We get it. The Games with Gold offerings have been pretty poor in recent months - especially compared to the superior PlayStation Plus selection. Sure, we have Xbox Game Pass, but that's besides the point. It's still a service people pay for and customers are beginning to feel a bit turned away from it. That being said, this month has offered some great little gems, one of which is the fantastic original Xbox title Conker: Live & Reloaded.
If you've ever tried Rare Replay, you may have already checked out Conker's Bad Fur Day, but with Conker: Live & Reloaded you're essentially getting a full remake of the classic Nintendo 64 title. Admittedly, some things have been lost in translation, mainly due to a massive amount of unnecessary censoring. It's perhaps the worst point about the newer version as some of the original vision of Rare's insanity is lost - but there's still so much good in here.
Now that we've got the bad out of the way, let's focus on the positives. One of the biggest is the excellent version available on next-gen systems. The game was originally made an Xbox One X enhanced title, bolstering it up to 4K, but the Xbox Series X|S goes one step further. With the addition of Auto HDR, the world of Conker: Live & Reloaded comes to life unlike ever before. It's stunning, even for a 2005 title.
The vibrancy delivered in Auto HDR essentially makes the game feel like a remaster of the remake, and makes the Xbox Series X|S the definitive place to check it out. It's as if a crude and loud Pixar film has come to life. Conker himself looks absolutely wonderful, with brilliant fur physics and expressive visuals. If you were ever disappointed by the direction Rare took with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, then this feels like a classic platforming adventure from the team - complete with the looks you'd expect from a modern day release.
It still plays like a dream, too. Rare's classic platformers feel timeless, considering the Banjo-Kazooie series is just as joyous to play. Jumping feels tight and precise, the level design is consistently inventive, and the way Conker: Live & Reloaded constantly changes up its gameplay mechanics through a ton of pop culture references never gets old. The classic multiplayer is still there in the form of bot battles (unfortunately the Xbox Live servers are now closed), meaning you can continue the fun long after the credits roll.
It's a crime we never got another Conker game (no, Project Spark doesn't count!), but the fact that this remake feels entirely fresh through the incredible magic of Xbox backwards compatibility is the next best thing. Even playing it in 2021, it feels just as good to play as it did back in 2005. With Rare Replay also being an option to play the original game, Xbox feels like a great home for Conker, celebrating his history with two brilliant titles. While the Nintendo 64 classic is the best version narratively, there's a ton of fun to be had in Conker: Live & Reloaded, so don't miss out while it's free with Xbox Games with Gold until July 15.
Will you be checking out Conker: Live & Reloaded? Drop us a comment and let us know.
Comments 24
I wish they would let Rare go back to these days with B&K game, imagine it developed for series x.
Does the game have achievements by chance?
No, due to it being an OG Xbox game.
This game is still brilliant today, its a shame about the censorship but overall still much more playable than the original these days and I love auto HDR on some of these older titles, Panzer Dragoon Orta is another that looks pretty spectacular with it. Plus Series X smooths out the few performance issues even the One X had at 4K
@blinx01 Thanks, didn’t know if they added them in with these upgraded titles or not.
Sea of Thieves is one of the most stunning games ever. I would love Rare to return to Banjo-Kazooie, Conker and Viva Piñata because the potential is huge and it's exactly the kind of games that Xbox lacks.
@BlueOcean every time I play Sea of Thieves I'm blown away by how good the water and the lighting looks
Blimey, that does look good. I'll have to check it out. The original Banjo is like a comfort blanket, I've completed it a bunch of times but am always be up for another go (imho it blows Mario out of the water) but I've never tried Conker, or even Banjo Tooie! I'll get installing...
@Residentsteve01 Honestly, I don't really mind that Rare isn't making these games anymore as long as Microsoft lets other studios make games with their IPs. We got a new Killer Instinct last generation, a new Battletoads came out last year (which was amazing) and a new Perfect Dark is being made now with one of Microsoft's most promising studios.
