
Topic: What (Non-Xbox) Game Are You Currently Playing?

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Since 6 or 7 pm earlier up to now. i was playing the last few bits of Final Fantasy VIII Remastered for my Nintendo Switch Lite.

Got all of the GFs along with everyone's "Ultimate" weapons and pretty much used Squall's Limits all the time.

been years since i played since 2000ish and forgot how annoying Ultimecia's castle is where your things are sealed which you have to hunt down the mini bosses to unseal stuff.



Sly 3 from Sly Cooper Collection PS3



Started up The Last of Us Part II today as it just arrived in the mail. So far I'm really loving the game, the graphics are so good on base PS4 and there are a bunch of interesting characters this time around compared to the previous game. The combat feels great and I love the stealth aspect, which is something that I grew fond of in the first game as well. All in all great first impressions so far and I can't wait to play more of it tomorrow.



Still same, Sly 3 from Sly Cooper Collection PS3.
Already reached episode 5.



games im currently playing this month

Final Fantasy IX for my Nintendo Switch
Assassins Creed Brotherhood for my Playstation 3
Final Fantasy Type 0 for my X Box One S



I've been craving some horror games recently and since I have Game Pass, I thought I'd check out Man of Medan. However, I then recalled that I have so many unfinished horror games from last year that I really need to complete before moving on to new titles. For instance, I still have the DLC for Layers of Fear 1 and Outlast 1 that I need to play. So right now I'm playing through the Inheritance DLC for Layers of Fear 1, then after that I'll see whether or not I'd want do the Outlast DLC or just jump straight into Man of Medan.

[Edited by LtSarge]



@LtSarge man of Medan is that one by the until dawn people isn't it? It's a very short game, something like 5 hours at most. We played it in a night round a mates house when it was first released. There might be alternate routes through the game for additional endings which might bolster the run time but I wouldn't sweat it too much if you just wanted play a quickie and tick it off the list!

See ya!


@ralphdibny Ahh sounds nice! I think I'll finish up the Layers of Fear DLC first since it's only an hour long and then move on to Man of Medan. I do want to play it now that I can with Game Pass since it honestly doesn't feel like it's worth purchasing on its own. It's not like Resident Evil 2 or Dead Space where you get lengthy campaigns with actual gameplay. So I'll probably just blast through it and find out what The Dark Pictures games are all about.



@LtSarge I think you're spot on there. It's a lot like until dawn but shorter so if it was a paid game, I'd say it was worth about £4 if you really liked that sort of game. It's not that interactive really. I think until dawn was a lot better just because it was a bit funnier

See ya!


Besides playing Batman Arkham Knight for my X Box One, im playing these

Assassins Creed Brotherhood for my Playstation 3
transferred some Rock Band Unplugged songs from my Playstation 3 to my PSP
transferred Xenogears, Grandia, Wild Arms 2, Tomba and Medievil from my Playstation 3 to my PSP



All Switch games
1. Animal Crossing New Horizons
2. World of Final Fantasy MAXIMA
3. Wheel of Fortune



The only non Xbox game I'm playing is Hades. That said, I don't know if I can pull myself away from Hitman 3 on my Series X.



Recently cleared what I believe was a glitched mission in Dragon Quest Heroes on PS4. The mission sees you protecting a barricade from waves of monsters, and for whatever reason the game was considering it a failed mission when it's life bar reached the halfway point (lots of missions have you protecting things, and their life bars start out green, turn yellow when halfway depleted, and red 3/4ths depleted. The game was considering the barricade destroyed when the life bar turned yellow).

I thought I must have been missing something, but after I managed to complete the mission even with the limitation I looked up gameplay of the mission on YouTube and saw a video where they were able to win with the barricade barely holding on in the red, so I can only assume my copy was glitched.

Overall it's a decent enough game, though so far I'd say it's my least favorite of the licensed Warriors/Musou games I've played.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


just last night, i bought and downloaded/intalled Command and Conquer 1 along with Command and Conquer Red Alert for my Playstation 3 to transfer to my PSP.

