Capcom's new dino IP Exoprimal is making its debut on Xbox Game Pass next month, and we've been treated to another lengthy look at the game thanks to Capcom Asia.
This time out, the team takes a deeper dive at the inner workings of the title, including its overall gameplay loop, the way character creation works and how Exosuits can be upgraded to create different builds that affect gameplay out on the field.
In truth, this game looks pretty bonkers - but it also looks like good old fashioned fun. What's not to like about jumping around sprawling maps in high-tech Exosuits blasting away at loads of dinos?

Anyway, the title is coming to Xbox Game Pass day one on July 14th, and we're quite looking forward to giving it a go. Capcom's new co-op shooter looks like it could be well-suited to post-launch support too, so hopefully this one keeps our attention on Game Pass for months to come!