Earlier this week, the publisher behind Xbox Game Pass title Let's Build a Zoo revealed that the service appeared to have helped with sales on Nintendo Switch, with a "notable number" of people telling them that they bought the game on that platform for portability reasons - based on their experiences trying it on Xbox Game Pass.
"We've had a notable number of people say to us, 'I played it on Game Pass, then picked it up on Switch because I wanted to play it on the bus/in bed/on the move,' etc."
"The cross-promo between Xbox and Switch has been insane on this one."
And ultimately, some publishers like Take-Two appear to have used Xbox Game Pass in the past to try and temporarily entice sales, keeping Grand Theft Auto V on the service for just a few months, for example, before removing it.
The question is, how often does Xbox Game Pass actually encourage you to buy its games? Have you ever bought anything after it's left the service? Do you buy Game Pass games anyway to support the developers even further? Perhaps you buy Game Pass games for other platforms like Nintendo Switch, PC or even PS4/PS5?
We're interested to know, so feel free to tell us in the poll and comments section!
Comments 53
I never buy gamepass games, the main reason I got my series s was for it to be a pure gamepass machine and planned not to buy any games at all. But I broke that rule to buy fifa 23 and dying light 2 last weekend lol. But I won't buy any game that's on gamepass, I don't see the point.
I enjoy the GamePass discount, though I prefer to own physical copies of my games. it'd be nice if there was that option as well via Xbox/GamePass
Hades. I bought Hades on Amazon after playing for 20 minutes on GamePass. Initially played it for a gamepass quest and fell in love lol. Didn't think twice about it and was well worth it. The devs deserve the Green
The reason I really like Gamepass it's because I feel it like a Netflix, I take the game, enjoy it for weeks, and thats it.
And about the plataform, always Xbox.
The only games i Buy in others plataforms are the exclusive games like Mario and Zelda in Nintendo, etc.
I never buy games while they’re on game pass, that seems kind of pointless. But if it went off of Game pass, I might pick it up if I really enjoyed. I do, however, buy dlc more frequently for game pass games. “Okay, I didn’t have to buy the main game, so I’ll support by getting the dlc.”
I actually seem to wind up buying quite a few games off GamePass, usually indies on my Switch, but I've gotten a few PC games as well, mostly for my Steam Deck.
Yeah, i only buy those when they’re about to drop off gp. The discount is a nice incentive! Caught a few pearls with that 😊 always xbox. Very rarely switch (when there is no performance difference)
I've bought Outer Worlds and Control after playing them on Game Pass. I feel like there's another game I bought after playing on Game Pass, but my memory is failing me. I don't do it a lot, but I will pay for games I want to make sure stay in the library and when I simply want to support the developer.
I try to complete games I want to play while they’re on GamePass. But I do buy games that have a lot of replay value like Hades.
Take two really needed gamepass to help sell GTA 5 🤣
I've picked up a couple, World War Z, with the aftermath add on, Second Extinction and The Anacrusis. Usually pick up the early access ones on sale, they qont be on game pass forever so if it's good and enjoyable, may as well pick it up to play it at my own leisure
might buy Persona 5 even though it will be on GP as feel like might want to support it on Xbox.
It depends for me. I won't buy a game while it's on gamepass for my Xbox, but I will buy it before it leaves Gamepass. However if I would like a physical version I will buy it on the Switch as well.
I tend to pick up some games before they leave the service if I think they're well and truly worth owning and supporting. I've recently bought Hades, Procession to Calvery and Bug Fables for example. Great games which I found a shame were leaving the service in the first place.
I've bought a few before they leave, like FF7, just to own a legit copy of it. I mostly buy dlc for first party though, for games like Fallout New Vegas when I replayed that, knowing it would always be on the service, buying the dlc seemed like a fun thing to do for a definitive playthrough.
What I don't understand is the people who say "buy it to support the devs." Downloading and playing it are metrics xbox keeps track of. The devs are supported by the check they get when they put the game on there. By being a member and playing the game, you are supporting the devs.
I could see if you're hopping in and out of the service that buying games at a discount could make sense if you feel like you're getting your money's worth. Not for me though, I'm never leaving
The Surge 2, Remnant from the Ashes, Strange Brigade. I bought the DLC when they were on Gamepass and bought the base game after they left.
It depends, when it’s a first-party game I don’t because we know it’s gonna be on the service forever but if it’s a third-party that I really liked I buy it on a discount while it’s still on Game Pass.
I bought Terraria (while it was still on Game Pass) and Stardew Valley (which is still on Game Pass). I'd buy 7 Days to Die as well if it was a bit more clear when/if it would be receiving updates for Xbox.
Unfortunately this will be seen by Sony loyalist and further push the narrative that most if not all Xbox users only "rent" games and thus the brands short on third party niche support. Not saying the conversation shouldn't be had but the poll alone is more than enough for them to go off on. I know I'm definitely batting 75-80 percent on my gamepass use then buy ratio including Day 1 and post completion. Doesn't hurt to support something you like....