Forgot how silly and cheesy the live action scenes are



Started playing Yakuza: Dead Souls on PS3 again today. I've been playing it on and off for almost three years now and never gotten past the first part of the game until today. Now that I'm actually experiencing new content, the game has become much more interesting and fun for me. People tend to ignore this title when going through the series due to it being non-canon but also because it's only available on PS3. However, I'm finding it to be quite an enjoyable experience, and playing as four different awesome characters is just an added bonus. I'm really hoping I can get through this game this time and then finally be able to start up Yakuza 5 on PS4 as my next mainline game in the series to play.

I'm also playing Resident Evil: Director's Cut (PS1) on Vita and I believe I'm halfway through the game now. It's so interesting having played the remake first and then playing the original and comparing them both. There are so many significant differences between them both! I can understand now why the remake is so highly regarded compared to the original, it got so much added content and made the overall experience that much better. Anyway, I can't wait to finish up this game and then start up the PS1 version of Resident Evil 2. I'd really love to play through this entire series because I own pretty much all RE games but it's always been hard for me to play these games. I tend to always start from the beginning with a series, but since I didn't like tank controls I never bothered with the original RE PS1 trilogy. Now that I've overcome that hurdle though, I'm hoping that I can finally experience 1-3 and then continue on with the rest of the series.



@LtSarge I bought RE1 on the Saturn today! It is the only version of this game I did not have and I will play it tonight. RE1,2,3 play perfectly on Vita and on Vita TV. To bad the PS4 re-release rumor was not true, I love the original trilogy.



@belmont Yeah I was very surprised at how much I was enjoying the PS1 version of RE1, almost to a point where I actually preferred this version over the remake due to things such as Crimson Heads not being a part of the gameplay loop. I get that it becomes more tense that way, but it just felt like a very annoying feature in the remake. And I agree, playing RE1 on Vita is the best way in my opinion to experience the game due to how good the d-pad is. The PS1 and PS3 d-pads are too spread out which makes it more cumbersome to move around.

But yeah, I can definitely see now why RE1 became an instant classic. Such a great game!

[Edited by LtSarge]



this weekend starting sometime today im getting back into playing games for my Playstation 3. games that i was playing like a year or two ago.

February im going to be really busy with Assassins Creed Brotherhood and Revelations along with playing through plain Persona 4



I started up Resident Evil 2 (PS1) on Vita today and man, I think I'm actually addicted to this series now. I just wanted to play the first 10 minutes or so and get to the police station, but then I ended up playing more than an hour, lol. This game is just so good! I genuinely love the RE formula now and if I'm being honest, I think playing REmake as my first RE game was a huge mistake and a major deterrent for me. Like RE 1 and 2 on PS1 is much more beginner-friendly than REmake ever was. RE2 even has an item box at the beginning of the police station so you never even need to worry about getting a full inventory. It's also way scarier than RE1 since it has more enemies in each area instead of like 1-2 zombies in every area like in RE1. But it also makes it way more satisfying when you get the shotgun and manage to kill a bunch of zombies with just one shell since it has such a wide spread as well as damage output. I was so surprised when I saw this the first time, lol.

In other words, I'm really liking RE2 so far! I can't believe that I've waited this long to finally experience these wonderful classics.



So I'm getting closer to the end of my first playthrough of Resident Evil 2 (PS1) and honestly, the game feels shorter than the first one even though it's probably been the same amount of time. I've read that RE2 has multiple scenarios, although I wonder how significantly different those scenarios are.

@belmont I remember you mentioning having played the PS1 RE games. Have you played the other scenarios in RE2? I'm currently at the end of my first one, i.e. Leon A, and apparently the next one I would be doing is Claire B. Is it worth experiencing? Also, is it worth experiencing Claire A and Leon B afterwards?


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