
Topic: Last Game You Got?

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@stylon: Don't feel bad mate, I put more than 950 hours into Bad Company 2 online...

"Justin Bieber looks like a lesbian i'd like to ****..." - Megakillscreen,out of frickin' nowhere!

Xbox Gamertag: Red620Ti


Holy smoke that's a lot - I suddenly feel a lot less guilty


Xbox Gamertag: stylon


@DRL I've started NG+ recently on DS2 and am having a blast. It is so much easier when you've got a massively over leveled character


Xbox Gamertag: Crippy D


@crippyd: I'm on my first playthrough now, and I think I'm already a bit over-leveled. Other than the Pursuer, I've taken out each boss on my first attempt. Who knows – maybe all the time I put into Bloodborne has given me an edge in combat.

Reviews Editor, Pure Xbox
Reviewer, Nintendo Life

Xbox Gamertag: holchasaur | Twitter:


@DRL I'm about level 195 with about 110 hours on it and compared to my first play through it is so much easier. I really struggled in some places but the NPCs really help out with the bosses. Also if you can get a co op buddy that has about 3 times the play time than you have that also really helps


Xbox Gamertag: Crippy D


@DRL: It's not about the level really. I've seen playthroughs where someone hasn't even bothered to level up. It's about timing and if your nailing bosses first time, yours must be pretty good. Even high level players can get 1/2 shot if they mistime attacks or get greedy.

I once in DS1 maxed a character pretty much using a glitch to see how powerful it made them - first boss in the DLC - -2 hits.

Ancient, Angry, Armed and Inbound.

Xbox Gamertag: Sorethumbed


It's complex but works. Look it up online there are loads of videos showing how to do.
First of all, you need the disk game, not a download (the download is permapatched).You then have to clear cache then go offline so no update.
Go down underground where the dragon cult is and join.
Practice a few times to get right but basically you spend a soul and spin round whilst breathing fire and keeping the button pressed for the soul spend.The soul XP just keeps on climbing if you get it right.
I only used it after I'd beaten the game - it wrecks it. The final boss is easy - just learn to riposte.

[Edited by sorethumbed]

Ancient, Angry, Armed and Inbound.

Xbox Gamertag: Sorethumbed


Ah, I've got digital so I've lucked out! I'll have to spend some time learning to riposte then.


Xbox Gamertag: Crippy D


Gravity Rush Remastered and pre-orders for Quantum Break finally started at my local game store. Obviously I had to put the money down for that.



Not a game per say, but I got the Aweakings DLC for Black Ops III. Loving it so far.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@crippyd: yup, you need a pre patched version. They nailed all the good glitches.

Ancient, Angry, Armed and Inbound.

Xbox Gamertag: Sorethumbed


Last 'game' I bought was Fallout 4 but haven't actually started it yet. Most recently, I have downloaded the game 'add-on' - Awakenings DLC for BO3 (via the Season Pass) and really enjoying it - particularly the Zombies!

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


An online retailer has a clearance going on now and I decided to buy some games:

El Shaddai on Xbox 360
Inazuma Eleven 1 and 2 on Nintendo DS

I've heard that El Shaddai is one of the most underrated games from last-gen so I just had to get it now and it was only €5, which is a great price in my opinion.

Also got some Inazuma Eleven games since I've never played this series but I know it's made by the Professor Layton and Yo-Kai Watch developer Level-5 and I've been wanting to play something fresh on my 3DS so I thought why not. A football RPG sounds fun!



Just picked up a few physicals today including, Far Cry Instincts (xbox), Elder Scrolls Shivering Islands (360) and Sunset Overdrive (one). Looking forward to collecting a more while games are relatively cheap!

Here's to the collection: July 3, 2021
NSW 820
XBOX 405
X360 201
NES 148
3DS 47
DS 29


Bought a bunch of horror games on sale today in preparation for the weekend. Got Corpse Party on 3DS, Home Sweet Home and Infliction: Extended Cut on Xbox One, and Rise of Insanity and Welcome to Hanwell on Switch. I only got the last two due to how cheap they were and because I'm fairly interested in them, but I'm not expecting much.

