@Walrus_Slapper that's interesting, I am in the middle of Gears 5 right now (late to the party, I know). I found Gears 4 to be pretty boring myself, but 5 seems much better paced. It still doesn't hit the heights of the original trilogy, but it's better than 4!
@Walrus_Slapper@rpawlos15133 that is a shame. I played gears1-3 for the first time earlier this year and absolutely adored them. I am looking forward to the rest of the series but now I know it may well not be in the same calibre
Started Sword Art Online Last Recollection today. After playing the demo this week I decided to buy it. Never watched the Anime or played any of the other games but it reminds me of the Ys games. The style and combat kinda feels like that.
@rpawlos15133 Right so I begun to play Gears of War Ultimate Edition a few month ago when I first got my Series X. Given the available games on the platform and my current priorities Iam not sure if or when I will finish the game. Guess I will let the community know if/when it happens though.
Have been playing Lies of P and having a blast. It is fairly simple in terms of maps (I prefer the metroidvania style of the OG dark souls) but the combat is good and even the story is cohesive unlike Souls games. Bosses tend to be a bit in the tanky side to my taste but with the help of the specters is manageable (even to someone that cannot do a parry to save its life...). I am about 15h in so should have still a few hours to go.
I bought the Game Pass-ed premium edition of Forza Motorsport last week and haven't even delved into the online multiplayer yet. I have been obnoxiously addicted to Rivals/hot lapping. Every night I've spent a couple hours trying to get better times as well as try to get better at driving without assists asides from ABS.
Really fun game, despite its shortcomings. The one thing I'm truly displeased with is the lack of a stats/driver history page. I really hope they add it swiftly. Just doesn't feel like a Forza game without it. I truly can't stand not having it in the game.
I need to jump on online multiplayer to try to get my safety rating up. I wanted to, before the game pass release, to potentially avoid a bunch of rammers in races, but that ship sailed.
Started Unpacking tonight. I have been meaning to start this game for awhile now, it's been on Gamepass for about a year now but never got around to it till now. It's a nice little indie game where you unpack stuff and figure out where it goes. Because of that it's basically a puzzle game but as you complete each level it tells a part of the story.
Overall a nice pallet cleanser of a game and also a good game for getting achievements if you are into that.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
Just finished up the third chapter of Batman: The Telltale Series. It's essentially a visual novel with a bit of action in the form of Quick Time events as I believe most of the Telltale games are - Only other one I've played is Back to the Future on PS3 and from memory it didn't have quite as many QT events. The story seems oddly familiar - I think it's an original story but seems to be borrowing quite heavily from various comics and movies. I haven't read enough Batman comics to say for sure though.
The game has quite a few graphical glitches even though I'm playing on Series X - mostly just textures taking a while to load (or not loading at all), but the two that stood out most were one character having missing hair, so her 'head' was hollow with just a neck and face and there was another instance where a character didn't appear for a whole scene. The camera kept cutting back to her during a conversation but she wasn't there and just showed the background. It's pretty rough in that sense, but overall quite enjoyable.
I started RE8 last night. Its actually terrifying and heart pumping with all these Lycans running amok. I absolutely love the Gothic setting and of all the RE games, I'd say this is perfect for the Halloween season.
@Tasuki I keep hopping off of it. For some reason it hasn't grabbed me like the GBA metroidvania games. I'm also playing it again so I'll try to make some decent headway this time.
Topic: Now Playing on Xbox Series X|S
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