If you've been enjoying your time with Warhammer 40K: Darktide on Xbox Game Pass so far, you'll be glad to hear we're getting a free two-part update - the first portion arriving later this month, and the second arriving in December.
Known as "The Traitor Curse", this update celebrates the first anniversary of the game's release (on PC), and November's "Part 1" will feature a new zone and mission, an Inspect feature and upgrades to the Veteran Talent Tree.
Here's the full rundown:
New Cinematic: Learn about the motivations of the Moebian 6th and discover The Carnival, a new disreputable zone promising transgressive distractions and entertainment.

New Zone & Mission: Strike at the heart of the Moebian 6th operations and fend off hordes of enemies in Mercantile located in The Carnival.
Inspect Feature: take a gander at players’ loadouts within the Mourningstar.
Update to Veteran Talent Tree: enjoy many changes and tweaks made to the Veteran tree, including the addition of Keystones (due to these changes, Veterans will see their talent tree reset and players will have to re-assign talent points).
Meanwhile, Part 2 of the update will follow in December, and we don't yet know what it'll include. More information on this will apparently be revealed over the next few weeks. Neither part has a release date yet either, so we'll be sure to circle back around when "The Traitor Curse" goes live on Xbox consoles and PC in the near future.