It's too bad that I already own most of the great horror titles like Amnesia, Outlast, Layers of Fear etc. so there wasn't much interesting on sale for me. I'm looking forward though to eventually getting The Dark Pictures games including Little Hope, and also Amnesia Rebirth, Remothered Broken Porcelain and Visage. There's been a lot of noteworthy horror games released this month, which is great!



@LtSarge let me know how infliction is; I was curious about that one. I just purchased the Amnesia collection, Soma, Outlast 1 and 2, and Layers of Fear 2 as far as horror games go. I'm also interested in Dark Pictures, Bioshock collection, Ghostbusters remastered, and Remothered but haven't made those purchases yet. I purchased Ghost Recon Wildlands, Far Cry 4, and Infinite Warfare elsewhere for real cheap as well. All I'm doing is expanding my backlog which I was already finding a hard time getting through.


Xbox Gamertag: YungLaFlame


@MAC26 Well it's hard not to expand your backlog when there are just so many great games on sale, so I totally feel you.

I've seen poor reception for Infliction from the Western audience but I've been following Japanese Youtubers and there have been so many people who have played it and enjoyed it. Same with Home Sweet Home, which is why I bought them. They have the same style of Outlast and Amnesia, i.e. run and hide horror with puzzle elements. In fact, people have been comparing Infliction to Outlast, Silent Hill and Fatal Frame, so it does seem promising. Hopefully I'll give it a try this weekend and tell you how it is!

Those are some great purchases right there! SOMA is the scariest game that I've played between it and Outlast, but that game is really scary as well. After having recently played it, I understand now why Outlast is considered a modern classic. It's so simple but still so good and captivating from beginning to end. Highly recommend giving it a try first out of those games!

I've also bought Remothered since a while ago but haven't played it. Supposedly it's really good so if you feel like you want to buy more horror games then that would be a good one to get. BioShock Collection is great value at €10, but I don't really feel like they're true horror games. The first game definitely has scary moments in the beginning but over time it just becomes a standard first-person shooter, which is fine but I kinda got tired of it because of that.



Been spending quite some time these past few days tidying up my PS Vita library, removing games that take up too much space and adding the rest in folders in order to minimise the amount of screens I have. It also made me map out the games that I still need to play, such as Final Fantasy 7-9, GTA Vice City Stories, RE 1-3, the Persona games etc. But it has also made me realise that there are a lot of PS1 and PSP games available on the Vita store that I have never played and would love to play on a portable device. For example, I just bought Alundra on PS1 on impulse since I heard that the game is very similar to the 2D Zeldas like A Link to the Past and it was only €5 so I thought why the heck not. Played it for about an hour today and the game is actually really good, and yeah it does feel a lot like a 2D Zelda game, with real-time combat, puzzles, dungeons and so on. Can't believe that I have never heard about this game until now, and at €5 it's a steal since it's apparently a 30 hour game.

After discovering this hidden gem, I decided to do some research on other games on the store and found ones like Grandia, Wild Arms and Suikoden that I might potentially buy as well. The cheap prices as well as the portable factor of the Vita have made me want to invest in more games like these. Not to mention PSP titles like Lunar Silver Star Harmony, GTA Liberty City Stories and more. I actually decided to give Vice City Stories a try yesterday since I have it in my backlog and was absolutely amazed at how Rockstar managed to make a 3D GTA game on a handheld. It plays so well and this makes me want to buy Liberty City Stories as well.

It sucks though that the PAL region got the short end of the stick in terms of PS1 releases on PSN. Games like Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Legend of Mana, The Legend of Dragoon and more are only available on the NA store, which absolutely sucks! I would love to play these games but apparently you can't really switch between accounts without having to format your Vita and utilise two memory cards. I might do that when I've gone through my Vita backlog and have nothing else to play, but right now this process would just be a hassle for me.


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