
Topic: This site has really taken a bad turn

Posts 41 to 59 of 59


@BAMozzy Yeah I would agree with much of that. I was on PS4 last gen, as for me it was the better choice. I am on Xbox now mainly due to the draw of gamepass, but who knows? Maybe next gen I will swap back again. I tend to go where the games (and these days, to some extent the services) appeal most to me. I don't really see the point of being loyal to any massive, multi billion dollar company who wont notice which console I use at all! I suppose those with a large digital library may prefer to stick with one platform, but its not worth creating a profile on gaming websites/social media to have a go at others for making the opposite choice. We all just want to enjoy playing some games at the end of the day!



@BowsersBuddy I have always owned both Xbox and Playstation consoles. Of course with the first Playstation, Xbox wasn't a choice but I owned an N64 as well. Point is, I have ALWAYS owned at least two different platforms since about the mid-90's. Before that, I was mainly gaming on 'home computers' throughout the 80's and early 90's as 'consoles' were seen more as 'kids' toys - not really suitable for teenagers who maybe expected to do schoolwork too on a computer...

As such, I have always had access to the 'unique' software each offers and whilst there is a 'big' crossover of third party multi-platform releases, I'd often find games on 1 platform (used or new) that were cheaper on one system for whatever reason and with each having their own unique digital sales too, you may find that a game can be 'heavily discounted' on one, yet still full price on the other.

The difference today is that if you do choose to switch, you are losing access to your 'digital' library as the new gen hardware offers BC. You may not have embraced the digital format as much as others but some have a 'decade' of games they spent a fortune on, a decade worth of 'free' PS+/Gold games they'd lose access to if they stopped Subscribing, a decade worth of Trophies/Achievements etc. Its not so much about whether 'Starfield' or Forza is 'better' than Spider-Man 2 or GT7 to justify buying Xbox instead of Playstation, Its whether those games are 'good' enough to give up access to 10yrs worth of 'great' games you've accumulated.

Even for a 'newcomer' with NO history on either, the fact that Sony has 'numerous' Game of the Year winners in their Library and MS has a 'reputation' of 'no games' from the XB1 era in their BC library, if you 'go' where the Games are, Playstation again has the advantage. So even if MS has the 'best' service, its still undermined by the rhetoric around 'games'.

Even here on an Xbox based site, you still see many ignoring a LOT of the games released by MS in the past 2yrs - mostly because they weren't 'exclusives' - Like Psychonauts 2, Deathloop, Ghostwire, Minecraft Legends etc, because they didn't come to 'console' first (Day/date - MSFS, AoE4), not AAA (Grounded, Pentiment, Hifi Rush) or not 'brand new' releases (Goldeneye, AoE2). People complain about a lack of 'true' next gen games, yet overlook Flight Sim. You even hear that Game Pass has 'no' value if MS can't release 2 or more AAA first Party Exclusives that score at least 90 on Metacritic every year - forgetting all the 'value' it offers in variety and choice (a great 'game' is still a 'great' game regardless of whether its indie, AA or AAA, regardless of whether its first or 3rd Party etc. Vampire Survivors is a BAFTA Game of the Year winner - beating God of War: Ragnarok & Horizon: Forbidden West to that accolade - in Game Pass but doesn't add 'value' because its not a AAA First Party Metacritical success. Let alone the fact that I can play games like Atomic Heart, Plague Tale: Requiem or MLB23 much cheaper on Xbox thanks to Game Pass over playing these on Playstation adding 'value' to the service for me...

I don't care that others play the same games I get to enjoy - I also would rather that ALL games were easily accessible to all gamers so that they ALL can enjoy the same games I enjoy, as well as access games I don't/won't play. I have also never felt that 'Exclusives' shouldn't be enjoyed by others on their 'preferred' platform - even if that means 'waiting' a year for them to release - I don't think it 'hurts' Sony that some of their First Party games are on PC now for example or MS choosing to keep Minecraft and Mojang as a Multi-platform developer - releasing Minecraft 'everywhere' simultaneously - but it does mean it gets 'overlooked' as a Microsoft/Xbox release.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Removed - trolling/baiting



I've noticed a few trolls every now and then but for the most part I've had a positive experience on this website which is why I keep coming back to it.



I've just joined and love Xbox, I mostly see positive comments and just gamers having a good time, I will of course defend Xbox where needed, but so far, seems like a nice place. There's negativity everywhere, other site a rife with hate and toxic behaviour, not here thanfully.

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce 💚🎮

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


@Ep_13 it’s definitely much more chilled around here now, I think all of the recent positive news will have really helped improve the general mood around Xbox for many people.



@BowsersBuddy You can't even be excited about game pass and Xbox over at EG, you get shot down, this has been confirmed by people here who have reached out to me as they saw the bullying, was great to see. The community here seems fantastic thus far. I'm chuffed with the site, and it has forums which is amazing!

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce 💚🎮

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


@BowsersBuddy @Ep_13 I registered on Eurogamer nine years ago. It has become an unpleasant place to be if you like Xbox. Anyway, I don't think it's as popular as it used to be before the quality of the content plummeted.

EDIT: I just noticed that the forum was shut down two years ago.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@Ep_13 pleased to hear you are enjoying it here

@Banjo- I have read the comments on other websites and have been put off ever joining them! You have done well to stick it out over there for that length of time. I only really comment here, and once in a blue moon on Pushsquare and nintendolife. I’m not on social media these days either, I try and avoid anywhere online that has the potential to get toxic as it just doesn’t feel like it’s worth the time or energy to be honest!



@BowsersBuddy It's not worth your time or energy, indeed 😉. There are many important things to do and to care for in real life and video games already take a lot of our time but at least they are enjoyable. Once you report/ignore the hostile trolls and the killjoys, Pure Xbox is a peaceful place to hang out. It's also the best place to learn about Xbox news and that's important considering the Game Pass continuous rotation, the new studios and the digital deals.



@Banjo- I love the site too, but forums went, and I've had mix results with help and assistance and admins, though one contact I have is amazing. I've found the core community on their is good, but there's a select few that follow people around and make peoples live hell, was ridiculous.

I like the site and I think the quality is there, but yeah Forums went, it went to reedpop the back end etc.

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce 💚🎮

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


@BowsersBuddy Can always play some quiet online games, BF 2042 with me if you like, I'm 39, just give me ammo haha! play support

[Edited by Ep_13]

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce 💚🎮

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


@Banjo- absolutely! That’s actually the reason I tend to only play games for as long as they are enjoyable, and don’t worry about completing everything. We only have so much free time, and I want to enjoy the time I have rather than slog through something that is no longer fun.…Or spend it arguing with random people on the internet ! It’s definitely a cool place to read and chat about Xbox.



@Ep_13 thanks buddy I’m currently only really playing solo games, but will give you a shout if I get back into some online gaming



@BowsersBuddy No worries, might start a BF squad Forum, as playing in a true squad is great fun and powerful

Episode 13
Swimming in the Sauce 💚🎮

Xbox Gamertag: Episode 13


@Ep_13 Some multi-account/multi-site users are obsessive and some staffers are not objective. Sad.

@BowsersBuddy Good point. These days, I only buy games I know I'm into but at, the same time, Game Pass is heaven because you can try games and genres and give them up with no regrets. It's almost like you're given free credit or something LOL.



I love Pushsquare and Pure Xbox.

Commenting is free so you will unfortunately deal with bad actors.

[Edited by themcnoisy]

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7


@SwitchIsTrash lol

Why am I in a list of people who "hate" Sony portables? I loved my PS Vita.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

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