
Topic: This site has really taken a bad turn

Posts 21 to 40 of 59


@FraserG Hey, Thank you for all your work, it must not be easy.

Honestly, I think all three sites more or less have the same number of trolls, and I think you're right, drama comes in waves and when we're in a particularly large wave (like right now) the trolls really come out. My problem with PushSquare is that in the comments section some of the staff (well, mostly just two) come out and more often than not add fire to the flames instead of trying to keep things civil. There's a real bias there that I just don't see in any of the other sites.

So I want to say thank you to you and your staff, and the staff of Nintendolife. We're all humans, and we all have biases, but the PureXbox staff does a good job of keeping that in check. Just please, no articles on Xbox vs Sony. We get plenty of that in the comments. lol.

P.S. TimeExtension seems to have the most chill and un-trolly community, but everyone forgets about them. lol.



@Kalmaeuser Well, let's talk about creating fake accounts and posting a post to start an argument first.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Hey everyone, just wanted to make a comment about the 'trolling'

We work very hard to moderate the sites, but as you can imagine we get a lot of comments daily. Unfortunately, this means some comments will get missed.

All we ask is to please use the report feature. This ensures comments come through to the moderation team who can then look into it.

Also in terms of users with paid badges, I just want to assure you that makes no difference when moderating the sites. If a rule is broken, the comment will be removed/bans will be handed out regardless.

I do appreciate all of your feedback and do take it onboard. All I want is for the sites to be enjoyable for everyone đź’š

@Tasuki Not too sure what you mean in terms of bans, I can assure you we still ban users often, both temp and permanent




GunValkyria wrote:

Hey things could be worse! You could hang out at Gamefaqs instead.

that site pops up often when i look up stuff about a game, from what i see on the boards the users there are terrible & its just a sewage of toxicity so youre right.



@FraserG @DreamlandGem I just want to be grateful for all your hard work, guys!

As for me, of the four sister sites (Time Extension included, of course), this one is my favorite and all your hard work with the articles and forums have helped me greatly to feel very welcomed over here. I find the community over here, overall, very polite and (mostly) reasonable. Very interesting comments and discussions.


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


@DreamlandGem What I meant, is being here for years, it just seems that the sites (NL, PX, and PS) seem to not take a strong stance in trolling and just arguing like they did in the past. Often I see the same users day in and day out trolling and insulting other users day in and day out. I just wonder why are they allowed over and over to do same thing day in and day out, it really adds to the toxicity that is becoming the standard. In the past mods were quick to deal with those type of posts and users where as nowadays I see the same thing from the same article day in and day out. It just seems that the mod team let's alot go. Like I said not sure if it's a case of not enough mods, or maybe some legal reasoning or something I totally don't know but it's just an observation I have made over the past few months.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki I think that might just be your perception or your experience — but I assure you we still ban plenty of users and remove plenty of comments. This is actually more transparent than it used to be, so it's hard to even compare when users wouldn't have even seen what users/comments were banned before this came in place?

The rules are more developed now and better tested, so I think we're more consistent than we've ever been in the past.

Obviously when it comes to trolling it needs to be fairly clear it's deliberate, otherwise, we'll get accused of 'you can't say anything negative'. People are allowed to have negative opinions, but how they put them across and when, as context, are important as to whether they breach any rules.

Nintendo Life | Push Square | Pure Xbox | Time Extension

Xbox Gamertag: antdickens | Twitter:


Unfortunately, there just hasn't been a lot of good news for the Green Team as of late, and that's gonna dial up tensions in Xbox-themed communities. The XSX subreddit was pretty angry after Redfall dropped, for example.

And, being a much smaller community than NL or PS, trolls or fanboys who are very active are going to have an outsized impact on the overall tone of the forums.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)


@Ralizah completely agree, communities such as ours will often reflect the state of the news cycle and unfortunately there hasn’t been tons of good news for Xbox, obviously doesn’t help the Act/Bliz story has taken numerous different turns but all news worthy in our opinion. Also agree with the very active users having a larger impact on overall tone.

Nintendo Life | Push Square | Pure Xbox | Time Extension

Xbox Gamertag: antdickens | Twitter:


@DreamlandGem I'm going to share my honest feedback as a long time user without naming anybody except positive examples in the closing. My intention is for you to know how us long-time users feel recently on this website and hoping that this insight is useful somehow.

