
Topic: What (Non-Xbox) Game Are You Currently Playing?

Posts 61 to 80 of 226


Death Stranding on PS5. Got one to go along my Series X. I am really enjoying Death Stranding - very different game for sure, but personally enjoying. And it is always a nice suprise when you find someone else left a structure that might help you.



Started playing Luigi's Mansion 2 on 3DS now. Played for about an hour and so far this game is way more fun than I remember it to be. I actually started it a couple of years ago but I got stuck on a boss fight a bit further in and never played finished the game. So hopefully now I'll have more patience and actually get through this game because I really want to get into this series. It reminds me a lot of the old Resident Evil games where you explore mansions, solve puzzles and defeat monsters in a slow-paced fashion. So I'm definitely loving what I'm experiencing right now.




  • Super Mario 3D World - I've been enjoying this one quite a bit. I'm currently getting close to finishing up the third post game world (with everything collected so far), and while I'd say Galaxy is still my favorite 3D Mario, this is neck & neck with Sunshine for me.
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Check in on the weekends. Currently focused on getting the Mario items I want & am close to paying off my next home loan.


  • Sakura Wars - Pretty nice & generally laid back (the few combat scenarios show up at just the right moment to keep things from getting dull). Not sure if I want to romance Sakura, Hatsuho, or Anastasia at the end though (the latter in particular is kind of falling a bit behind. It seems like for every choice I make right with her, I make a wrong one too, lol).
  • Ratchet & Clank - I've played a few levels of this since it was made available free. Coming right off of SM3DW the platforming is noticeably not as sharp, but I've been having fun & like playing around with the different weapons.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Not every day 24/7 but the games ive been playing this year

-Luigi's Mansion 2 Dark Moon
-Yo Kai Watch 3

Playstation 3
-WWE 19
-Persona 4
-Assassins Creed Brotherhood

Nintendo Switch
-Ys Origin
-Tales of Vesperia
-Mega Man X Legacy 2
-Bravely Default II
-Resident Evil 5
-Resident Evil Revelations 2
-Saints Row 3

-God of War Chains of Olympus
-Dino Crisis



Been playing Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on Wii U for an hour now and man, this game is way better than people made it out to be. I genuinely thought that this would be the black sheep of the GBA Castlevania games or something based on people's description of it but it's actually very good. I'm loving how fast I'm leveling up my character and finding secrets. It's definitely satisfying both my Metroidvania as well as RPG cravings. I've heard that there are difficulty spikes later on but hopefully all the "natural" grinding I'm doing now will help me avoid it.



just started playing Resident Evil Remake for my Nintendo Switch Lite. Playing as Chris. Been a decade or so since I played the remake for my Nintendo Gamecube.

Was Richard supposed to help Chris against the giant snake or the shark? Just wondering



@LtSarge just started that Murder By Numbers game you recommended to me a while back! Its quite funny actually - I keep showing my tampon to everyone who will give me a chance 😂. The music is good too, there's a couple of songs that sound like they are based on pop songs from the last few years. It's really annoying that I can't work out what songs they remind me of because I'm not that familiar with pop singers outside of the ones I like. It's such an ear worm! I have the tune of the song I'm thinking of stuck in my head, I just don't know the lyrics so I can Google it!

See ya!


@ralphdibny Wow, it must've been years since I brought up the game to you, I'm surprised you even remembered that! It's indeed very good even though I haven't finished it yet. I only played the first couple of hours or so because I wasn't in the mood for visual novels at the time. But the combination of visual novel and Picross puzzle gameplay is just so good. I absolutely adore Picross! So this was a match made in heaven for me. I'm not surprised either that you like the soundtrack. This game in general is heavily reminiscent of the Ace Attorney series, including the music if I recall correctly, and the soundtrack in that series is so catchy.

Hopefully you'll enjoy the rest of the game. You might entice me to start playing it again now.



