Gaming is at its best when everyone comes together. No console wars, no rivalries, just everyone appreciating and enjoying games across all platforms. While we do specialise in Xbox news, that doesn't mean we're opposed to playing on other systems. In fact, we own quite a few others ourselves. But of course, brand loyalties exist, so seeing the director of PlayStation's esteemed God of War series excited for Halo Infinite is a refreshing sight.
Cory Barlog, the mind behind the recent God of War reboot on PlayStation 4, shared his purchase of an Xbox Series X on Twitter. Not only that, but Barlog added that he's "waiting" for Halo Infinite. Of course, the official Xbox Twitter account couldn't resist throwing a cheeky reply back, adding: "Aren't we all."
This isn't the first time in recent months that Barlog and Xbox have crossed paths. Following the delay of the God of War sequel "Ragnarok", Xbox boss Phil Spencer congratulated Barlog on his leadership skills in deflecting criticism away from his team. It's always heartwarming to see companies come together rather than spark more fanbase rivalries, and just like Balrog, we're also very excited to finally play Halo Infinite this December.
Are you as excited as Cory Balrog to play Halo Infinite? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 23
I love the comradery in the industry itself. I wish actual gamers were less toxic about everything.
It's okay to like Sony. It's okay to like Microsoft. It's okay to like Nintendo.
I can wait in anticipation for God of War Ragnarok AND Halo Infinite AND Metroid Dread AND Horizon Forbidden West AND Forza Horizon 5 AND the sequel to Breath of the Wild AND Gears 6 - darn I have a lot of waiting to do! LOL!
That’s the thing with gaming, we always seem like we are waiting 😂. More so lately I guess with delays of games etc due to circumstances.
@GamingFan4Lyf like you, owning all 3 is the true way to game
@UltimateOtaku91 It's a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you never miss out on any experiences. On the other hand, you are almost in a perpetual state of backlog fatigue.
@Dezzy70 Ugh, tell me about it. Stupid [expletive] COVID. True "next-gen" has pretty much been delayed until almost 2023 at this point.
Welp, that's it, GoW2 is going to get reviewbombed on Metacritic by PS fanboys declaring Cory is a sellout! Guess Guerilla will have to pick up all those '22 GotY awards.
Bad enough the guy was getting death threats and had to jump in to take the heat for the employees after delaying the game.
@GamingFan4Lyf Liking Sony is ok. Liking Nintendo is sometimes ok but other times not. Liking Microsoft is never ok! Liking Microsoft leads to liking Game Pass, and liking Game Pass leads to the END OF THE INDUSTRY!!!
The backlog now is nothing. Everything in existence releases 2022. At full price, 2022 would cost the average "enthusiast" multi-console gamer, like $1700 just to buy games they've waited years for!
BREAKING: Mature adult who makes cool games like to play cool games regardless of what system they're on. In other news the sky is blue and grass is green!
@NEStalgia You're right; I'm sorry. I am going to delete my account on Pure Xbox and hope the servers containing this site and any backups it may have burn up in hellfire. Where was my head thinking I should like Microsoft? Gracious me! And how dare everyone here even comment on this garbage?!
Am I doing this right?! LOL!
God of war coming to Xbox confirmed!
I love owning all three. It is so nice that I can look forward to playing any game I like, regardless where it is coming to.
Now Xbox is usually my go-to for multiplatform games, but Nintendo and Sony have also their own must play exclusives that I don't want to miss.
So in my house, the XSX, PS5, and Switch all share a joyful spot, next to each other.
@GamingFan4Lyf Especially since Microsoft has
nobadinferior games, has that lying Phil that pretends to be a gamer. I much prefer handing over $100 every time I press Continue. I want to support the devs! Except Cory. Fudging Xbox sellout. And Yoshida, too. Traitors, ALL OF THEM!@GamingFan4Lyf That list of games you mentioned is literally my looking forward too list. High five.
I'm waiting for Halo and God of War Ragnarok!
@FriendlyOctopus game pass day one. People would loose their minds.lol
@thenewguy There would be riots. Pushsquare would become a terrorist organisation
I like that the comments above highlight the definition of console wars, but from a sober and distanced view and in the spirit of “gaming first”. Refreshing!
@FriendlyOctopus I think Push Square just needs to split into like "Push Square" for normal fans, and "Push Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Cross, Circle, Square" for "those people." Normal PS will have like 95% of the current community who can happily talk about gaming and criticisms and even (gasp) other brands in a happy and fun way. PSTTCXCS can have that circle jerk of the same 5% of humorless people that all agree on everything so long as it's blue and actively search for the Impostors.
Least he's excited.
Of course he is, he's a gamer first. Works for a Sony studio second.
@NEStalgia Honestly I think there's a similar proportion of fruit loop fanboys here on Pure Xbox than there is on Push Square. It's just there's typically a lot more comments, and probably more users, over there making it far more noticeable.
