343 Industries has finally added the much-anticipated Forge mode to Halo Infinite, but the feature does have a few limitations in its present form. Not only is the mode currently in beta — with more Forge features to come — it also requires a constant internet connection to play around with.
Past iterations of Halo Forge mode have not contained such requirements; a fact that's made some Forge builders question the need for it to be online. In response, 343's Forge Lead Designer has explained why the mode needs an online connection to function.
A lot of this goes over our heads to be honest, but the sheer scale of Halo Infinite's Forge mode is impressive, and we can see why keeping player builds online would be a good idea. Fortunately, following reports of players losing progress over the past few days, the amount of time you can remain idle has now been increased to 12 hours.
We've had a play around with Forge ourselves since its release, and although we're not at all proficient when it comes to actually building stuff, we've found some cool community creations so far. Here's a handy guide if you want to explore what's currently available in Halo Infinite Forge before 343 implements a server browser: