
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - On Indefinite Hiatus

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@Balta666 I mean, I don't know anything about the game... I may have up-played the horror aspect to try and get it to fit the Halloween theme....

See ya!


I am still on Fenyx Rising, but I must be approaching the end now, I have the northern area and central area to do now.

Can I vote for Plague Tale Requiem please @ralphdibny



Cheers all, votes added. I also added Portal 2 for consideration because I guess most people got it as part of GwG.

@Lavalera I might leave brutal legend up there anyway as it's been retroactively made an Xbox Studios game, ya never know it might get picked one day. I'm certainly interested in trying it at some point!

@HarmanSmith I've played a few FMV games both as a kid and in modern times. I played Night Trap as a kid (it was an import on Mega CD - had this weird mega drive cartridge that allowed it to play) but also as an adult when it got a Switch port.

I've also played Late Shift and Erica. I preferred Late Shift because I think I was more interested in the topic of the film but I thought the main actor in Erica was really good even i didn't like the game she was in as much.

In terms of Retro games I've played in modern times, I played Dragons Lair when it got a Switch port (unlimited continues ftw ๐Ÿ˜…) and also I played a Power Rangers game through emulation - not sure if this was a Mega CD or a Saturn game but it was pretty awful. It was just an episode of the show with no branching narrative. It had button prompts and your success in hitting them only resulted in a higher score with no effect on the narrative itself. I guess like a rhythm game or something?

For some reason, I did get addicted to buying physical FMV games on Switch from Limited Run so I have Night Trap, the Dragons Lair Trilogy, Double Switch, Corpse Killer and I think one that's called American Hero which is still "in production" so it hasn't arrived yet.

Still waiting on Switch releases of Ground Zeroes Texas and Plumbers Don't Wear Ties - not sure if that last one can even be called an FMV game though! Looks like it's mainly photos from videos I've seen

See ya!


@ralphdibny you're right since it's a double fine game it probably won't leave gamepass. And if you're a fan of Jack Black and it Metal music you should absolutely play it. I was sometimes just driving around in the car when a great song was on the radio just to listen to it lol.

Considering the fmv game. Are most like immortality? Like searching for clues in certain scenes or are there also some more choice based like for instance As Dusk falls or Life is strange. I played like 2 hours of immortality now and the atmosphere is grabbing me but I just randomly click Persons or object which I think will help me, but I still have the feeling that I don't know what im doing lol. That might also be since it's my first time playing one.

[Edited by Lavalera]

PSNid: Lavalera


@Lavalera haha nice, I'm a fan of tenacious D at the very least. In terms of metal, I like a lot of the classics but I wouldn't say I'm a metalhead and know all about the more modern sub genres.

I've not played/heard of any where you search for clues in scenes. I think the only ones I've played have been like "choose what you say"/"choose what you do" type games.

Tell a lie, I've played through the original X files game on PlayStation and that was a point and click style game with FMV. I loved it even though it's clunky as hell. Had to use a guide at some points, especially this warehouse level where you have to find a clue which is like a tiny spot of blood in a warehouse that is comprised of like 50 or so grainy and heavily compressed videos of different areas of this warehouse

See ya!


I have finished Immortality and definitely don't see how can anyone call it horror in any capacity (or that it has jump scares ...).
I still have a few scenes to unlock (from the number I checked online I am missing some 10-15%) but I have seen quite a few of the "special characters" and in resume I don't understand what people see in it. Apart from one ending that was quite interesting (and that was not even the main one), it is just a bunch of scenes of B style movies. The most old one is specially boring imo.



@Balta666 haha from not playing it at all to being the first person to finish it ๐Ÿ˜‚

See ya!


@ralphdibny Thanks for the answer m8. I know there are some available on gamepass and ps plus. so if im looking for a shorter narrative type of game i can always consider to play the FMV games as well.

PSNid: Lavalera


@ralphdibny well not exactly this time as there were a few that finish the game prior to the month itself



I've just played the first 30-45 mins of immortality and I'm really impressed by the quality of the acting so far. Im not typically an FMV guy, the bits of FMV games ive seen have felt pretty schlocky. I'm away on hols for a couple weeks so doubt I'll get much chance to play but will try and catch up later in the month.

