
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - Rise of the Tomb Raider (May)

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@Krzzystuff I have to admit, I was close to giving up on it at the weekend due to the difficulty; some of the platforming was really frustrating me at one point, especially the lantern dash sections.



@dmcc0 omg that's where I was last night for at least 20 minutes!!! It turns out i kept dying at the end because i couldn't get attached to the last lanterns, i had to watch a video because i honestly thought I was missing something and just doing it wrong. Naturally after watching the video it worked without any issues but I did the exact same thing.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


Totally agree with the difficulty comments, to a point where there's no chance on earth I'll get the "complete the game without dying" achievement.



@cracked_seal yeah I'm enjoying myself but I'm definitely not attempting to get all the achievements. I'm on normal and I die all the time, can't imagine it on hard.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff I think what made it worse for me is that my son was watching me try to complete that section; he's played and beat the Switch version recently and was mocking me every time I died. He's also got Cerebral Palsy and can't even hold a controller so he was loving the fact I was getting so frustrated by it!



Just done an hour of the game and im liking it so far. It introduces you to all the mechanics slowly like how the map works, the different collectibles and what everything does. So in terms of my comprehension, the difficulty curve seems fair at the moment which I am glad about because I really didn't want to get thrown in at the deep end and give up before I'd really even got started. I'm about to go to find a spider or something but I've stopped playing now so I can do a bit of exercise before dinner.

I've chosen normal difficulty by the way, what difficulty levels have other people chosen?

@Krzzystuff I agree about the music and visuals. I really liked the opening of the game. It was a bit slow but very effective and I felt very sad for whatever that thing was.

@cracked_seal I don't think I'll be going for all the achievements. I might go for collectibles though, seeing as there appears to be upgrades that have collectibles show up on the map. I'll see how it goes. Have you encountered any points of no return at all? Like where you might not be able to go back and get collectibles from a specific area or previous areas? I hope this game doesn't have points of no return because it will nip collectible hunting in the bud very quickly!

@dmcc0 haha nice I feel your pain. I remember playing the bridge level on Crash Bandicoot for an entire day. My girlfriend came home and began to watch me, it was boring for her and embarrassing for me but I got total satisfaction when I got that platinum relic. I'm sure my constant stream of profanity directed at the television screen was at at least somewhat entertaining for her though!

See ya!


@ralphdibny I'm playing on normal as well. I just finished Forlom Ruins and I must have died 50+ times!!! My brain had a hard time adjusting to the controls with me climbing the walls. Nice development in the story right after that. Gotta say I'm really enjoying the game, surprised as to how good it feels.

Edited on by Krzzystuff


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff I did the area with the spider thing last night (can't remember what it was called) and I absolutely loved it! When it chucked that ridiculous platforming segment at me, the wall sliding dropping to spikes and double jumping to the next moving wall and so on, I was amazed that was so early in the game! I can't wait to see what else it has in store for me

See ya!


@ralphdibny so it seems like Titanfall 2 has the vote for next month but maybe the next Ori game for April? I'm enjoying reading about everyone's experience through the game. And yeah it's a good challenging game that hasn't irked me as much as some of the Battletoads stages.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff it's looking that way for Titanfall at least, my current tally has the games at

Titanfall 2 - 6 votes
Alan Wake - 4 votes
Perfect Dark - 2 votes

That's 7, 5 and 3 votes respectively if you count my votes as well. It's all still to play for though as some more votes could come in.

I may play Ori 2 sooner rather than later while im still used to the controls. That being said, I may not get around to it until April anyway 😅 Nevertheless I'll float the idea along with this month's runners up and any other suggestions people may have.

Anyway back to Ori, i just beat the ginso tree and I see that I'm going to that place you mentioned so I'm a little bit behind you. I managed to do that ginso tree and get all of the ability point power up things on the way up!

This game is really starting to remind me of Donkey Kong Country Returns reimagined as a Metroidvania, especially with the new power up from the ginso tree which almost works like a cannon barrel from the DKC games. I think the hidden areas that you can just walk into are quite reminiscent of DKCR too - a lot of games have used that since then though such as Sonic Lost World.

The other game this reminds me of a lot is Legend of Zelda, I think mainly aesthetically. The nonsense sounds that the characters make when they speak seem very much inspired by the Zelda dialogue. Overall it's a bit darker than Zelda though, and maybe I'd say it's specifically quite influenced by the foresty areas in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess with its kind of uneasy natural fantasy vibe.

The other thing that comes to mind, perhaps quite obviously, is the parallel to Disney movies and children's fiction in general. The story beats of the initial trauma followed by a magical adventure is something that's prevalent is children's fiction. I'd say in terms of darkness, it's probably somewhere between a run of the mill Disney film like Bambi and something that Tim Burton (in the old days) might cook up.

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


@ralphdibny damn!!! I just ran my glowing rabbit ass up that tree. Didn't have time to try and get any pickups.

Side is Ori? Is a glowing bunny an accurate description?


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff haha I'm not sure, I thought Ori was a wisp because its in the title of the second game but I looked it up and it said Ori was something called a spirit guardian. Not sure if that's a spoiler because it hasn't been mentioned in the game yet so I thought I'd tag it just in case.

But yeah, they obviously made the design a combination of lots of cute animals. I definitely got a cat vibe when Ori snuggles on top of that bear thing at the beginning

See ya!


