343's senior community manager John Juyszek has published a new post over on Halo Waypoint outlining the upcoming update for Halo Infinite. It's targeting a release date of 24th February.
There are fixes to the game's campaign, anti-cheat system, BTB features, stability and performance, and more. Here's the full rundown:
- next week’s update will add new telemetry that specifically focuses on gathering more data around instances of being shot around walls or corners. It will also have targeted improvements to reduce rubberbanding around vehicles and vehicle debris. This work will help us as we continue to improve the online experience, but it does not signify the end of the road.
First-Person Animations
- This update should address an issue that was preventing first-person animations from interpolating correctly. If you’ve ever spotted some framerate issues while clambering or reloading (or any other first- person action), you should see those run more smoothly next week.
Campaign Improvements
- We’ll see multiple improvements in the Campaign experience. Whether it’s addressing issues with Achievements unlocking or returning to the game via Quick Resume, the team has been working on a handful of fixes for campaign since launch and there will be more on the way.
Stability & Performance
- We’ve been keeping a close eye on reports around stability and performance on PC and console. This update will have a few improvements, but we’re continuing to address opportunities found internally and through tickets submitted via the Halo Support site 34.
BTB Motion Tracker
- Next week, the range of the Motion Tracker in Big Team Battle will be increasing from 18m to 24m. This has been a consistent piece of community feedback in BTB, especially since the update earlier this month, and we’re happy to make it a reality with this update.
Anti-Cheat Improvements
- We mentioned this earlier in the year, but we wanted to touch on it again – there will be multiple improvements to our anti-cheat systems in this update. We’ll have even more to share about anti-cheat in the near future.
That's apparently just a "taste of the improvements" landing next week - with the full patch notes to be made available on Halo's support site, when the update goes live.
There'll also be changes made to the ranking system next week, which you can learn more about in our previous post.
Will you be checking out this mid-season update? Leave a comment down below.
[source forums.halowaypoint.com]
Comments 14
Unless there is some 'new' Campaign content, I don't think I'll bother checking out the mid-season update. Since completing my Legendary run through, I have little desire to 'replay' the whole story again and the MP doesn't appeal at all...
@BAMozzy there’s no new content here. Looks like stability fixes for both campaign and MP.
I wish we had an update on a roadmap. It’d be nice to set expectations.
@ParsnipHero I didn't expect them to add any Single Player content to interest me at this point in time. I know some are waiting for the option to play co-op and it would be good to have 'mission' selection options too but as I have collected everything and completed the game on Legendary, until they add 'more' content, I've 'finished' Halo:Infinite as far as I am concerned.
Anyone know if they fixed the washed out/too bright cutscenes in the single player campaign?
@BAMozzy yea, I don’t expect anything new story wise until next year if I’m honest.
343 have shown they’re really struggling to get anything out in a timely fashion. Feels like a miracle we’ve even got what we’ve got but sadly that now feels like a bit of a bargain with the devil. Whatever team is left to build in this game is either too little or too inexperienced with the engine to produce results which they can relay to the community.
I beat campaign on Heroic and got all the collectibles. I can’t see myself going back until we get level select.
Cool. Zero new content and vague micro improvements to enhance the user experience.
Sounds good. Looking forward to the rest of the changes. I don't think I'll have the time to check out the improvements as now I'm playing Cyberpunk and after that Horizon and Elden Ring but I'm pumped to see Season 2 in a couple months!
Eh. Another good (tiny) step in the right direction but I’ve long since deleted Halo Infinite off my Xbox….something I didn’t expect to have done already.