Granted I do think that Microsoft is focusing on the least demanded franchise revivals. I'd rather see a new Banjo-Kazooie and Conker, especially when Spencer keeps stating that he wants to see more family-friendly games on Game Pass. Although Conker isn't family-friendly, but at least Banjo is. Either way, now that we've gotten Battletoads and Perfect Dark, the next one should be either Banjo-Kazooie or Conker, and I'm willing to bet that Banjo is getting a revival next.
I've always preferred the Nintendo 64 version to the Xbox remake. But those screenshots do look quite lovely!
@Dezzy70 From what I can ascertain, it's not a case of Rare not being allowed to; it's a case of Rare not wanting to, and the worst thing Microsoft can do is force Rare to make a game they don't want to make. The consensus around the newest Banjo game Rare actually wanted to make was largely negative (not me, it's one of my favourite Xbox 360 games); can you imagine the backlash against a new Banjo game that turned out bad because the developer's hearts weren't in it?
Totally agree you have to have the studio want to do it. I was just wishful thinking.
Playtonic could make a good choice of studio having played their platform games.
But again like you said a good deal for both parties needs to be struck especially as they are an independent developer.
That’s one area where I think Microsoft could do with some better partnerships, like Sony have with blue point, Sumo Digital and housemarque, until they purchased them.
Some very good sort of 2nd party studio deals.
Everybody on here screaming about what rare used to be and what great games they made, and how ms isn't utilizing them. But can we honestly say that the rare we know today, is the exact same team from n64 days? Maybe that's why rare hasn't made anything worthwhile. The devs name stay the, the talent maybe moved on.
Only after it was announced with Games with Gold did I realise that this game isn't on game pass yet. Already added it to my games list now, but was surprised to see a first party game from MS not on game pass.
@BlueOcean Viva Piñata is the oddball game in the Microsoft rare library. A game every bit as good as Rare made for Nintendo. Whenever anyone says Rare don't make games for Microsoft like they used too, I'm always reminded how good Viva Piñata is and proves the point otherwise.
Maybe we will get another Conker game. I can dream, damn it, I can dream!
Gregg Mayles (Banjo-Kazooie designer) still works at Rare. There are Rare ex-workers at Playtonic and elsewhere but they can be hired because they are freelance or have very small studios and Playtonic should be acquired by Microsoft.
@pip_muzz Yep, Viva Piñata is a wonderful game once you have spent a little time with it.
A shame that most of the people who started rare and made some of the most iconic games in their library are now gone and working for other studios like playtonic. It would be nice to see rare make games like this again along with a new Banjo.
@Dezzy70 it has nothing to do with “letting” rare go back. Rare does not care to go back. It’s like expecting Naughty Dog to go back make a Jack and Dexter game. Sometimes studios just feel going back to that kind of game is a step backwards.
Edit: nvm I see the point was already covered.
@Boo_Breaker I don’t know, I tired to give Yooka Laylee a shot and it was alright but it didn’t do it for me. I feel they never evolved much in their design philosophies. You don’t see Mario Odyssey stuck repeating just bigger versions of Mario 64.
Sucks that it isn't widescreen.
@Tharsman But the entire pitch for Yooka-Laylee was that it was unashamedly Banjo-Kazooie/Donkey Kong 64 style platforming, but bigger. Going into it with greater expectations was where you went wrong there.
I booted up Live & Reloaded on Series X yesterday with the intention of just having a look at it and ended up playing around 2 hours. A lot of hasn't aged particularly well (dialogue, humour and voice acting mostly) but in 4K/HDR it looks pretty good, all things considered.
@VenomousAlbino I didn’t go with greater expectations. I just realized making Banjo bigger just ends up feeling tedious and repetitive.
Donkey Kong 64 was disliked my most fans precisely for that mistake, just a being collectaton.
I did play the first Banjo last week, also spend a good 2 hours on it over xCloud, and plan to play it more, but the beauty on it was precisely levels didnt overstay their welcome. Yooka did overstay it’s welcome.
What would a sequel to these games looks like? Honestly I'd be fine with one that looks like an N64 game, lol. Low budget, low risk, and doesn't need to reinvent itself to compete with other big AAA games.
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