Sea of Thieves is packed full of wonderful little surprises across its many oceans. From quests, to throwbacks to classic games - it's packed to the brim. The latest update, which introduces a Pirate's of the Caribbean crossover, also features another reference to a classic game.
Be warned: There's spoilers ahead.
Still with us? Okay cool. The Easter Egg was picked up by Kotaku, but we actually managed to stumble upon it ourselves whilst achievement hunting. It's not to hard to find and involves you using the lighthouse in the first mission of A Pirate's Life to light a hidden brazier. Once done, you'll be able to stumble into a shipwreck featuring a unique secret.
But what is it? Well, it's in fact a throwback to Monkey Island! It has Rare's own rendition of the theme tune, a decorated interior, and journals to find which reference the classic game. It's a fantastic addition and most likely the result of the Rare and Disney collaboration, since Disney effectively owns the IP since acquiring Lucasfilm.
If you want a full rundown on how to complete it, the video below will show you the way. We recommend using it to find the correct path, but then experiencing the Easter Egg for yourself. We'd love Monkey Island to be introduced as a fully-fledged crossover in the future. Maybe one day...
Have you stumbled across this cool little Easter Egg? Let us know in the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 4
I really need to jump into this - the fact it's a completely isolated experience from other players is perfect for me.
I truly hate it when I am minding my own business trying to do the Tall Tales and some [expletive] comes along and kills me and takes my ship only to have to sink it and then respawn on some island miles away from where I needed to be.
I hate people - especially in online games.
@GamingFan4Lyf yea that’s what keeps me away from touching this game. I know for its current base pvp is a big part of the game, but I have limited time to play games and don’t feel like having all of it wasted because someone came out of nowhere and ganked me.
I would love if the game had either safe zones or servers with opt-in pvp rulesets we’re the player needs to turn pvp on (like WoW.)
I've been enjoying it. Did jump out of a game to be attacked by folks trying to plunder my ship and someone trying to help me, me then scrambling about to find a head set realising my son had put them on his teddy upstairs.
Anyway... Goosebumps when I hear Monkey Island theme. If Guybrush is in the game I would flip. We so need Microsoft to get double fine the rights!
A new Monkey Island would be most welcomed!
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