
Topic: What (Non-Xbox) Game Are You Currently Playing?

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@LtSarge I have in fact played all the RE games, even the bad ones!
RE2 has shorter scenarios than RE but you have to play the second one. I don't want to spoil anything but all 4 scenarios are different, way different than the RE2 Remake. Therefore you should play Claire B. You meet exclusive characters and the final boss is different.

The canon scenario in RE2 PS1 is Clair A -> Leon B due to stuff happening in RE6 but, especially if you have played the Remake, I would skip them and go to RE3.



@belmont That's actually a follow-up question that I had. So after I've finished Leon A (and also Claire B), can I play Claire A -> Leon B in RE2 Remake or something similar to that since you said that they are different than the ones in remake?

I'd definitely love to play through Claire B and experience new stuff since like I said, the first playthrough with Leon A felt a bit short. Although I don't really feel like playing through the game four times, so I'll probably just follow your recommendation and play RE3 after Claire B.



LtSarge wrote:

@belmont That's actually a follow-up question that I had. So after I've finished Leon A (and also Claire B), can I play Claire A -> Leon B in RE2 Remake or something similar to that since you said that they are different than the ones in remake?

Yes. Note that in the remake both Claire A -> Leon B and Leon A -> Claire B are canon since they are somewhat of a departure from the PS1 game and are more similar than the PS1 versions. I would go to RE3 PS1 after the completion of Claire B. Note that RE3 PS1 has two endings, both can be considered canon but one is wayyy better than the other.



@belmont Nice, very helpful information, thank you! I'll definitely try to get the best ending in RE3.

But yeah, I thought since I still haven't played RE2 Remake that I might as well save Claire A -> Leon B for the remake instead of playing the PS1 version four times and the remake two times, lol. Either way, I'm looking forward to playing more of this series. The games are just so good! Out of curiosity, which game(s) are your favourite(s) in the series?



@LtSarge The problem is that the ending on RE3 PS1 is determined only by a swimmingly random choice in the game.

As for my favorite games I would go with the original trilogy and their remakes. I am not that fan of the more action oriented games of the series or any pure action 3d title tbh. I loved the setting, the survival horror themes etc. and they are better portraited in the original PS1 trilogy and in the current gen remakes.



@belmont Ah interesting, I can understand why! I absolutely loved RE1 on PS1 and RE2 has been even better than that game. I've also played RE1 Remake and that one was phenomenal. I'm curious to see whether or not I'm going to like the second trilogy because like you said, they are more action-oriented games. I'm definitely going to like RE7 and 8 though that's for sure, since they are the kind of modern horror games I've come to enjoy lately.

It's a good thing though that there are plenty of RE games beside the original trilogy that have the classic formula. Zero and Code Veronica X are the first ones to come to mind. Then we have the Revelations games, which I've been wanting to play for years.

It's going to take forever for me to play through this entire series, lol.

[Edited by LtSarge]



games im playing this month

Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Ys Origin
Star Wars Jedi Academy
God of War Chains of Olympus



Haven't played a PS4 game in quite some time now so I decided to finally start up the Whistleblower DLC for Outlast 1. It's very good so far! I mean, it's basically more of Outlast 1, which is not necessarily a bad thing but I do hope that Outlast 2 will at least introduce some new game mechanics to spice things up.

I've also noticed that the DLC has way more jump scares than the original game relative to the amount of playtime. The hardest part with horror games is that you need to pace the jump scares so that the player doesn't get bombarded with them all the time and becomes desensitised to them. I think that's happening to me now in the DLC. Because in Outlast 1, there would be maybe 20-30 minutes without any jump scares and then when you least expect it, one shows up and it would be really effective. So I don't know, maybe they've overdone it a bit with the DLC. It's at least really interesting so far though!

I've also been sampling some Wii games that have been in my backlog for over a decade since I wanted to find out if I'd be willing to play through them now. I tried out Resident Evil 4 and man, the game seriously has the best control scheme on Wii. Everything feels so perfect compared to the versions that have standard controls (e.g. the PS4 version). I was enjoying it so much that I actually wanted to keep playing it, lol. I'm definitely going to play the Wii version of this game though! I also tried out Okami and the controls weren't as immaculate as RE4 and the graphics were rather blurry but the overall gameplay is still quite fun. Hoping to give it a go in the future as well!