I've not paid for Gamepass yet 😄 there's been nothing that I've played on there that I want to play again, that'll probably change down the line but I've not bought anything yet
The only ones I have bought so far are Hellblade and State of Mind. I'm with the rest of the guys. If it's on GP I won't buy it most of the time. That's why I'm paying for it right?
I bought several ones while they were on gamepass. Ff 7 to 10, all the Yakuza games, 7 I bought before it came to gamepass, shadow of war, witcher 3, arkham knight. Mostly games I liked very much and are likely to leave gamepass ( or already left at this point) which I wanna play again. The one and done game I usually don't buy, but a 3rd party with a high replay ability or with some great dlcs, sure I don't see a reason not to buy them, since I won't buy dlc for a game I don't own
I’m very frugal so if a game I want goes on a good sale, I’ll buy it. That way I have it even if it’s not on Game Pass. There’s very few games I pay for regular price but if they were on Game Pass, I doubt I’d buy it then.
If I really love the game and it's a long one, I'll buy it (AC: Origins, Odyssey, Yakuza, Mass Effect LE). I prefer Game Pass for more short ones and just ocassionaly a long one. If not, I kind of feel rushed.
I'll double dip at times, for instance when Power Washer Simulator drops on Switch, I'll buy it a second time for the hell of it.
Some GP titles I've owned on PS4/5 such as the Yakuza series, which I love so much I just waited for a sale and purchased them outright, not downloading them once since I knew I'd like to keep them in my library (No PS in my house anymore).
Then there's gems like Prodeus, which had a blast trying out on GP, but buying it on Switch rather than XSX since I'd rather play that with background noise on the TV.
Hi there fellow gamers.
Since I prefer to have physical copys of videogames in general, I do purchase Game Pass games, but so far only Xbox exclusive games such as Gears of War 4 and 5, Halo Infinite and FH5.
I might just grab the Gears of war 360 games and the Halo Master Chief Collection as well.
Sometimes, I might even double or triple dip with some games, like the Mass Effect Trilogy wich I have on Xbox, PS5 and PC.
Cheers, stay safe good people and all the best
My problem is that, by the time I know if I'll really like a game I'm unsure about, I'm far enough in that I won't want to switch platforms.
So if I started a game on Game Pass, I'd probably be inclined to continue playing it on Game Pass.
There are some games I'd just prefer on Switch, though, even if they went to Game Pass. Like Omori. Didn't even bother downloading that, since I know it's a game I'll want to play on my SWOLED. But I also have issues paying more than $30 for something that's freely available on another platform. So I end up just not playing it at all.
I guess, in that sense, it has sort of the opposite effect on me.
I buy games that are on GamePass that I enjoy playing when they are about to be delisted. This way I can still play the ones I like while getting the 20% discount.
I usually buy multiplats on PS5 or Switch before Xbox. Mostly because I prefer the Pro Controller and Dualsense over the Series X controller, even though I like my Elite Series 2.
GamePass is great because it gives me a reason to play games I otherwise probably wouldn't (Beacon Pines for example). It's nice to play games day 1 (Prodeus, Scorn, A Plague Tale 2) and pick up physical copies when the prices go down.
First party I don't and prob never will buy due to length of time on the service, but 3rd party games I may pick up on a discount or if I want to support the dev team on Xbox (Persona 5 Royal and Eiyuden Chronicles come to mind). Despite the improvement there are still a number of Japanese games missing from Xbox.
never they are on game pass
I bought Lumines, even tho I have it on Switch. Switch is purely handheld for me. I had a $5 credit from Microsoft, so I just took the plunge.
Thinking about it some more, if tetris effect connected or slay the spire ever leave the service I'll definitely buy them. Stardew Valley, probably as well. There's just certain games I feel are essential at this point.
If I love the game and it’s third party, I’m likely to buy it so I can play it in the future even after they leave GamePass.
Some games I buy twice! Cross Code I ended up buying digitally AND again physically for Switch.
I no longer buy any Xbox first party game.
Its all about game pass for me, I dont buy games on xbox, but I have bought some Forza dlc.
With both switch and ps5 games being expensive, I tend to spend my money there, as often gp means im not short of a title for the series x.
3rd parties tend to be bought on ps5, merely because I prefer the controller, like haptics and use gyro when the game allows. I realise many others prefer xbox controllers and would therefore buy 3rd parties on xbox, its just personal preference. In my case my wife dislikes xbox controllers a lot (they feel 'nasty' in her hand?), so that has an influence too.
My fear has always been that a service like gamepass ensures I'll never buy a game, and whilst other factors are also at play, this has turned out to be the case for me.
It's not unheard of from me but usually it's a no.
Forza horizon 4, Shredders Revenge (Switch physical version), Deaths door (that one wasn't on game pass at the time but I think it was obvious it was coming and I still bought it), one or two others on switch where I had them for free thanks to gold points but usually if it's on games pass I'll just play it there. Works out cheaper.
