During this year's Xbox's Gamescom showcase, 505 Games and Point Black Games announced the action RPG Stray Blade for Xbox Series X|S.
It's coming to these systems in 2022 and is described as having both "Metroidvania" elements and "Souls-like" combat. The player is tasked with fighting for their freedom, as they explore ancient ruins, search for all sorts of treasures materials and weapons, and survive battles against legendary foes. Here's some backstory:
"Embark on an unforgettable journey and discover the story of Acrea and its ancient legacy. Reveal the whole history that turned the peaceful valley into a place of war, death, and tales that have been passed down by the world’s greatest dynasties for centuries. Use this knowledge to destroy the relics of the past and restore peace in the war-torn valley."
Time coupled with your actions also plays a part:
"Change is part of your journey where your actions leave a mark in the world. Revisit the places of a former victory and experience the changes you brought to the world. But beware! Your actions will lead to even greater challenges. Time keeps moving forward even if you die and this can result in a unique set of circumstances you could be forced to deal with."
Does this look like a game you would be interested in playing? Tell us down in the comments.
[source news.xbox.com]
Comments 4
Interested in playing??
Why yes, yes I am 😁
This game is not released yet and it looks old already
@Michu2951 the user interface to me especially looks old/outdated or low budget. Hope they revamp that.
This game looks interesting. A lot of comments comparing to Kingdoms of Amular.
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