Well this is a welcome surprise. Dragon Quest 3 is getting a HD remake, moving from its original sprite work into something more akin to Octopath Traveler, and it looks absolutely lovely.
The news was announced as part of the Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary stream, which gave us a short but sweet gameplay trailer. As it stands, no release date has been announced, nor have the specific platforms, but it's aiming for a worldwide simultaneous release on home consoles.
Fusing pixel art with 3D graphics, this HD-2D remake is planned for simultaneous release on home consoles worldwide.
If you didn't already know, the wonderful Octopath Traveler is actually a part of Xbox Game Pass. Having originally released on Nintendo Switch, it made a surprise drop earlier this year. So, if this remake tickles your fancy, be sure to check it out if you want to get a taste of what to expect.
Do you like the look of Dragon Quest 3 HD Remake? Let us know in the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 21
This is lovely. I hope they release it on Xbox.
Odd they remaking 3 before the first two…
Looks great but I feel they should have done a 1-3 bundle in this remake style.
I wouldn't be paying full price for just #3 on it's own having never played the original games.
@blinx01 @Tharsman Just like the Final Fantasy games, the Dragon Quest games are completely standalone so you don't have to experience the first two games to fully enjoy the third game. For example, you don't need to play the first six Final Fantasy games to enjoy the remake of Final Fantasy 7. Not to mention that the first two DQ games aren't anything to write home about. It's the third game when the series started to get really good, which is most likely why they decided to remake it and not the other two.
I'm in. Octopath Traveler is gorgeous, so I'm there for any game utilising that art style.
I think this has to be the standard for "HD remakes" of old 2D RPGs
Ah right. I just saw the 1-3 bundle of the classics on Switch and wondered why they did #3 standalone for the remake, but I guess that makes sense now!
@LtSarge although I know they are stand alone, my understanding is all the games actually share a universe. At least a sub-plot in DQXI makes constant references to some of the first games, and I think the Dark Lord is actually a recurring force that reincarnates as the various villains on the series?
DQXIS also has those 2D segments where you get to restore altars to all the precious DQ heroes, and they seem to all be treated as having actually happened in the past. Not sure if in the same plant or different ones, but think at least the first …3?… take place in the same planet as XI?
@Tharsman there is a “shared universe” but I think of it in the same way Zelda has one. With Zelda they make references to a past Hero of Time etc but you don’t really need to play them in order. There is a slight continuity between 1,2,3 but I would say they can standalone.
@Tharsman You're right, but you have to remember that the stories in these games are basically non-existent to begin with. Knowing that the main hero in the second game is a descendant of the main hero from the first game doesn't really matter that much in the grand scheme of things.
I've played the first two DQ games and I'm currently playing through the third one on Switch. I can't say that the shared universe aspect has really enhanced my experience in any way.
@K1LLEGAL managed to explain this better than I did.
With Octopath Traveler released on Xbox and no news for PS whatsoever i can't help but hope this will be on Xbox as well!
Also FFVI next with the same treatment please, SE!
@LtSarge Another reason is that they started remakes with IV and later games for DS and 3DS.
Who knows, perhaps they remake I and II after III on the same engine. The III remake looks beautiful.
@BlueOcean I think developing games like this do take quite a bit of time and so I don't think Square Enix will be remaking just any game in the series. Somebody mentioned a HD-2D remake of Final Fantasy 6, which I can absolutely see since a remake similar to FF7 would not make sense for 6 due to the pixel graphics. Going for the most noteworthy games (besides the ones that have already received a remake as you mentioned) in each series is probably Square Enix's strategy right now.
I couldn't get into Octopath Traveler's grindiness but LOVED it's art style, so I'm looking forward to this! I've never played a Dragon Quest game, so maybe this will be a proper entry point
Seeing that they now coined the term "HD-2D" for this style, I have a feeling they are going to be doing this to a lot of their old RPGs as well as new ips. And they are smart to do so.
Looks very nice, had wondered what Square Enix were going to do after trademarking hd2d and hd-2d in 2019
"In The Style Of Octopath Traveler"
This is actually the style employed for the Dragon Quest remakes on the original PlayStation, some of which were ported to the Nintendo DS.
Having said that, this looks awesome! I hope it gets an Xbox release.
@Trmn8r This thought crossed my mind, too.
This looks amazing, sign me up for the HD-2D remake of DQ III.
As I suspected, I and II might be remade:
There's only one game I need to see in this style, and that is Final Fantasy VI.
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