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


I decided to get a month of GPU with my rewards points so I could play Sable before it leaves the service. So I will be joining in to play Immortality once I've finished Sable!

See ya!


Quick tip for folks who might play on pc gamepass, you should definitely play with a controller rather than mouse and keyboard!!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


I donโ€™t really know what Iโ€™m doing!



@BaldBelper78 I will add that one thing is not exactly explained well is that rewind is an important feature so anytime you watch a scene that feels "off" try to rewind to see if anything different happens. Also feel free to to fastforward the scenes if you're getting bored, in the end you just need to get lucky and unlock the scene you want

[Edited by Balta666]



@AgentCooper hey coop yeah it has always been game pass games, occasionally games off the service get voted for but so far none have won the votes.

The list of games to vote for for November is in the post linked to in my signature, you can vote for any game though and I will add it to that list.

We definitely won't play any game that's been played in this thread already (list of played games is in the first post of this thread) and we tend to go for (but not exclusively) shorter games of up to 20 hours. A 100 hour RPG isn't going to work if somebody is working full time and only has a month to play the game in. I normally let longer games into the vote but they've not often been selected. I think the longest game we've played is the first Mass Effect which my Xbox app is telling me I spent about 56 hours on which includes time I spent in the menu and paused if I was having dinner or doing something else

Anyway, welcome! Glad to have you and I'll add you to the tag list ๐Ÿ˜€

See ya!


Edit 2: I've decided the spoilertag some of this post because I don't know how much of it is a spoiler...

Well I've been playing Immortality tonight for about 4 hours. Just watched two songs. One sounded a bit like a Devendra Banhart song!

I think like others, I am struggling to understand this game. I mean I get it, I understand what's happening and I've seen enough of the footage and secret footage to understand what it's about but when does it end? Is it clear when it ends or do you just keep going until you've seen every video?

Even though I managed to trigger some (what I will call) alt-scenes, I only realised in the last hour or so that you have to roll the analog stick to trigger them if they just look like overlayed images.

i've seen a full interview with our scary lady, had to press back and forward at the end of each clip to trigger the next clip.

I've unlocked a few achievements, mainly for clicking on 3 of something or 4 of something.

It is a bit scary, I think the first time I saw a ghostly apparition on a rewind, it freaked me out and then it kept freaking me out but then I realised that's what I am looking for so it stopped scaring me.

Anyway, I guess I'll keep playing (when my partner's home and with the lights on) tomorrow night. I think my plan for when I either trigger some kind of definable ending or when I think I'm coming to the end of it is to just review all the clips in semi fast forward and roll the analog stick whenever I feel the rumble. That should "complete" it and trigger all the scenes I hope.

I have kind of been using fast forward a lot anyway, I'll slow down for interesting bits of scene.

Edit: lol I just pressed back to exit the game and it was like "End of Tutorial", I forgot I was even in the tutorial, I must have just kept playing it haha [/spoiler]

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@ralphdibny the main objective is to know what happened to the woman and when you are at that scene you will know it. I don't remember if you get end credits after it but you get a reward. However you can keep playing to find all scenes (not sure if that unlocks something special as I could not get to it)



@Balta666 @Clankylad ahh cheers that's good to know, last night I did see the clip of Marissa dying which is the main reason I asked I guess. I guess that's probably close to the end, I don't think I did the analog stick fandango on that clip though.

Today I've just been doing what I said I'd do which was review all the clips for analog fandango. But I've been favouriting all the clips I have reviewed whether they have fandango or not so I don't go back and try and fandango them again. I've been breaking this up with just clicking on things to try and get more clips to review. Been doing the obvious like clicking on the actors, also been clicking on candles, keys, crosses, lights, ashtrays, blood etc. I just click through on the same item in every scene until it starts recycling the scenes. If new scenes appear that are earlier in the order then I know I haven't done the fandango on them because they aren't favourited!

I read the About section on the main menu too thanks to your tip in an earlier post clankylad. Actually made the context of my actual "character" in the game make sense lol

See ya!

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