
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🛢️Still Wakes the Deep🛢️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (Jul)

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just thought i would pop in and say hi as im playing atomic heart at moment about 10 hrs in Enjoying the game i love the setting its gorgeous havnt had any problems performance bugs wise. for me its more half life than bioshock its more about exploring getting from A to B and shoot a few things along the way than a shooter. it has its flaws is but i can overlook those as im enjoying it and theres always something new and interesting around the next corner

i know im enjoying it as i start playing next thing i know 3 hrs have passed and i think where did the time go



@NintendoByNature reviews look pretty good for Wo Long. I've never played a team ninja game but always thought nioh looked good. @ralphdibny my votes for April would be wo long and return to monkey Island. Hope your doing good buddy 👍

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


@R1spam I tried it last nigh. It is tough. Like Elden Ring tough. The issue I have with Team ninja stuff is the camera. Still contols like a early 360 game and has not really evolved.

Looks amazing and I can see it doing very well. Huge W for Game Pass.

GT - JohnnyUtah61
Nintendo - DarkFalco - SW - 1852-3950-9117


@R1spam awesome stuff. I've never been a huge souls fan, but this game looks amazing.



I have played about an hour so far of Atomic heart. Is the dialogue intentional? I dont get the feeling this is especially self-aware. The dialogue with your glove and other characters feels every bit as bad as the BS I found in the forspoken demo, maybe even worse. That dialogue and writing seemed to set the Internet alight, yet this hasn't garnered the same attention. I dislike the word "cringe", yet I can't think of anything better to describe my first experience of doing a weapons upgrade. You'll know what I mean if you've done one 😬.

[Edited by R1spam]

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


Ahoy gang! I'd love to get involved in this monthly game club! I was thinking of introducing it to the YT channel too if anyone was interested in that. I see Atomic Heart! Good shout 👏


Xbox Gamertag: HelloCraigo | Twitter:


@R1spam couldnt care less about the internet and its opinions yes the upgrade both dialogue made me chuckle with how weird it came across. the main characters dialogue isnt the best either but hey the games not perfect I like the game despite its flaws



I have been away of the country for a few days and will be back to some routine by the end of next week but I have played a bit of the game prior (like 2 or so hours).
I have mixed feeling at this point. The game took a longo time to get going and I got stuck on the scan tutorial because i was speeding the dialogue and misread double tapping RS as pressing LS + RS (but to be fair I found I was not the only one across the internet).
When the game got going I felt the game was hard, any fight would get my health back a good chunk and I could not be further from a fan of horror the sort of jump scares were getting into me, after a while I decided to lower the difficulty and since then I have been enjoying the game quite a bit. The new guns and upgrades are fun to use and the narrativa has not been on my nerves that much

[Edited by Balta666]


@HelloCraig hello mate, I've added you to the tag list. Do you Wana grab my gamertag off of @FraserG and we can have a chat about what you are thinking for the YT channel? (I don't want to post my gamertag on here😅)

Shoot me a message on Xbox and maybe we can organise something!

See ya!


@trev666 fair dues, I'm not adverse to purile humour, I'm just doing a substory in like a dragon:ishin where there is a women who is super into phallic shaped veggies and needs you to deliver them. 🙈 it just seems the dialogue doesn't fit with what's going on in the world the whole way through, like P-3 doesn't care about what's going in the world, so why should I? You literally stop to ask someone a question then tell them to ***** off. @Balta666 I've not seen as much chat about it but hey by the very nature of the Internet, I guess it depends where your looking! In many ways, if the dialogue had been just average, I suspect I would have bounced off this already but (as I think its weird but your mileage will vary and others might really enjoy it), maybe I want to play some more now, even if its from a rifftrax-like style interest!

[Edited by R1spam]

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


@HelloCraig I'd be interested depending on scheduling. I am East Coast United States.

My Nintendo: Daemonrunner
PlayStation Network: Bioflare
Steam: Bioflare

Xbox Gamertag: Bioflare


finished atomic heart this morning and over all i enjoyed it an am glad i played it despite its flaws. Loved the setting and design and exploring and the story was good in the end but it waited too long to connect the dots with a massive story dump just before the end of the game that made everything clear.

I did both the endings they were underwhelming



@ralphdibny I’d like to vote for Crackdown 3 for April.

I have been thinking about the game recently for whatever reason. It was a a fun game.

It’s nothing game-changing, but it did have everything that made the original game enjoyable.

Plus, it’s a nice change of pace from just picking the latest high-profile GP release.

My Nintendo: Daemonrunner
PlayStation Network: Bioflare
Steam: Bioflare

Xbox Gamertag: Bioflare

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