If the game-on-Game pass is good and I like them I will get the retail one, so I have it for life or I can then get some money selling it on.
I use Gamepass (which I only use when I can find a cheap deal, I’ve never paid full price for it) as a ‘try before you buy’ facility. The fact that big games often release day 1 means I can play a game, perhaps finish it once and then look for a cheap deal later on if I really want to own it. For example I played Doom Eternal day 1 for nothing, kept going for a bit and then waited until I found a cheap deal to own it physically (I don’t have a huge number of physical games for the system but there are some that I want on disc). Ended up getting it for £5 sealed about a year later then took advantage of a sale on the dlc to get that for £6. So thanks to Gamepass I was able to try a game properly, dip in and out for a few months, then get the full game (which at time of release plus dlc would have been £70+) for £11. It’s a great way of saving money.
And that’s not even discussing the number of indie games I have played thanks to it that I would never have taken a chance on paying for before playing them!
Games pass for 1st Party, then buy for the full / DLC if really enjoyed it on all. All multi platform on Xbox. Exclusives and 1st party PS5. All old / retro games are physical for both platforms and older PS hardware, even though available as subscriptions…
I buy games that I’ve played and loved on Game Pass to help support the developers.
I have bought a couple of games just to have the Physical Disc version if/when it leaves Xbox and they were 'cheap' on sale. Its not the 'normal' for me as most other games - like the Medium, Gunk, Great Escape etc I had finished them within a few days of trying and knew I wouldn't replay so pointless to buy.
As for Platforms, I am actually buying less on Playstation these days as I am never desperate to play a game at £70 - especially as I can play countless games for 'free'. Whilst they may not all be the same scale, budget or length, I'd rather play these whilst waiting for prices to drop but because I'm spending more time in the Xbox ecosystem, buying more on Xbox too...
Game Pass for me is a big money saver so I never buy games that are already on it.
If I had more money, I would love to buy physical copies of games I love to support the developers. But I’m not in that position.
If you plan on always staying subscribed to Gamepass I don't see a need to ever buy a first party game again or games from studios they buy only third party ones and indie titles would be worth buying if they have any replay value long term as many probably play the game once and have no reason to go back because they have already seen and experienced it all. That's why I think the likes of EA and Sony have it right by not adding their big new releases day one so they can get sales beforehand from those that really want to play it. It also says a lot if people are using gamepass to try a game before buying it on a different system instead.
Rarely but it happens. I'm all digital on Xbox, Playstation so my physical collection is on Switch. If theres a multiplat indie with a physical release and its on Gamepass I always try it here first. If I like it I add it to my Switch collection. I've done this with Slay the Spire, Children of Morta, Bloodstained Ritual of the Night and a few more games.
I buy all of my games and mostly try to avoid digital stuff if I can. Full priced digital I never buy unless it's something that's going away and I want to have it on my account. Probably in the minority here looking at the poll results but it is what it is.
if you count using rewards points as buying a game then yes i buy games. If they leave gamepass and i liked the game i buy them with reward points when on sale
@Hypnotoad107 same here it does get me to buy more dlc
Usually buy on switch unless it doesn’t go to switch. But Gamepass often introduces me to game that I normally wouldn't try/buy.
I have not bought a single game on my Xbox Series X.
Game Pass has been plentiful.
Let's see... Psychonauts 2 (digitally last year, and now the iam8bit collector's edition), the entire Yakuza series, Dragon Quest XI, Resident Evil 7, Fallout New Vegas and its DLC, Forza Horizon 4's DLC (but not the main game), DOOM 1 & 2, Quake, Elder Scrolls Online, and Void Bastards.
Plus there are a fair number that I had before they hit Game Pass, some that I've been meaning to buy, and some that I expect to come to Game Pass (Activision titles, mainly).
At one point, Microsoft said something about Game Pass users spending more in the store on average than they did before (I think that was the metric, anyway, but it may have been comparing Game Pass users to non-Game Pass Xbox players), and for me that has definitely been true.
@UltimateKGB I'll pick this up physical so they keep releasing Japanese games on disc. Have done it for Klonoa and a handful of other games. Wish Xbox did more physical releases period haha
If you mean do I buy them when they have just joined Game Pass, no almost never, but sometimes I will buy a game if it is leaving Game Pass, has left, or I think I won't get round to it.
But a lot of that is due to my circumstances, I don't play on the road a lot, i'm mostly at home and always have access to my gaming tv. If I commuted a lot for work, travelled a lot, or didn't always have access to the TV I could see myself buying a lot more on Steam Deck/Switch.
@UltimateOtaku91 if you have ultimate fifa 23 would be on gamepass in about 8 months or so.... technically you bought a future gamepass game....only game i bought cause of gamepass was Forza 6 but thats right before it was taken off due to i bought addons so i wanted the game to keep playing time to time..
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