For a game that was originally meant to release in February this year, we've not heard much about Far Cry 6 since its delay. But finally, here we are and we have gameplay courtesy of Ubisoft with a release date of October 7.
The gameplay, which you can see above, gives a full, in-depth look at protagonist Dani Rojas. We also get an extensive look at the antagonist, Anton Castillo, played beautifully by Breaking Bad star Giancarlo Esposito. The explosive signature Far Cry gameplay is in full swing, with weapons such as explosive rockets firing from a backpack, to high octane car chases.
The world also looks a lot more diverse than previous entries. We have an entire city to explore, accompanied by lush, gorgeous jungles and wildlands. It's looking to be a truly fun sandbox to take some powerful weaponry into. Oh, and you also get a cute little dog as a companion, so it looks to be a recipe for success.
No doubt we'll hear more in the coming months ahead of its October 7 launch on Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. But so far, it's looking to be another promising entry for the long-running franchise.
Are you excited for Far Cry 6? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 34
This game is looking very promising! I'm glad that they've went back to a tropical setting like in Far Cry 3, I think that's more fitting for the series as a whole. Also, it's really cool that they've now introduced a female protagonist for the first time and are focusing more on creating interesting characters on top of giving the protagonist a deeper personality. All in all, looking great thus far!
Looks good, but given that it's a Ubisoft game, I know to wait until just after Christmas for a discount of approximately 50%.
Never played a far cry game. That was a great promo video and it looked great.
Far Cry is probably my favorite series. As long as it has some co-op like 5 and 4 I will preorder some time in October. Kinda dig Cuba as the location of choice.
Looks awesome! Always been interested in the franchise but the settings were never to interesting but this looks right up my alley. Somehow I have the Gold edition preordered already for 50% off, gotta love random Amazon price glitches lol!!
Will it have towers to climb and liberate? will it have dodgy A.I that can spot you through bushes from a mile away? will it have honey badgers?
That's my new personal TotY. Trailer of the year!
I've never played Far Cry before, but this looks really interesting. Might check it out eventually.
Looks like a fun time.
@torne maybe sooner. Wasnt immortal fenyx $30 within a month or so?
The trailer looked sick, So hyped for this game..
What's the general consensus around here regarding Far Cry 5 and New Dawn? They're both in the Super Saver sale. Last one I played was 4 (didn't like the look of Primal).
@VenomousAlbino FC5 wasn't bad, New Dawn was just kinda bad though, only worthwhile if you really need more FC5.
@LordSmok Yeah it's kinda odd how they are going back to a specific protagonist after letting you design your own in FC5, seems like they are going backwards with this one.
@JayJ Is it safe to assume that it's similar to 3 and 4?
@LordSmok why's that matter?
@VenomousAlbino 4 yes, 3 no so much, but they do follow the same formula.
This game seems really fun , but for some reason it doesn't quite look next-gen. I just watched the new horizon zero dawn 2 gameplay trailer and it blew me away visually.
I general way it dsn't, I just find it hard to immerse myself with female character
also as @jayj said "Yeah it's kinda odd how they are going back to a specific protagonist after letting you design your own in FC5, seems like they are going backwards with this one."
@LordSmok Yeah same. It isn't a big deal in 3'rd person games, but in first person games the whole point of that perspective is immersion and to feel like you're the character.
@ymo1965 considering 5 didn’t have those things and made fun of them. It is doubtful.
@VenomousAlbino I liked 5 a lot. New Dawn was meh
Looks pretty good, although I've kinda got bored of this formula tbh.
Female protag! Ok ubisoft, you have my attention.
Man, I know I'm getting old but not as quickly as the language in that trailer! How dramatic was all that swearing?
@Hexamex-Tex Only saying. They did tend to re-use mechanics and assets.
Will be getting this day one.
I do enjoy a farcry game. I like exploring, thats why I enjoy assassins creed Valhalla.
@JayJ @LordSmok
In the official worldwide gameplay reveal it does show you can choose male or female. It's easy to miss as it's a 2 second clip and the rest focuses on the female version.
@Akimi oh thank you!
@Ryu_Niiyama This isn’t new and why would it be the basis for buying a game? Weird.
@ymo1965 pretty sure an urban environment is new to Far Cry. Seems to usually be outdoors and small towns. So there are differences. Of course much will be similar or it wouldn’t be Far Cry.
@Akimi Oh wow thanks, that'll definitely make it more appealing to me. Still, don't know why they got rid of the character creator, but at least you can choose a character.
@Hexamex-Tex Glad you think so. My comment and my excitement remains unchanged. Have a nice day.
@Ryu_Niiyama not a matter of opinion. You act like it is something new when it isn’t. On the other hand they had my attention cause you can play a dude. Super excited!
@Hexamex-Tex so you like when you play as a male protaganist but don't understand when people like to play as a female protagonist?
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