
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🛢️Still Wakes the Deep🛢️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (Jul)

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BTW, I have finished Immortals. So, here are my finals thoughts...

Immortals was, I think, unjustly compared with BoTW, and maybe alienated many players, because the critics said this Ubi title was a "BoTW of lesser quality". But no! This one's a great adventure game. It reminded me of a time long gone when a much younger version of me thought Ubi could do no wrong, with all their Splinter Cell and Rayman games (oh boy, I was sooo naive). So, I would describe Immortals more like a funny take on the Assassin's Creed formula than a BoTW clone.

I tend to agree with @Banjo-. Immortals is one of my favorite games of the last few years! It plays nice, the combat is fun, I loved the characters (maybe the humour isn't everybody's cup of tea, but nevertheless is a nice change of mood in a sea of hyperserious games - you know which ones) and the graphics and art style are cool.

Now, of course, it has some flaws. Like @LtSarge said, there's so many dungeons and puzzles and to beat some of them may take sooo long! This is one of the "negative" aspects of the AC formula: it may seem that the game is so bloated with content. But, of course, this is relative: in my playthrough, I could progress without doing much of the puzzles and dungeons. So, if you want to go all the way, you can go and beat every side mission and puzzle, because most of them are fun, interesting and challenging, if a little bit repetitive. But, if you don't feel like it, you can't skip most of them and still beat the game. I know I did .

So, that's that. Loved this underrated game, and I hope Ubi will do a prequel/sequel because this new IP surely deserves it, despite all the "BoTW clone" claims.

And thanks to everybody for the warm welcome, this one is my first game on the Pure Xbox Game Club!


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


@Lavalera Thank you! I wil check it that one out. I remember one Fist of the North Star game on the NES. IIRC, it was one when the enemies exploded when you hit them. If I am honest, that one sacred me (I was a child back then)! I didn't know how the game was called, until some years ago and then I found about the manga and the new games in the series.


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


@HarmanSmith I completely agree with you about Immortals. It's very important to note how wrong the Breath of the Wild clone claims are, and I have to disagree with LtSarge' complaints, because a large part of the map is optional and to have those optional elements is positive because they are good quality. The vaults where you get something for the gods are like full dungeons and the puzzle vaults are very satisfying. Combat and exploration are rewarding. I have almost completely these areas: Clashing Rocks, Valley of Eternal Spring, War's Den and The Forgelands. I have maximised the stamina and I'm about to maximise the health bar. I could play the rest of the game without doing any more vaults or collecting ambrosias but I won't, and it's not because they have a different purpose now but because I will play the rest of the game as I have played it this far, enjoying all the quality content it has to offer.

The only things that I could criticise are Zeus' jokes and the weird accents but that's subjective. The rest of the gods, Hermes and Fenyx are great. I'm playing as male Fenyx and he's a very likeable character. To compare this game to BotW so obsessively is a mistake. I don't care what reviewers and fans say, I'm a huge Zelda fan myself. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are three of my favourite games ever. Immortals has elements from many games, from several genres, just as BotW, but BotW doesn't do much for the gameplay, the content nor the story but focuses on dull exploration and the occasional clever use of physics and elements.

My only doubt now is if I should get and play the DLC, because opinions are mixed.



@Banjo- Of course most of the stuff on the map is optional - it's an open world game. It's just like how there are all kinds of things you can do besides the main story in games like GTA, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed and so on. But just because it's optional doesn't mean that you're not allowed to criticise it. After all, it's content offered in the final product. It's for the same reason why people dislike Assassin's Creed because the worlds are cluttered with meaningless collectibles. These collectibles are also optional, yet the series gets a lot of flack for including them, which is completely understandable.

You can't expect people to play an open world game and ignore what's available to them. Of course I'm going to do vaults and solve puzzles in order to improve my character and make progressing through the story easier for myself. In other words, I'm doing what the game expects me to do. You complete vaults/puzzles, get rewards, upgrade your character, rinse and repeat. That's the formula. The issue isn't the rewards, the issue is the objectives, which are repetitive and long-winded.

If you tell people that it's okay that objectives are repetitive because they are optional, then that doesn't really sound like an open world game worth playing now does it? Kinda defeats the purpose of playing it then if you want an open world experience.

[Edited by LtSarge]



@LtSarge Yes, you have said your opinion before and I respect it, all I said is that I have to disagree with you.