@ParsnipHero I don't know what's going on with 343 but I did hear that Halo:Infinite was a very difficult game to try and make - at the same time as trying to make a 'new' game engine because Halo has basically been built on old Bungie engines with bolted on tools, years of 'quick' fix solutions to solve a 'problem' that then has knock on problems when they try an build a new game on top etc. They were even considering swapping to 'Unreal'
A year ago, the game was a LOT 'bigger' but so much more messy, buggy and lifeless and Joe Staten, when he game in, scrapped '2/3rds' of the game (hence its only 1 biome) and got the 'team' focussed on making that 'area' great to play in. Those Marines you rescue that follow and help and add to life in the world was something 'he' added as before, they just stood still after rescuing. In the end, taking a 'year' to focus on that 'area', making the game run smoothly and feel great to play, whilst also looking 'ok' was what they decided to do and if anything, that has proved to be the right decision.
I hope Joe stays at 343 as I think he has more understanding on what makes 'Halo' great and going to keep the focus on what's most important instead of letting ambition run uncontrollably. Sometimes, Devs have more ambition than they can 'deliver' with the hardware, have such enthusiasm and passion that Publishers may believe they can deliver and/or lose site of the important things. If H:I was 3x larger for example, that's either going to spread things out a lot more or you'll have many more of the 'same' activities to 'tick' off - so not necessarily beneficial to be so ambitious with world size...
@BAMozzy yea, agreed on all points. I’m more interested in the multiplayer side which started pretty strong but showed cracks and again is missing a lot of features.
I hope the devs can resize the game’s potential. Right now I have little hope for the season 2 deadline. :/
@ParsnipHero I think they need a good Studio head to keep them on task and focussed on the 'task' ahead. Its actually quite amazing what they managed to achieve in just a 'year' of focussed work to turn around what they had into a 'releasable' state.
They may of had to 'scrap' and/or delay some of their plans but what they did release was still solid and relatively stable at launch. The mechanics are still 'fun' and that 'area' we got to explore was decent, even if it wasn't that diverse. It gives me hope that with the right leadership in place, they can actually make a 'great' Halo game - something many questioned after Halo 5 and the number of years it took for MCC to be in a 'good' state. This is the most 'Halo' game made by 343 in my opinion.
@BAMozzy yep, I agree from a MP standpoint too. I think people just want more as like with the campaign people agree is a good start but it’s definitely barebones compared to other games in the series.
@ParsnipHero I can't really comment on the MP but it does seem to be 'bigger' than Halo CE & Halo2 released with - I could be wrong as I haven't really played a lot of Halo's MP over the years.
The campaign to me felt much 'bigger' than a lot of campaigns you can buy these days. Halo 4's was short to me but then I spent a lot of time doing all the activities in the world, finding all the collectables and 'enjoying' the many different encounters.
All in all, I have 70hrs of Playtime (70hrs 3mins according to my stats) and at most, 1hr of that was spent just trying the MP. Which in all honesty isn't too bad - I spent 70hrs getting the Platinum on H:ZD on its hardest difficulty, 60hrs on God of War getting the Platinum on its hardest difficulty setting so 70hrs on doing 'everything' in Halo Infinite on its Legendary difficulty (bar the speedrun, LASO run and 1 achievement) seems about the 'same' size.
Yes its not that big or as Diverse environmentally compared to some 'open-world' games, but its still not a 'short' or 'small' game considering most SP content is at most 8hrs long but with little reason to spend time other than following the story path.
It does set up an obvious sequel instead of completely resolving everything like most other games tend to do. Its a lot more difficult for CoD or BF to end without resolving everything because they won't necessarily be followed up by a 'direct' sequel. AC, FarCry etc jump to different eras/characters etc. Both Gears 4 & 5 also ended with obvious 'sequel' coming vibes too.
Anyway, I'm sure that a LOT of what may of been 'scrapped' to bring in the focus and ensure that 'area' was as 'good' as it was may well be used in the future to build upon the start they made. I'm at the point where I wouldn't mind them using that 'scrapped' content to make DLC for Halo Infinite but I also want them to focus on their (or anothers) Game Engine as its clear the old one is not adequate and be looking towards the 'next' gen Halo. Maybe they can do both!
Did this come out? I’m playing through infinite for the first time and noticed it started from fresh rather then quick resume yesterday but don’t recall seeing it getting an update.
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