
Topic: What (Non-Xbox) Game Are You Currently Playing?

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Im playing as Jill in Resident Evil remake for my Nintendo Switch. Playing the game as her for the 2nd time to see i can unlock her Resident Evil Nemesis outfit



Currently 20+ hours into Yakuza 5 and playing as the second character. I'm starting to understand now why people don't like this game that much, besides the fact that it's so long. When you play as the second character, the game pretty much "stops" being a Yakuza game. There's just way too much linearity in this part of the game, there's no open world to explore, no substories, nothing of that sort. You're doing stuff that you typically wouldn't expect for a Yakuza game. And the worst part is that there's no story or interesting characters tied to these sections. They're just there for the sake of variety but they feel so out of place.

I thoroughly enjoyed going through the first character's "playthrough", but the second one's just sucks. This actually feels like padding instead of just letting you get back to the more interesting part of the game, i.e. the story. I truly hope the pacing gets improved later on because I'm genuinely unmotivated to play this game right now.

[Edited by LtSarge]



other games Im playing

Monster Hunter Rise. just started playing it late last night. Already HR 2 and got some armor pieces of the Tetradon turtle swamp thing monster.

Bravely Deafault II. in the middle of Chapter 4



Decided to give the first MotorStorm on PS3 a try today after having had this game in my backlog for almost a decade now and this game is not fun at all. It's so easy to mess up during the race, the races can be very long at times, the handling of the vehicles is so slippery and you have to get into top 3 to even continue the campaign. Definitely not my type of game, but at least I gave it a try. I'm still going to try Pacific Rift and Apocalypse since I'm hoping the first game was just bad simply because it was the first entry and that its sequels will have improved upon the formula.

[Edited by LtSarge]



@LtSarge I vaguely remember Apocalypse being pretty good; one I've been meaning to go back and play properly for a while now. I've always loved a good racing game, but for some reason spent most of the PS3 era playing the likes of Assassin's Creed, Infamous, Uncharted, Arkham etc and didn't really pick up many racers at all (or a least didn't really play them - I've probably got a few in the backlog).

I liked that the course changes during the races; it's literally falling apart around you while you race.
You could drive through a burnt-out building or something on one lap and by the time you get back round for the second lap it's a pile of rubble that you have to jump over.

Don't recall how well it handled though - I don't remember it being terrible, but conversely, I don't remember it being great either!



@dmcc0 Oh that's good to hear! It actually sounds very cool that the courses change while you race because I personally get tired of just doing 3 laps of the same exact track in every racing game. That's actually one of the reasons for why I decided to play MotorStorm yesterday, because I wanted a racing game that's different from the likes of Forza and Mario Kart. Sadly the first game wasn't good but based on your description, Apocalypse seems better. And if some aspects have improved, then I don't mind "adapting" to how the driving handles as long as there aren't obstacles placed everywhere in front of you like in the first MotorStorm. Like seriously, in the very first track, there's a giant rock placed right in the middle of the track after you take a ramp where the finish line is and I kept hitting it every time I finished a lap because you can't see it. Terrible game design!

[Edited by LtSarge]



@LtSarge I haven't actually played the others in the series, although they all seem quite highly regarded from what I've seen. Maybe something I'll pick up if I happen to see them cheap somewhere, but not something I'm likely to go looking for specifically.

Yeah, I much prefer the point-to-point-style racers rather than laps - or at least something that has a bit of both; probably why I've sunk so many hours into Forza Horizon 4 in the last few months as it's got loads of variety in the races.



Started playing Assassin's Creed Bloodlines on Vita yesterday and I'm super impressed by how much the developer was able to fit in on a PSP game. This genuinely feels like a lite version of the first AC game and I think it's incredible that I'm able to play this on a handheld device. I definitely need to pick up more PSP titles on the Vita now that I've seen how amazing some of these games are.



games im playing whenever Im not busy painting my bedroom walls

Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Bravely Default II
Resident Evil 5 for my Nintendo Switch Lite. Started playing the beginning of the game couple of weeks ago but been busy watching movies etc
Resident Evil 3 Remake for my X Box One S. Trying to play through Normal difficulty but the game automatically switched it to easy mode because I kept dying



Ikaruga on Switch, finally used the Flip Grip for the first time to play in TATE mode. Wow, I really suck at shoot-em-ups 😂.
I knew this was supposed to be hard as nails, but went for Normal difficulty (although did use continues). Passed the first stage fairly easily thinking I must be naturally gifted or some kind of gaming God! Then hit the second stage an got absolutely destroyed...over and over and over etc. I quickly lost count of how many continues I used, but I did get through to the end eventually.
I can see why this game is considered a classic - it looks and plays great. There's an element of "one more try" addictiveness to it; even though I'm dying constantly I still want to go back and try to learn the attack patterns of the enemies.