Really interesting to skim over people's thoughts of this game and I am glad to hear the BotW comparison has turned out to be exaggerated. It really didn't look like BotW in the trailers!

@HarmanSmith cool, I added the vote and Gona change the thread in a bit!

Fist of the North Star is good but then again I loved the Yakuza games which it is almost a complete carbon copy of. In fact, I started playing it because I wanted to play a Yakuza game without starting a full series of in canon/slightly out of canon spin offs!

Yes, lots of people explode in this game too, it's probably the main difference between this and Yakuza 😆

@Banjo- wicked, I'll leave Yak 0 up there to vote for for a month or two anyway. Yeah unfortunately we definitely won't repeat any games. Would just get a bit silly if any are repeated as we only play 12 games a year. But you are more than welcome to discuss previous month's games here or start a new thread. I think the only scenario where games could end up being repeated is if this thread lay dormant for some years and somebody wanted to revive it with entirely new faces taking part.

See ya!


@ralphdibny I didn't ask for games to be repeated so I don't understand that part and the part about making a new thread. What do you mean by that you will keep Yakuza 0 for a month or two? Everybody can vote or suggest games for any month. If you want to, you can update the list for October, so everybody can see what game will be chosen, which will be the game with more votes, obviously. I haven't seen that list but perhaps it's there somewhere.



@Banjo- no beef intended, I was just replying to your earlier comment.

Banjo- wrote:

@ralphdibny I checked the whole list of Game Pass games and my vote remains. I wanted to suggest Psychonauts too but both games have been part of the thread before. I'm glad that you liked Yakuza, I haven't played any title yet. If it's not selected I'll probably play it anyway, or Psychonauts...

I didn't say you asked for anything. List for October is in the post linked to in my signature. List for November will be posted when I update the thread. Most games stay on the list for a while but I will generally cull the list every few months and the candidates I cull will have had little to no votes and are normally sequels if the previous games haven't been played as part of this thread, multiplayer focused games and long games (25 hours+). Of course someone can vote for a culled game and I will add it back to the list. I cull the list because I do all the administration for this thread in my free time and a really long list is harder to manage.

All I meant by discussing old previous month's games is that you are welcome to do so in this thread or you can create another thread. It's up to you. Play psychonauts and discuss it here or start a new thread to discuss it, it doesn't matter, either is fine.

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


ralphdibny wrote:

you are more than welcome to discuss previous month's games here or start a new thread.

ralphdibny wrote:

unfortunately we definitely won't repeat any games. Would just get a bit silly if any are repeated as we only play 12 games a year.

I think that you are misunderstanding. What I had said is that, after checking the Game Pass list, the games I wanted to play were Yakuza 0 and the Psychonauts titles and, because Psychonauts 1 & 2 have been played here, I chose Yakuza 0. I have discussed games on this thread that I had played before they joined Game Pass, Quantum Break is one, so that's nothing new. Of course, I'm free to comment on other threads but I don't think it's necessary to suggest opening new threads unnecessarily. We have the "Currently playing", the "Recently played" and the "Game Pass" threads, more than enough, in my opinion. Three threads dedicated to games that we are playing on the site.

In short, I was not complaining about anything, I was just suggesting a game. Immortality will win the poll this time and I will at least try it. That doesn't mean that I won't play other games either and I'm still busy with Immortals, anyway.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@Banjo- yeah that's fine, no worries.

probably could do with a Psychonauts thread now that it is made by an Xbox studio 😀... Maybe one will pop up if they make another sequel!

See ya!


@ralphdibny I checked and no, there's no Psychonauts thread but I won't create it because I haven't played any of the games yet. Perhaps, somebody that have played wants to do it. I don't know what game I will play after Immortals but I want to try Immortality since it's getting chosen here. Is it like Late Shift, an interactive film?

[Edited by Banjo-]



@Banjo- looks like an interactive film but I briefly read about it on Wikipedia and it sounds slightly more involved than Late Shift. Maybe a bit more like Erica without the annoying control scheme

See ya!


@ralphdibny Not the gamey style I usually like but because of the good reviews and being part of Game Pass I can't say no to try it.

[Edited by Banjo-]



Hi all and welcome to Game Club's selection for October: Immortality.

I had a brief read about this game on Wikipedia and it looks to be an FMV game (ahhh those were the days) and also looks to be horror tinged so it's perfect for October's spooooooky selection.

