
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

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Does anyone know if the DLC for the force unleashed ever goes on sale?

Thinking of picking up both games as they are £3 each but the DLC for the first game is pretty pricey

See ya!


Can't decide where to spend my money in the Xbox sale. I'm thinking of DMC5, Re Village, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5, or FF XV. I already have most of the RE games, and DMC4, so KH or FF on xbox would be new on the system for me. Anyone have hard strong recommendations for one or the other? Sell me on something I want to buy please 🙂



The CMA may be the enemy of many an Xboxer right now but I'm glad they have drawn attention to and are doing something about the following:

It's something that often bothers me when doing the big shop. The price per unit on items having different unit measurements and requiring more thought than it should to actually discern the best deal.

See ya!


I know it's been said before by others but the new Xbox home screen is really rubbish.

Just so much junk on there that I don't need to see or want to sort through to get to what I want to play.

It wasn't amazing before when you could only pin 7 groups to the home screen but pinning only 2 is a joke. The trade off of having like 14 Microsoft chosen and unremovable pinned items is even worse?!

I paid for the console and I paid for game pass, what more does MS want from me?!

It's just kind of lame that they can remotely nuke the UI of the console you bought and paid for at any time they want. I hope people kick up enough of a stink about this that it gets updated to be more user friendly and less predatory.

If I didn't need online for game pass, game downloads and license authentication, I would 100% keep my Xbox offline to avoid stuff like this. My TV is kept offline with no user agreements agreed to for this very reason. I don't think I could take my Xbox spitting out ads at me with another layer of ads on top spit out by my TV

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


Starfield doesn't look great



More or less made my mind up, selling my Series X. It’s been fun commenting in the main stories, but I find Starfield to be dull and boring and I just don’t have the time to put in it, I was expecting more from its graphics too, but mainly I seriously hate the new ad infested dashboard with a vengeance, and MS show no sign of changing it. I dislike companies who do that on premium paid for items. As to what I get? Split between PS5 and the new Nintendo Console, may end up with both.

But yeah, I didn’t save up birthday and Christmas money to buy a console for £450, and then pay for Game Pass, only to endless ads shoved in my face. And then when I read COD will not be day and date on the service after the buy out, I have even less reason to keep it.

[Edited by S1ayeR74]



@S1ayeR74 ah that stinks you're not enjoying it. I love my Xbox for all the stuff that doesn't come to switch and for gamepass. Hope you find what you like my dude.



@NintendoByNature Thanks, I've been an avid supporter of Xbox, but for me the dashboard pushed me over the limit, if I could customise it like before it would be fine but the fact they've taken that away annoys me even more.



@S1ayeR74 I see that a that dashboard is a very common problem. My friend spoke a lot that Redfall and Starfield was a huge disaster for him. But the main reason why he sold his Xbox was that new dashboard.

I hear ZOV.


@AnVold Yeah it's 15 or 16 rows of ads. And that's when you have Game Pass. Your OWN games should be front and centre like they were with the old dashboard. But it seems obvious to me MS are advertising and pushing hard so they can keep the Game Pass price as low as possible. I'd rather pay a bit more for no ads.



@S1ayeR74 that's crazy. It's a console, not a cheap Android mobile. It's sad that games, their quality and comfort of Xbox user base isn't a priority for MS.

I hear ZOV.


I found a soggy Xbox One and it's PSU on top of the recycling bin outside my flat 🤔

Well I brought it in anyway 😂. Might stick it Infront of the dehumidifier over night and see if it works!

See ya!


Just dropping into say hello to everyone and that I apologize for being pretty much nonexistent here. I really do need to work on changing that. The entire reason I joined was to find new gaming friends.

Also, I pulled of two no-scopes within 30 seconds of each other in Gears 5 the other day, so I'm feeling QUITE accomplished.

"And that's how Equestria was made!"-Pinke Pie


Hey all!
Over on sister site PushSquare we are currently holding our Multiplatform Game of the Year poll in the forums.
Dropping by to let you guys know as there’s some cross site traffic between the sister sites & its users (already had a couple drop in).
We’re currently in the nomination phase so pretty much every 2023 release is ‘game’. Just vote for your 5 favourite games of 2023. Late ports & GAAS games count.

Won’t link to the poll but you’ll find it in the forums. It’ll be nice to get a Xbox & PC twist into our multi platform poll. Cheers.

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


I loved Hot Wheels Unleashed on game pass and I'm loving Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 now!

Just wondering if I am remembering this correctly though, the version of the first game was updated midway through it's tenure on game pass to include all the DLC wasn't it? But its original release on game pass didn't include the DLC? Is that right?

Just wondering if there is a precedent for this series that might inform whether they will do a similar thing for Unleashed 2. That Italian DLC looks tasty!

See ya!


If anyone sees this, would it be worth getting Game Pass again? I used to have it but cancelled back in September and currently stick to the games I own in my library. However, I have found myself playing the same games over and over again, and I want to play something new, so I would love to fall in love with a new game that might lead to me purchasing it and adding it to my library.

What games currently available in the Game Pass library would you recommend that are short but sweet? I have a busy schedule, so games that are shorter would fit. I can’t play longer games since they take me weeks to complete and I have little time to progress.

A random gamer that loves retro games, squirrels, and sleeping.

Currently playing: Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! (Mobile) and Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls (3DS)

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli Really depends on what type of games you are into. Might be worth having a look at the GP library and seeing if there's anything there that interests you and then checking out How Long to Beat website to give you an idea of how long it is and go from there - no point starting a 200 hour epic if it's going to take you months to finish it. Alternatively, just sub for a month and try some games!

Personally, I've not subscribed for at least a year or two as I was buying stuff in sales and built up a bit of a backlog which I'd never play as I was trying to get my money's worth out of GP. Figured I'd concentrate on the stuff I'd actually bought and let the sub lapse. If I ever get the backlog down to a manageable level (sometime near the end of the century going on current progress!) I'll probably sub again because I did play some good stuff that I might not have otherwise done without the sub.



@dmcc0 I see! Thank you. I’ll definitely use that site to check which games will fit into my schedule. Seems like it will help!

As for the types of games I am into, I am into 3D platformers, and I’ve nearly played all of Rare’s 1990s-2000s platformers. Not only did I find them fun, but they fit perfectly into my schedule, so I think I’ll look at the library and check for a few games similar to it. If not, I can always purchase other platformer games not featured in Game Pass.

A random gamer that loves retro games, squirrels, and sleeping.

Currently playing: Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! (Mobile) and Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls (3DS)

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli There are a few 3D platformers on there, although I guess you've already played most of the stuff from Rare Replay. The Psychonauts Games are well regarded, and there's stuff like Super Lucky's Tale and SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom. There are probably more, but those are the ones I recognised as 3D platformers just by quickly scanning the list.


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