Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda has sent ripples through the gaming world in recent months, and Arkane Studios, which is currently working on the timed PS5 exclusive, Deathloop, was part of that acquisition.
Speaking to Press Start, Deathloop’s director, Dinga Bakaba, and art director, Sébastien Mitton, recently expressed how "surprised" they were by the merger, but in the long run, it ultimately "made a lot of sense."
"It was pretty surprising, I would say. It was unexpected, to an extent… [but] after the surprise, it made a lot of sense."
Despite the news being unexpected, the Arkane devs felt that the companies coming together was "encouraging", following a wave of players flocking to games such as Prey and Dishonored: Definitive Edition.
“Being able to be apart of the Xbox Game Pass ecosystem makes things a bit different for us, because we can occupy a space in that service, and we will continue to make the kind of games that we make and make them well.
If you’ve looked on social media, you’ll see that games like Prey and Dishonored 1 and 2 coming to Xbox Game Pass, a lot of people are saying that you need to play these games and have no excuse not to, so it’s been very encouraging. It’s a service that will allow us to remain creative and have the audience and build that relationship over time and that’s really exciting.”
While Deathloop will only be releasing on PS5 this year and Xbox head Phil Spencer has commented on how he will honour that exclusivity deal, we wager it won't be too far in the future before it makes the jump over to Xbox.
Arkane's creative director also commented on the Bethesda acquisition earlier this year and described it as a "perfect fit", later adding "it would be very, very difficult to find a better partner for Bethesda than Microsoft".
Were you surprised by the Microsoft and Bethesda deal? Let us know in the comments below.
[source press-start.com.au]
Comments 27
It would be surprising considering that Bethesda was totally bailing on XBox and selling out to the lovely timed-exclusivity Sony dollars... Microsoft was wise to see this was heading in a bad direction for them and jumped in to buy them.
You are trying to buy up Bethesda timed exclusive are you Sony? Okay have it your way, we will buy all of Bethesda...
I would be very careful who you try to buy for timed exclusive next PlayStation mwahaha
It's still a shady acquisition that deprives half the established fanbase of existing game franchises whilst providing very little benefit to Xbox gamers as we would have still gotten future Bethesda games anyway. Obviously the studios are going to say good things about this because they're not going to want to lose their jobs for criticising being poached by Microsoft.
I think this game is going to struggle on PS5. Arkane is one of my absolute favourite studios but currently wondering why would I pay £70 at launch for Deathloop when I can simply wait 6-12 months and get it included with Game Pass? No doubt with some sort of addition or DLC to make the Xbox version seem special and worth the wait.
getting them for 'free' with gamepass is very little benefit?
I would say timed exclusivity has exactly 0 benefit for the users of a platform.
@themightyant The only two reasons I can see it struggle is bad reviews or because irrational Sony fanboys boycott the game so the money doesn't go the "enemy". It looks like a pretty slick game.
@Murray as Sony spends tons of cash to money hats games and keep them away from players i expect Xbox to go the way of Outriders and just pay to have them in gamepass day n date vs going exclusive. Cheaper most likely and also still allows everyone to play the games.
@Krzzystuff That's a very excellent point. Not to mention, which sounds better: "Microsoft Buys Timed Exclusive Rights To Outriders" or "Outriders Will Be Available On Game Pass On Day One". It's cheaper and will generate more interest as well as positivity among consumers than timed exclusivity will.
@GamingFan4Lyf I don't mean I think it will "fail", and I agree it does look slick, just up till now Arkane's sales have not matched their ambition or reviews. Sales have been downhill since the first Dishonored, which is a huge disservice to how good all their games are.
I hope I'm wrong though, and perhaps the change to being an FPS will work for them this time.
Na makes sense I have been with Xbox since the first console and back then Morrowind was a console exclusive and is still one of the best games I have ever played, Elder Scrolls fits Xbox like Final Fantasy fits PlayStation
@themightyant that's the beauty of gamepass. You can't rent games anymore to try them out and $100 CAD for a game you're not sure about is to much risk. I've played stuff i never ever would have even looked at before and really enjoyed it only because of GP. Gamepass is not for everyone but it sure is made for me and anyone else who's gaming on a budget. I'll be playing Dishonoured and some point... just need time....how do I get more gaming time is my problem.