Please use spoiler tags when discussing spoilerish moments of the game. You do so by typing your spoiler between spoiler tags like this: [spoiler]insert message here[ /spoiler] and removing the space between [ and /

Some HLTB Stats:

Main Story - 6 Hours
Main + Extras - 9 Hours
Completionist - 16 Hours

Tag list, please tag me and let me know if you want to be added or removed. I think I've picked up everyone who joined this month but please just post and tag me @ralphdibny to let me know if I've missed you or if you want to join!

Also please let me know if you change your username, I might not notice and you won't get the notification (equally let me know if you have changed your username to get away from the notifications and I will delete you off the tag list 😆)

@Tothington91 @MAC26 @XBontendo @Justifier @LtSarge @Tjuz @nessisonett @crippyd @Krzzystuff @sib @Ryu_Niiyama @LeanerFasterStronger @cracked_seal @Mr-Fuggles777 @Mundaney @KilloWertz @antifyre @Magabro @themightyant @ZeD @K1LLEGAL @Balta666 @Bmartin001 @Banjo- @R1spam @lookupmore @Dusk_Actual @Lavalera @frabbit @djshep1973 @FraserG @WCB @TooBarFoo @SeriousSatan @xMightyMatt14x @Clankylad @BaldBelper78 @TuckNorris85 @Grail_Quest @Jsb5150 @Mamabear @liljazzy2 @Dydreamr @XFinest_KnightX @Elufachi @Amical @Supermutant @revluke @Akropolon @olskoolSEGA @HarmanSmith @Dr_Devious04 @AgentCooper

Ok so now, votes for next month.

  • Tag me in a post with your vote(s). (Just hit reply on one of my posts or write @ralphdibny)
  • Write your votes in bold (put two asterisks around it) and try and keep it separate from any paragraphs.
  • One line will do, "My vote is such and such a game(s)"
  • Feel free to make the post longer but try and keep the actual vote separate from the main body of the text and at the top of the post next to my tag @ralphdibny
  • Vote for as many games as you like!

The votes reset every month and start from Zero. Feel free to suggest new games and I will add them to the list and count your vote toward it!

Amnesia: Dark Descent -
A Plague Tale: Requiem - 4 (lvlra, hmnsmth, tcknrs, mightynt
Brutal Legend -
Conker's Bad Fur Day/Live & Reloaded -
Crysis -
Fable Anniversary - 1 (coop,
It takes two -
Kameo: Elements of Power -
Maneater -
Ninja Gaiden Sigma -
Ori and the Will of the Wisps -
Perfect Dark -
Portal 2 -
Rage -
Sable -
Signalis - 1 (ltsrge
Sniper Elite 5 -
Trek to Yomi - 1 (hmnsmth
Tunic - 1 (coop
Undertale -
Yakuza 0 -
Yoku's Island Express -

If you have another game you'd like added to the list then let me know and I will add it with a vote from you!

I will link to this post in my signature so you can just click on my signature to get back to this post and see the list of games and current votes!

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


Please try and let me know if you change your username, it's not always easy for me to spot and I don't think you get the notifications if I have your old username in the tag list

See ya!


@Banjo- should be ok. I think the good thing about FMV games is that they are usually pretty short. The bad thing is they hinge on whether you like the movie you are interacting with. My movie tastes don't always align with my game tastes!

See ya!


I'm curious about immortality. Held off on playing it because I had a feeling it would be chose on here. Never played a fmv before so curious to try it. But I better do it asap as at the end of the month we get plague tale requiem, scorn and persona 5 on gamepass and then we have all the new releases as well.

@ralphdibny you can remove brutal legend as far as I'm concerned I was the only one voting for it recently and played it in between already. Vote for November will be A plague tale requiem, think that one just makes the most sense since most people will probably play it anyways around launch.

PSNid: Lavalera


I am on the same boat as @Lavalera, since I have never played a FMV game before.

So Immortality will be a nice change of pace.

@ralphdibny so my votes for November are A Plague Tale: Requiem (since many will play it day one, I think) and Trek to Yomi.

[Edited by HarmanSmith]


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


@Clankylad Thank you for the tips! Indeed, I try it on day one, and I didn't understand much of it (to be fair, I played it for around half an hour ).

On a related note, I will try to play Immortality on the cloud from start to finish, just to see how it goes!

[Edited by HarmanSmith]


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith

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