Xbox exec Jason Ronald was recently named the 'VP of next-generation' over at Microsoft, with the Xbox Series X|S architect now spearheading the team's next-gen console plans. Given his new job title, then, it's probably good news that Ronald seems to think that Xbox consoles are here to stay.
Between his undoubtedly busy schedule over at Microsoft HQ, the Xbox exec has been browsing Twitter, the poor sod. Anyway, you do see a good post over there every now and then, with Ronald seemingly agreeing with YouTuber Deadly Headley's recent analysis of Xbox's future.
In that analysis, which we covered here at Pure Xbox, the YouTube channel rather eloquently shared their take on Microsoft's new 'This is an Xbox' ad campaign. In that video, the host talked about Xbox diversifying its platforms these days rather than ditching any one method - something that Ronald clearly agrees with.
Xbox fans are Xbox fans, so of course, they've spotted this little bit of Twitter activity and shared it for all to see. It might not be a substantial bit of information about the next-gen Xbox itself, but it's still good to see that the person leading these next-gen plans clearly believes in Microsoft continuing to support game consoles in future.