@Beasley2K It's still a shady timed-exclusivity that ***** up definitely more than half of the established fanbase of existing game franchises whilst providing absolutely zero benefit to (insert your beloved platform here) gamers as we would have still gotten future (insert that name of publisher here) games DAY ONE. Obviously the studios are going to say good things about this because they're not going to want to lose their jobs for criticizing being given that sweet timed-exclusivity money by (insert your beloved platform company here).
There, eat your own hipocrisy.
@Krzzystuff Completely agree with everything you said. But you're preaching to the choir - I've had Game Pass for over 3 years am well aware of the number of titles I NEVER would have played were it not for this model.
Replayed the first Dishonored last weekend due to GP + FPS boost. It's a truly wonderful game and one of the best to replay. Enjoy when you get there.
.... and if you ever solve the "how to get more gaming time" conundrum let me know
@endlessleep I love how you intended for this to be a clever and witty response but it completely falls apart when you realise that you've made the incorrect assumption that I am a PlayStation fanboy and condone timed exclusivity, which makes you look like a complete tit.
No hypocrisy here, kiddo!
@Beasley2K You made yourself look like a tit
@GateCrasherUK So salty 🤣
@Beasley2K @gatecrasheruk tits look good to me so are you guys complementing each other or what?
@Beasley2K So dumb 😂
This isn't the first interview with Bethesda staff echoing it "lets them keep making the games they've been making' Pete Hines said something like that day 1. Todd basically admitted FO76 was a monetization scheme because single player wasn't netting enough money for them..... it sounds like, internally, Bethesda was being encouraged to stop making single player games and focus on GaaS platforms, and the MS buying is a reprieve from having to do that. It seems like a common theme in all interviewees.
How is it shady?
The only 'fanbase' that misses out is PlayStation, but that's a drop in the ocean compared to combined gamers of PC and Xbox.
What MS gains is another massive pull for their brand and Game Pass in particular.
It also helps encourage studios like Arkane and Tango Gameworks. Two studios that put out games that are critically well received, yet flop in sales numbers. Having the backing of Xbox and Game Pass will allow them to continue to make the type of games they are known for, without worrying about sales numbers too much.
There's no coincidence after all that these two studios games are the ones that got sold out for the Sony timed exclusivity money.
Couldn't agree with your more on Arkane. I love their stuff. I'd like them to continue dabbling in immersive sims, even though they have always been more niche. I'm so curious what Arkane Austin is working on as well.
Reading comments about how Sony pay for timed exclusives always makes me laugh because xbox have done the same, remember tomb raider? 😂
Tbh I'm not paying £70 at launch for this game so il either wait for a price drop, rent it or just wait for the gamepass version.
@UltimateOtaku91 agreed! or more recently Yakuza like a dragon, Tetris effect:connected and several more.
To my knowledge we don’t know whether there were paid exclusivity deals for the medium, the gunk, the ascent, stalker 2, 12 minutes, crossfire x, warhammer: dark tide, lake etc. etc. But odds on most of these are paid exclusives, timed or not.
In short they’re all at it.
That said I think It’s fair to say Sony has historically done this more aggressively, particularly around the launch of new consoles or with marquee titles or content like Final Fantasy or Call of Duty maps
Sony gatekeeping backfiring.
Death loop is the one PS5 game that has me curious. I’ll definitely check it out. Presumably in a year when it hits game pass with collected dlc no doubt.
@Akimi Would definitely love to see Arkane keep working on immersive sims. One of the most exciting things about the Zenimax acquisition is that it hopefully gives them the financial freedom to just keep making more of the great games they make.
RE: Arkane Austin: is there any news that they are working on their own separate title? (If so I missed it) I thought they were a support studio, lending a hand to Arkane Lyon and working with other studios, helping on their games and building business relationships/networks to help Lyon.
UPDATE: just did some further reading and found out that it was Arkane Austin that did Prey (I wasn't aware of this). Disregard the above. So in answer to your question YES I am curious and excited what they are working on.
Because Deathloop isn't first party, it's actually about £53 to buy digital last time I checked. Probably cheaper physical.
I'm on the fence at the moment. It will either be that or Rachet and Clank for me depending on reviews.
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