Dirt 5 Is Adding Free Content & Cross-Platform Matchmaking This Week

We're definitely big fans of Codemasters' Dirt 5 on Xbox Game Pass, especially because the studio has confirmed it's adding a bunch of free new content to the game this week, including cross-platform matchmaking!

On the content side, eight Red Bull liveries are being added to the game alongside the iconic Red Bull arch in Playgrounds mode, which you can use to "plot a path, drift around, and design your dream racing arena with."

Playgrounds is also getting new wet and stormy weather condition options, complete with lightning strikes and driving rain, available for all Playground arenas in Arizona, South Africa, and Italy. And finally, ghost lap times are being added to the game for the first time, allowing you to "display relevant lap times from the global leaderboard, straight onto the track: the global fastest lap, the global closest lap to your time, the closest lap time from your friends, or your own personal best time."

As for the matchmaking bit, it's pretty self-explanatory - all public lobbies will now be able to connect players across Xbox, PlayStation and PC, meaning fuller lobbies and the ability to play with your friends on other platforms.

All of these new features will be available in an update tomorrow, Tuesday, May 11!

Excited to check out these new (and free) Dirt 5 features this week? Let us know in the comments below.