Talking Point: Will You Be Buying The Early Access For Forza Motorsport?

We're now just over a week away from the next major first-party Xbox release! Forza Motorsport drops on Xbox Game Pass on October 10th, but the early access actually begins five days earlier on October 5th.

That early access package is available through the Premium Edition of Forza Motorsport, which can either be picked up for the full price of £89.99 / $99.99 or the upgrade price of £26.99 / $35.99. The latter doesn't include the base game in the package, so it's targeted purely at Xbox Game Pass members.

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In addition to early access, the Premium content includes a Car Pass, Race Day Car Pack, VIP Membership and a Welcome Pack, so you do get some extra in-game content compared to the standard version as well.

The question is, is it worth the money? Will you be spending some Xbox credit (or Microsoft Rewards points) to start playing Forza Motorsport next week, or are you happy to just wait until October 10th for the Game Pass release?

We'd love to hear your thoughts down in the comments section and poll below.

Will You Be Buying Early Access For Forza Motorsport? (722 votes)

  1. 100%, I'm definitely getting it!29%
  2. I'll probably be tempted to, yeah9%
  3. I'm not sure yet to be honest8%
  4. I doubt it, but you never know11%
  5. Nope, not interested!43%