Just (briefly) played Panzer Dragoon Remake on Switch. Got to the 4th stage before I died; not sure if that's good for a first playthrough or not. I didn't have it on Saturn, so no idea how faithful to the original it is, but really enjoyed it. I think it'll take me a couple of playthroughs to get the hang of the controls though; kept hitting the shoulder buttons by mistake and turning away from the action! Will keep me busy for a few evenings this week if nothing else.

Re-started Pokemon Picross on the 3DS too - I actually forgot I had this game. Can't go wrong with a bit of Picross, but the Pokemon version is pretty frustrating in that they've pretty much turned it into a mobile style pay-to-progress model. The premise of the game is actually pretty good; each section of the map has a handful of Pokemon present that you have to "catch" by solving a picross puzzle. Each caught Pokemon has an ability that can help you out on subsequent puzzles (reveal a small section, auto correct mistakes etc) - so far so good. Only problem is that each section of the map is locked, and to unlock you need to use the in-game currency "Picrites". You can earn these in-game doing certain "missions" on each puzzle and through one-off daily "training" (basically complete a number of really simple Picross puzzles within a set time), but they don't give an awful lot of Picrites, so at the moment I'm stuck having completed all the missions I can, but not having enough Picrites to progress to the next area. My options are to just do the training each day until I have enough, or buy Picrites with actual cash.



@LtSarge a paid picross game is a hard sell for me because of the amount of free games on Android but I thought I'd give your recommendation a go when it's on discount. But yeah, it's a genre that's of interest to me so it definitely stuck in the back of my mind!

I was just feeling a bit off last night so I needed to play something "light" so I thought I'd boot it up and give it a go! I'm glad I did, it turned my mood around quick sharp. I've never really played any or many VN games before but this one is easy to love because of the characters and the fact it's broken up by my favourite puzzle type.

You are right about the picross, it does play very well. You'd think all of the QoL aspects of a digital picross game would be easy to implement but I've played some shockingly bad digital Picross games before such as Nonograms Prophecy on Switch (do not buy, even if it's less than a Euro). The only thing id add to Murder by Numbers is touch screen support, unless it's already in there and I haven't switched it on or something.

@dmcc0 ah yeah that f2p Pokémon picross really wound me up. It would be decent it they lost all that picrite BS. I think I got to the same stage as you before I just gave up on it. There's very few picross games I would pay money for but if they dropped all the freemium style aspects of it then I would probably drop £5 or so to play an official Pokémon themed Picross. It's so annoying the Pokémon one is like that when the Zelda Twilight Princess Picross was so brilliant!

They announced a Sega themed Picross for Switch a couple years back with no news since. If or when it ever materialises, I'll definitely be picking that one up!

See ya!


@ralphdibny I didn't even remember it was f2p to be honest - that kinda excuses it a little I suppose. Sold my original 3DS ages ago, but my son replaced his XL with a Pokeball version 2DS XL a while back and never got round to selling the old one, so I recently bought it off him. Pokemon Picross was available on my download list when I added my account to it; I'd assumed I must've bought it at some point.

Never heard of the Zelda Picross, but looked it up and seems it's not available in my region anyway (UK).

[Edited by dmcc0]



@dmcc0 Zelda picross is a "myNintendo" reward available for 1000 platinum points. If you've never made an account before, I don't think it's actually too hard to get 1000 points because there's a bunch of one time tasks that net you points like linking various social media (you can delink them immediately after you've claimed the points). Might still need to top up the points with short daily/weekly tasks for a while after though. Take this with a pinch of salt though, it's been some years since I did it! I'm in the UK too

I think the f2p model is a bit inaccessible in Pokémon picross. Again, it's been some time since I've played it and I haven't done the calculations but I got the impression that to play it all, it would cost significantly more than just buying a comparable picross game like Picross E. It's just not a model that I think works very well for picross, it should either be free like so many android apps or paid.

That Pokeball New 2DS XL is so cool! I just couldn't justify it at the time it came out. I think it's way cooler than the Pikachu design too. By that point I already had a standard 3DS and a slate style 2DS (another really cool design I think - reminds me of the GBA). I ended up waiting and springing for the SNES design New 3DS XL when that came out. The one New 2DS XL design that I would have bought without even thinking was the Hylian Shield one - unfortunately it was exclusive to America so I never got my hands on one! I thought it was a bit pointless to import as the games are region locked.

