimately I was a little disappointed by it if i'm honest. It felt like a lot of fetch quests and didn't seem realistic at all. Why was I in ANY of the board meetings? or why were the board even listening to me, a junior operative who started last week? It just seemed very unrealistic and I couldn't suspend my disbelief. A shame as some of the individual writing and choices were interesting. In the end I convinced them to merge with the Infinity LTD and scrap the internal neuromod.

I also pushed on the with main quest a little as I want some more powers. So far i've only really used The original anti-grav spell which is seriously OP and Highlight life which is also OP when clearing bases/ships, as you can see everyone before you or they come round a corner. Aside from those i've been a bit disappointed by the other 5 or so I have, and hardly use them.

I also finally 'married' Andreja, though it's weird the moment I did I wanted to move to another companion to do their questline, which didn't quite feel right. Felt gamey.

I now want to concentrate on the main quest and faction quests. I'm not quite sure how I feel about being in the middle of the Crimson Fleet questline as it makes several other missions completely trivial. i.e. you go to a base filled with Crimson Fleet and instead of fighting your way through the base you just walk to the end as they let you by. It feels like skipping content, so perhaps I will concentrate on that.

@Ryu_Niiyama Be careful with spoilers please, everyone is at a different stage of the game.
Use [ spoiler]SPOILER TEXT HERE[ /spoiler] without the space before the opening bracket.

Edited on by themightyant



After 110 hours of playtime I finished the main quest yesterday. Did basically all sidequests that were available and played around a little bit with outposts and such, but i feel there still is a lot of stuff i didnt even touch yet. I barely explored planet and didn't decorate any houses or shipbuilding. If I did all that content I would easily pass the 200 hours I feel.

Except for the ending, which was kinda meh tbh I enjoyed the game. Sure it has its flaws here and there and around the end I had the game crash around 2 times or something, but besides those things it's an very enjoyable ride especialy if you take your time with it. I don't know if I will do New Game + or if I will move on to a new game and do a New playthrough at a later time, but I am happy with the game as it currently is

PSNid: Lavalera


I've finished the game last week and I'm already playing the New Game Plus. I loved the story, but in my first playthrough I had a major bug that prevented me from finishing the Crimson Fleet questline. Apparently that's a very common bug. It was heartbreaking because it was the very end of the last mission of that storyline. I tried to load a previous save, but guess what? It was glitched as well, so there was no way of proceeding without loading an even earlier save and lose many hours of progress.

I still love this game and cannot stop playing, nonethless. Hopefully I'll have more luck on NG+.


Xbox Gamertag: Magabro5382

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