Phil Spencer Thanks The Fans As Xbox Game Pass Trends On Twitter

If you're not really a Twitter user, you might have missed that Xbox Game Pass absolutely exploded with popularity on the social media platform last night, which prompted various Xbox employees to acknowledge how it was trending.

This included the head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, who issued a small message of thanks to the fans who were "showing the love for Xbox Game Pass right now", highlighting that it "motivates us to keep improving the service."

The trend appears to have started thanks to a couple of jokes about Xbox Game Pass's amazing value from an IGN staffer and a popular YouTube channel, and very quickly spread like wildfire, still trending in the UK right now.

GM of Xbox Games Marketing Aaron Greenberg even checked in from his vacation to point out the trend, while Xbox Game Pass's UK Twitter account humorously asked this morning, "I just woke up, what happened?".

Did you notice Xbox Game Pass trending on Twitter last night? Let us know down in the comments below.