
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🛢️Still Wakes the Deep🛢️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (Jul)

Posts 2,601 to 2,620 of 3,538


@ralphdibny I am going to vote for Sunset Overdrive

The game is bonkers fun. Plus, Insomniac is a brilliant developer.

My final thoughts on Redfall: Good game that released at a terrible time - especially with the disappointing reception and unfinished feel of it all. Microsoft needed a home run, and sadly Redfall wasn’t it (despite my own personal enjoyment of the game).

Perhaps Tears of the Kingdom is enough of a distraction to the gaming world that Arkane can be given some breathing room to quietly patch things up. As people end their Hyrule journey, they can come back to a stronger title.

I do plan to return to Redfall, but it’s going to be a while.

I do think the game can have a turn around.

[Edited by GamingFan4Lyf]

My Nintendo: Daemonrunner
PlayStation Network: Bioflare
Steam: Bioflare

Xbox Gamertag: Bioflare


@ralphdibny I’ve been looking for an excuse to revisit the Halo series and finally play all the ones I missed after 3, so I’ll pop a vote for Halo Combat Evolved, good shout @Balta666 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Not sure I'll cast a vote for June. I've pretty much stopped playing redfall because of totk. And I don't see me stopping the game anytime soon. I did however download cassette beasts and I'm going to play for 30 to an hour tonight before I play totk.



@NintendoByNature Seems the pull is too strong with Zelda at the moment, it looks genuinely amazing. I get it though, think I’m having a little break from it too, I’ve started both Cassette Beasts and Planet of Lana which are really deserving of my time. Got a few things going on over on PS too which i had been neglecting. Have fun with TotK bud 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@AgentCooper yea, I put a good 6-8 hrs in redfall. It was a solid time. But zelda has fully taken over for me. I played about 20 minutes of cassette beasts and I'll do some more this weekend. Nice little game, and great to look at. Definitely noticing some hiccups frame rate wise though. Have you seen the same?



Cheers for the votes peeps, all added

Anyone else got any votes to sling on there for June?

See ya!


Soooo, we are looking at Halo Combat Evolved for next month. We've only had 3 votes so far though so do vote if you want to have a say in next month's game.

I'm apprehensive to use the tag list as we don't actually have a tie situation going on. I also realise it may be a bit quieter next month due to the sun coming out/people still playing zelda

See ya!


@Balta666 can't just use the tag list willy nilly balta, or I will be stripped of my powers! I might do tomorrow if nobody else replies, not sure

See ya!


Got that master chief collection downloaded and ready to go! Going to be strange as I played it all the way back in 2001 or so and haven’t revisited since.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Well I DLd Halo CE. Might do a tiny bit during June just to feel like I'm still apart of something 🤪



As an aside, is anyone looking at the achievements for the game? I’ve noticed theres some co-op ones and whatnot. I might be ignorant on this one but it seems the thirst for Achievements amongst xbox players isn’t on the same level as trophy hunters?

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@AgentCooper well I do like to see my gamerscore going up and it has been fairly often to see myself prioritizing games on Xbox due to it (even death Stranding that I had on PC Gamepass or the director cut on Epic I ended up playing GP because of it). But as completing the score of the game does not provide you any bonus I don't see myself (or others) pushing for it. The trophys rely more on that. I do prefer Xbox system though.


@Balta666 Yes, the platinum is the cherry on the top no doubt about it. I'm slowing getting into the swing of earning achievements though the draw isn't as satisfying. What do you prefer about the Xbox system?

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@Balta666 Ah fair enough, I can respect that, I struggle to walk away from games these days which funnily enough having an Xbox is helping with this gen. Having no platinum equivalent I feel more at ease with just completing and moving on, daft I know. The achievement lists are a nightmare on an organisational level, Halo MCC is borderline offensive. I love that trophy lists are separated and clean.

[Edited by AgentCooper]

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Made a start today and first impressions are really good, I even remember more than I thought considering its been a couple of decades. The feel overall is very solid and less floaty than I remember but the shield regeneration still drives me nuts. Being able to switch between OG and remaster is nice too. Just finished the second level and made a start on the third 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@ralphdibny I'm going to be struggling this month, tears of the kingdom has its hooks in me, I've just bought SF6 and it looks like summer has arrived!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

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