It's here! After fifteen years, MLB The Show is finally on Xbox... kind of. This is the early access portion of MLB The Show 21, which is exclusively available right now to Deluxe Edition and Jackie Robinson Edition purchasers.
It's not on Xbox Game Pass until next Tuesday, but we can at least get a good look at what MLB The Show 21 looks like on Xbox Series X courtesy of IGN, who have posted 10 unfiltered minutes of Series X gameplay over on YouTube.
The reviews are yet to arrive for this one, so we'll have to wait a few days for the final critical verdicts. And don't forget if you're eager to play MLB The Show 21 ASAP on Tuesday, you can preload it with Xbox Game Pass right now.
Liking the look of MLB The Show 21 on Xbox? Are you playing it already? Let us know down below.
Comments 7
Looks like it runs buttery smooth to me.
I don't play sports games at all but there's something that seems super classy about The Show compared to most licensed sports games I've seen
Road To The Show has been tied to Diamond Dynasty which has turned Road to the Show into a hot mess. Progression is glacially slow compared to previous versions and you’re pretty much forced to spend money now on stubs for equipment/perks to level your player up in a reasonable amount of time.
They’ve even taken away your ability to throw the knuckleball in single player road to the show because they make you use the same character as Diamond Dynasty.
Road To The Show used to be a sandbox to build the exact player you wanted at the sliders you wanted, now it’s tied to Diamond Dynasty micro transactions and caps where San Diego Studios thinks you should have them. It has really regressed the last 5 years into something I don’t enjoy near as much.
@aj102404 So, basically that sounds like NBA 2K in that regard where you basically have to buy VC to be able to have your player really progress.
Wouldn't mind trying the game out though to just play it. I probably would have skipped Road to the Show anyways since NBA 2K has really killed that kind of a mode for me.
yep they saw all that cash 2k and EA was making on micro transactions and ruined road to the show with their greed. I bought the playstation 4 just for that one game I did find some others that I really liked. With out being political I will not support any baseball product until they get out of politics. I am tired of being told how I should think by these corps that only moral is how much cash can I squeeze out of you but think you should live to some hire standard.
I’d say NBA 2K is a pretty close comparison. I used to love that game as well.
It pains me to say it, this is the only game I take off work every year to play launch day and I was thrilled when I found out it was coming to Xbox and had two-way player this year.
@aj102404 As long as the game plays great, I guess that's still something positive, but it is still a shame for people that really liked Road to the Show.
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