Thankfully there's an ignore button to remove the most toxic or tiresome voices and make the sites more pleasant. It's not a perfect solution, but it sure makes visiting either site more enjoyable. (my ignore list is similarly sized on both fwiw)
It's not really helped that both sites like stirring the pot for engagement too, often without much on the other side. E.g. there were several posts HERE this week on whether Bethesda titles were coming to other systems, yet none on Push Square asking if they were... "but like a guy on twitter said it so we made an article". They KNOW what they are doing, these posts attract 2-4x the amount of engagement. Same over there. It's the world we live in sadly. Harmony usually does not equal clicks.
@themightyant IDK, I haven't see the same kind of fanboyism from anyone here. There's a few people that are definitely the hardcore fanboys, but none that go as far as celebrating Matrick, which is pretty much were the PS fanboys are with the PS equivalent. And much less of an aggressively combative/ganging up approach in comments. Maybe it is just because there's a lot less of them for now as you said.
Similar with Nintendo, I mean NL has a pretty deep Nintendo Defence Force that will celebrate every time they get flipped off by their corporate tribe with the same tenacity as the deepest blue fanboys but.....it still comes across as less aggressively hostile where there's a pack of piranhas circling waiting to expose anyone not a True Fan(TM) like the worst of the comic nerds. You can participate in NL and PXB, say something negative about the Sacred Company, and you don't get the sense that the room is about to pile onto you for daring to defile the sanctity of The Brand. On PS, that's a visible element. Heck, take a look at the way Sammy gets ripped apart every time he has a negative story about a nasty thing the company did. That never happens here, and while Damo takes his share of heat on NL, usually it's not about saying something negative about Nintendo policy, but about his clickbait/flame fanning etc in the article. On PS, Sammy gets piled on often every time he has a negative about Sony story. Kinda feel bad for the guy.
Imagine if Gavin or whoever wrote the article here about the Gold price hike got attacked like that? It's just a really different atmosphere. The fanboy element of PS acts like gatekeepers to enforce the flow of comments and ensure the one truth of Sony superiority gets out. I never really see that here or on NL regarding Switch, even among the obvious fanboys. Ironically where I've most seen it on NL is from the Sony fans any time Sony is mentioned.
That's why I avoided PS at all during the PS4 era. Bad as the problem people still are, the mood is actually a lot better there than it was a few years back, so it's easier to navigate without focusing only on the Sony Defense Force. But it's still a more guarded mood than PXB and NL.
I do remember when 360 was the toxic one and PS3 was chill. With PS4 the toxic elements of the 360 fanbase moved to PS4 and became the toxic PS fanbase. It's really the same people and their interns. That might be what I'm angriest at Jim Ryan about. If he keeps sinking his ship, those toxic trolls will wander back here and kill the happy place.
I haven't actually ignored anyone to date. I've had 3 arguments on NL that ended with the threat of an ignore, but were resolved before it got to that. I'm not sure ignoring and just not seeing the conversation really helps the flow of things. Seems awkward to drown out people that are annoying, especially when there's a large number of them, unless they start getting directly abusive unsolicited. It's too easy to shape the conversation into an echobox of confirmation bias with the ignore button, so I really will only ever use it, if I ever do for actual problem people rather than just annoying ones.
Hah, yeah, I do agree on the clickbait though. I can even see the one about Bethesda titles, but when 2 days in a row I load PXB and the front page features Alloy....yeah, that's troll bait.
@NEStalgia I guess we all have our own experiences and people / groups that rub us the wrong way. Personally I've seen the worst abuse and team bullying over on NL.
I agree using the ignore feature isn't the perfect solution but much like capitalism it seems like the least worst available
Also agree about the potential for an echochamber, but if all you are doing is muting 2-3 annoying trolls I think it's OK.
You make a fair point about the piling on Sammy, doesn't seem right at first glance. But he DOES post the largest number of "engagement enticing"/click bait articles. He knows his audience and like a moth to flame they respond, at the end of the day i'm convinced he's aiming for it to a degree. But i'm glad someone is holding Sony to account over there.
Lastly I know you and I don't see eye to eye on Jim Ryan I'm not interested in rehashing this argument yet again. As you know I don't see him as Satan's spawn/Matrick. He's been very successful for Playstation both in Europe and now worldwide. Hard to call it a sinking ship when by all metrics PS is massively up and continuing to grow. Though I like you don't like the direction he's taking, I don't see him as the beginning of the end either. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
Happy weekend gaming.
I'm ready for it, too.
It's all a ploy. Phil Spencer acts like he's friends with all the competitors to gloss over the fact he is heading the least successful gaming company. Cory knows GOW is going to have way better visuals than Halo so it's a subtle reminder that his product is better in terms of production qualities. It's not random chit chat
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