[Edited by LtSarge]



I'm now currently playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. This is one of my favorite Zelda games, if not my favorite.



@Tasuki I would LOVE to see it on the Switch. Personally, I loved the art style from the remake of Link's Awakening, so I can definitely see A Link Between Worlds following suit the same way. Sadly, as you already said, I doubt they will bring it to the Switch. Oh well--at least I can still play it on my 3DS.



Just bought Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury for Switch. Never had a Wii-U + Kids + 3 day weekend = Funtimes!



got back into playing regular Persona 4 last night. Beat Yukiko's shadow and saved her where I had to rest in the game. the shadow enemies on floors 5 and 6 to get to her they were a little tough but i managed. Now i need to buy healing items and get better armor for the main character that im playing as in the game.



The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (3DS) with two friends. It's very fun when everyone has the skills to play it.


Xbox Gamertag: fbnaulin


Been playing the Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Collection on the Switch the past few nights. Such great games and playing them bring back such great memories.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Besides whatever I'm playing for my X Box One S console,

other videogames Im playing

Ys Origin. at the last two bosses. Kishgal and Dalles
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Yo Kai Watch 3
plain Persona 4
Star Wars Jedi Academy
and just started Tales of Vesperia for my Nintendo Switch



Currently about halfway through (I think) Paper Mario: The Origami King on Switch.
Haven't played any of the other games in the series, so didn't know what to expect, but loving it so far: the side characters are hillarious! The battle mechanic isn't the best and it seems a bit pointless as you don't actually level up through battling so it could become a bit of a chore. Luckily you can avoid a lot of battles by running past them.



Started playing Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition on PS4 today. I played the base game for about 20 hours back when the game originally released but stopped playing and then a couple of years later I lost my save file. So now I'm playing through it from the beginning and hopefully I'll be able to finish it this time around. I decided to play it now because I'm really in the mood for open world games after having played several Far Cry games recently and I thought that I really need to go through my PS4 backlog. Not to mention that Horizon Zero Dawn is considered to be one of the best games on PS4 so I definitely need to experience it at some point.



Currently 25+ hours into Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm finally seeing new content after having originally already experienced the first 20 hours a couple of years ago. And man, it definitely feels worth it to have played through all that again just to reach the new stuff. The story is getting very interesting and I love finding out about what happened to this world.

I have to admit though that I've been addicted to this game the past couple of days. I think it's been a combination of wanting to get back to the point I was at before losing my save file and just finding the gameplay loop to be very engrossing. Like I just can't get enough of it, the combat is just so freaking good. There are so many layers to it and so much enemy variety that you need to experiment and learn which weapons work and which don't. The battles are very exhilarating because the monsters are so aggressive that you constantly need to be dodging, switching weapons and attacking. I haven't seen a combat system this engaging in a long time. The closest would probably be Metal Gear Solid 5 but that game didn't have enemies as aggressive as the monsters in Horizon. This game is just pure brilliance; the story, the setting, the lore, the gameplay, everything is just perfection. I wasn't excited for the sequel before, but I definitely am now and I'm hoping the developers have made it run well on base PS4 because I would love to play it as soon as it releases this year.



Started playing Persona 5 Royal on PS4 again today after having taken a half year break from it. Completely forgot that I had apparently played it for 80 hours already, lol. Anyway, I decided to look up the trophy list for this game and it seems that I already have the majority of the trophies. I had no idea that the trophy list in this version were much easier than the one in the original P5. I wasn't anywhere close to getting the Platinum trophy in the original P5, but it actually seems doable in Royal. So I decided to spend some time now getting several trophies that I've missed and just getting back into the game overall. Still got quite a ways to go with the main story since I'm only on the fifth palace, so it's probably going to take at least 50 more hours before I'm done with this game, including the new content. Definitely looking forward to the new semester though and I'm hoping that I'll be able to unlock the Platinum trophy since I'd like a reward like that for spending 100+ hours with a game, lol.

[Edited by LtSarge]


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