I forgot this but actually I did buy a couple of black and green New 2DS XLs as well when they were discounted to £45 in Tesco a few years back. I gave one to my partner and I planned to hack the one for myself. Never got around to it though!

See ya!


yesterday i bought Persona 5 from the PSN store for my Playstion 3 and after that i played the first 40 minutes or whatever of the game.

Why is it that they were copying the same gruff guardian for you as the main character?

Persona 4, your guardian was a cop. Persona 5 your guardian is a gruff cafe/diner owner that tells you to behave or else.

Why did they have to reuse that same crap?



@ralphdibny Yeah, I found the link to it on myNintendo, but says it's unavailable in my area. By coincidence I have exactly 1000 points too. I'll maybe have a proper look later once I get home from work.



@dmcc0 that's really strange 🤷‍♂️. Maybe the region is not set to UK in your Nintendo or My Nintendo account (if they are different, no idea). Could have happened if you downloaded stuff off another regions e shop or just by accident when you were signing up to my nintendo

See ya!


@ralphdibny I think it was auto logged in as I didn't have to enter my details. Possible that I was previously logged into either my Norwegian or South African accounts (that I use on the Switch for cheap eshop games) on that PC so maybe it logged as one of those?

[Edited by dmcc0]



@dmcc0 ah fair enough, can't say really! Sounds a bit complex. I've never done it but it sounds like there's 2 options depending on how it works...

If its one myNintendo Account and one Nintendo Account (for Switch eshop) where the regions get changed manually to buy cheap games. Try setting both accounts to UK and seeing if the reward is able to be redeemed.

If its one myNintendo account and multiple Nintendo accounts for each regions Switch eshop then try tying the myNintendo account to the UK Switch account

Honestly though, I am guessing here... Ive never done the multi region eshop thing so I don't know how that works and I don't even know if the Switch eShop account is separate to the myNintendo account. I think it's separate because I'm pretty sure I have two different passwords but like you, my myNintendo account is auto logged in so I can't say for sure!

See ya!


@ralphdibny No idea what's going on now! I went to myNintendo again, but this time on my phone, and it worked fine I'm sure it was the UK version I was accessing earlier on PC as the as the amount of points was exactly the same, but no clue why it didn't work; maybe cookies or something?

I'm still not sure if the myNintendo and the actual Nintendo accounts are linked though; they both have the same log in details, but that's more than likely just that I've used the same password on both. My non-UK Nintendo accounts are actually totally separate; I set up email addresses specifically for those - I'll have to check if they also have a corresponding myNintendo account at some point - assuming they do though as I earn gold coins for eshop purchases on those other accounts.

To be honest, the Nintendo online thing can be a bit confusing at times as they have the actual Nintendo account, the myNintendo account and there's also the 3DS Nintendo Network ID account.

Anyway, I got the game eventually and already beat all the 10x10 puzzles. Thanks for the heads up, I'd never have even known about it if you hadn't mentioned it.



@dmcc0 ahhh excellent! Glad you worked it out in the end! It's quite a short one for sure but a picross game is so much better when it's themed around something you like. Not to mention all that amazing Zelda music to accompany it! Those reasons are why I'm so keen on this game and also the Konami one that's on mobile (which comes with a few fairly unobtrusive adverts). Really lookin forward to that Sega one too if it doesn't end up becoming vapourware.

The accounts are so confusing, I'm pretty sure I have 3, the 3DS/Wii U one with one password, mobile/Switch one with another password and myNintendo with a final password! They're all linked though, the points/coins are shared between all the consoles and the top up balance is shared between 3DS+Wii U/Switch accounts.

See ya!


On PS Vita:
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Persona 3 Portable

On PS4:
Yakuza: Like a Dragon

On Switch:
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Sayonara Wild Hearts

On PC:
Persona 5 Strikers


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