Well after all this talk about Ori I decided to jump back into the game now after taking a break from it a couple of months ago. Like others have already mentioned, this game is really hard. I kept dying over and over again as soon as I started playing it. But when you unlock more abilities and gain more health, as well as constantly utilise the feature of creating a save point at any time, I think the game becomes much more doable. It's just the initial learning curve that needs to be overcome. You really need to get used to creating save points and the game is fairly generous with giving you a lot of soul orbs so that you can create new save points fairly frequently if you need to do that.

So right now I'm nearing the end of the Ginso tree and this place has honestly been quite fun to get through. I really love how creative the developers are getting with the level design. Looking forward to seeing what else this game has in store.

On the topic of what game to play next, I do feel like Titanfall 2 would be a good game for March since it's not that long. Personally I wouldn't want to play Ori 2 a couple of months after Ori 1 since I usually wait a good amount of time before jumping into sequels so that I don't just blast through a series and end up feeling like I should've taken my time with the games when there aren't that many to begin with. But I'd be fine with taking a break from Game Club during a month if people want to play Ori 2 that is.



@LtSarge I've counted your vote for Titanfall 2 from a comment last month I think anyway 👍

Glad to see you're getting back into Ori. I agree that the save point feature makes the game way more accessible. I normally forget it's there until I die then I make my way back to the tricky bit and stick a save point down for easy retries.

You've played a few Metroidvanias now haven't you? Have any other ones you've played feature either liberal/on demand save points and/or easier(ish) combat? I feel like those are the two main features that have made this game way more accessible to a Metroidvania n00b like myself

See ya!


@ralphdibny Not that I can think of. Ori is the first game I've seen that has utilised an on demand save feature and I did play a good amount of Metroidvanias last year. Hollow Knight, Metroid Zero Mission and Samus Returns, Axiom Verge, Symphony of the Night, Strider, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse and Bloodstained are the ones I got through last year. Out of all of those, I'd say that Strider and Shantae had the easiest combat and are in general the most accessible games.

Speaking of which, Strider is apparently on sale now on Xbox One for only €3 if you fancy giving it a go. I thought it was a great Metroidvania (maybe a bit on the short side) and the thing that makes the game unique is that you're able to climb on (mostly) any walls, even ceilings. Fairly good achievement list as well, almost like the one for Ori in terms of getting achievements on a rather frequent basis.



@LtSarge Nice one cheers, I have a couple of the Shantae games from GwG. Ive always been somewhat interested in playing Strider, I had no idea it was a metroidvania. I really want to play the Metroid games at some point, I've played bits and pieces of them but never stuck with them. But y'now, they are a main Nintendo franchise so I do feel like I owe it to myself to actually stick with it and play them all at some point!

See ya!


@ralphdibny The SteamWorld Dig games are fun and accessible metroidvania style games. The first Metroid and Super are both included with NSO if you have also a switch.

With no Power, comes no Responsibility!

Xbox Gamertag: SGG BADGER


Finished Ori this afternoon. Really enjoyed it once I got past the frustration of dying constantly 😂
As others have mentioned, the visuals and the music are great and the progression system was well paced; never felt like I was overpowered at any point.
My game actually crashed right at the end (final cut scene) and I had to repeat the last section, which was really annoying.
Will definitely play the sequel, but maybe not for a while - maybe something where I die less next...



I've just finished the forlorn ruins bit. I have to say that I think this game has been my favourite out of all the games we've played in both iterations of this game club. It is legitimately amazing and I don't often gush and heap praise on games. I think it may be the best Xbox exclusive title I've played (I know it's on Switch but I still count it as an MS exclusive). It's probably between this game and Forza Horizon 3/4 for the best games on Xbox.

It's weird and perhaps to my shame, I wouldn't have given this game a look in if MS didn't finance it and make it an exclusive. It's not to say indie games are bad, but there are so many highly praised indie games that I often pass them by because I wouldn't know where to start or what would be worth dedicating my time to.

I got to the end of the forlorn ruins bit where there is a fork in the path and went left and it took me to the race out the dungeon bit so I had to go back through it all again the explore the bit that was off to the right! It was quite weird going back through it without having that magnetic/gravity ball thing to change your orientation. I'm sure there was a bit in Sonic Mania that kind of had a similar gravity gimmick.

@Mr-Fuggles777 nice one cheers for the recommendations! I actually own metroid and super metroid in so many forms. I have Super Metroid on the SNES, Wii VC and Wii U VC (30 pence intro deal back when they launched VC on the Wii U. I assume it's on the SNES Classic too which I also have. Metroid I have on 3DS as an ambassador game, I think it's the NES version as well as the GBA zero mission version, again I'm assuming it's on the NES classic too which is sitting below my SNES Classic. And of course I have them both rented from the NSO service so I really should have no excuse to not play them at some point! 😅

@dmcc0 nice one on beating the game! I think im a bit OP after forlorn ruins now I have the triple jump. I've mainly focused on that track but now I am going to start unlocking the exploration track with my ability points.

The music is so good, I need to remember to download the soundtrack at some point. I've heard some really good music lately between this, Yakuza and The Mandalorian theme tune.

I don't mind the dying in this game though to be honest. I feel like you kind of need to die a lot so you can suss out exactly where you can and can't explore. It's not too bad with the on demand save points. I looked at my pause screen earlier and it says I've died over 300 times I think!

See ya!

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