After having finished Yakuza 5 on PS4, I started up a new game now, which is Knack 2. I played the first one several years ago and I thought it was a decent game, maybe a bit too much on the difficult side. However, my first impressions of Knack 2 are very positive. First of all, the game's harsh difficulty has definitely been toned down. When you get hit, you don't lose health permanently but instead for just a few seconds before it recovers. They've also added parrying, which is always nice to see in action games. Also, instead of having to wait to the next chapter before switching in size, you can switch Knack's size at the press of a button anytime you want, which makes for some clever level design.

All in all, I'm very impressed by what I've experienced of the game thus far. It just feels like an actual good and fun game now compared to the first title. Looking forward to playing more of it!






a few games im playing this end of the month and in May

Monster Hunter Rise. have the last post game Village quest. the duo quest of Magnamalo and Zinogre which will be easy anyway

Tales of Vesperia for my Switch Lite

Assassins Creed Brotherhood and Revelations for my Playstation 3



As usual, I get a Picross game and everything else falls by the wayside This time it's Picross S2 on Switch which I picked up on sale last week. Most things I buy tend to go into the backlog then I just pick something at random to play next, but Picross is different for some reason; have to play right away and rarely play anything else until it's done.

Just got a GDEMU board for my Dreamcast the other day as it sounds like it's on its last legs. Might fit that this weekend and dig out some of those old games as well; haven't played them for ages.



Picked up a Gameboy Advance a few months ago during lockdown - just started Astro Boy: The Omega Factor. Looking forward to playing this for a while now; it seems to appear on quite a few "Hidden Gems" type lists. So far it hasn't disappointed, especially if you like a boss battle - I think there have been 5 or 6 in the first couple of stages.



Started playing Dragon Quest III on Switch again yesterday after having taken a break from it for probably a year now. I've been meaning to get back to it earlier but I had no clue how to progress and so I kept putting it off. However, after some wandering around yesterday I figured out what to do next and I managed to progress a lot. I think I'm more than halfway through the game now so hopefully I'll be able to finish it up soon. I really like this franchise and I'm very interested in playing the later games as I have 7 and 8 on 3DS already. But I feel like I need to finish up this game first before moving on to the next DQ game.



Started playing Observer on PS4. Played for about an hour and so far my impressions are kinda mixed. I don't think though that I've scratched the surface of this game, but right now it feels rather stale when it comes to the horror aspect. There's been one good jumpscare, but the game just doesn't have the right atmosphere like the other games Bloober have made, such as Layers of Fear. Although the environments are seriously very cool looking and definitely creative. It's like the world this game takes place in is stuck between a digital and a physical world. The design aesthetic is in other words really cool. Hopefully there will be more scares and creepier environments coming up because right now this isn't satiating my craving for horror.



7d2d on PC. No it is not the same game as what is on Xbox.


So I've honestly no idea what I've been doing the past week. I'm on break now so I figured I would be playing all kinds of games but instead I've been playing the more slow-paced ones that I usually play, such as Trails of Cold Steel IV and Forza Motorsport 4. Even Observer has felt incredibly slow-paced. So I decided to put the first two on hold considering how long they are and start playing some actually action-packed and fun games.

So today I started up Bayonetta 2 on Wii U. Played through the prologue and man this game is such a blast and absolutely bonkers. It's been so many years since I played the first Bayo that I've completely forgot how fun these games are. This is what I should be playing instead of all those slower paced games, lol. But yeah, looking forward to going through this game. This series is just so creative and fun.



Currently playing Trails of Cold Steel IV, Bayonetta 2 and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. I decided to go back to ToCS because I needed to relieve some stress and these JRPGs always do the trick. Even though I wanted to put the game on hold, now that I'm so close to finishing it I just want to be done with it. i just don't like how much padding there is compared to previous games.

Bayonetta 2 is definitely the title I've been enjoying the most right now. This game is just so much fun and the simplicity of it has made it one of my favourite hack and slash games of all time. On top of this, I also started Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time on Wii U and this has easily become one of my favourite turn-based RPGs. Simply because of how involved you need to be in the battles. Compared to e.g. Final Fantasy where you just put in a command and then you wait for the animation to happen, M&L requires you to actively participate in the battles and give button inputs regularly. Because of this, I personally think the M&L series is more fun than most turn-based RPGs.

[Edited by LtSarge]


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