In my humble opinion, the moderators should have noticed those that are constantly trolling because all they want is Pure Xbox to reflect a gloomy atmosphere and are always trying to annoy the users that have been here posting peacefully before the trolls came. I mean, those users that were here because they like Xbox and not because they want to be the first to troll about the ABK deal on every thread. I have noticed that the genuine Xbox users don't post as often as before. It's sad because those were the most interesting comments to read.

Example given about my own experience, a cold-blooded troll that insulted me and sided with other accounts, harassed me and insulted me in a way nobody has done before. I answered defending myself, saying that what he accused me of is exactly what he's doing, insulting, harassing, siding with other trolls... but I didn't insult him. I have a long screenshot of all the comments before they were removed. Then he reported me and all comments were removed so it looked like what I said was as bad as what he said and he has never been banned so every day everything starts again. He even said, "Why can't we just discuss this peacefully?" right after insulting me. I know that many people have issues with that user because they have posted "I ignored him long ago", "He only posts for negativity", etc. but because he is hypocritically reporting other users after pestering and insulting them, I was wondering why nothing has ever happened to him, in spite of many people reporting him. I recently said that he didn't want the ABK deal to go through but he wanted Sony to acquire Square Enix because he admitted so and that comment was removed. When I support other users that call him out on his hypocrisy/victim game, they are removed. He had admitted that he was "trolling" in the beginning, when he started posting here as well as on PS where he is very aggressive towards Microsoft and Phil Spencer (the opposite of what he pretends in here) but now it's much worse because he tries to annoy every person that prefers Xbox deviously while playing the victim and reporting at the same time. I've never seen a more malicious user on any forum in my whole life and it's, at the very least, sad that he has such a large input on an Xbox site because his intentions are not good. Yes, people can ignore him but he writes so many comments that the consequences are noticeable in the overall state of the website.

Just to be clear, the problem is not what one thinks but how one behaves. I'm perfectly fine with opinions against Microsoft. Dezzy70 for example is very negative about Xbox but I've never seen him being disrespectful and pestering other users. There is another user that says that Game Pass has only Game Boy games, Dad-something. Some comments are hilarious and a good laugh after more serious comments but other users are just toxic and the website has changed for the worse because of them.

I hope that you find this feedback constructive because it's for this website's good.



I've never been a troll, it just isn't in my nature, over the years I've had Gamecubes, Mega Drives and even PlayStation. So I just like the games and I'm respectful of every console, gamer etc



Removed - trolling/baiting



@antdickens It is what it is. Even Push Square was having this sort of negativity loop for a while when there was more of a bad/disagreeable vibe around news in that ecosystem a year or so ago. Nothing to this degree, of course, but I definitely think the vibe will even out once more highly-rated first-party games are releasing and this Acti-Bliz thing is settled one way or the other.

@Ephexis83 Nonsense. Life is war. Pick a side in this completely arbitrary conflict and fight to the death!

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)


@Ephexis83 I have never understood how someone gets so attached to a company and the 'brand' name on the box. I have ALWAYS gamed on multiple devices and since Sony and Microsoft entered the 'console' gaming sector, I have always owned their hardware. With PS1, I had an N64 and opted for PS2/Xbox over Game Cube, PS3/360 and Wii, PS4/XB1, PS4 Pro/XB1X and now PS5/Series X. I also have a Asus RoG Zephyrus Duo with RTX3080ti GPU and pre-ordered a RoG Ally...

As such I have 'no' bias - its all about being able to play the majority of games I want to play as a 'gamer' - but that doesn't stop those 'fanboys' from attacking others who don't 'agree' that their favourite platform is flawless and/or the competition is complete trash. or games on 1 platform are not worth playing etc. There appears to be more animosity between the fanboys of 'premium' consoles than there is between Liverpool and Man Utd fans. I frequent both Push Square and Pure Xbox - just like I used to frequent OPM and OXM as I find more 'general' gaming websites often have more 'toxic' users - inc PC master race elitists - and can be more difficult to see/find Console specific news/reviews etc.

In my years here at Pure Xbox, even before they restarted it, I always felt that this was a more welcoming and less 'bias' with its 'news'. New 'multi-platform' games don't tend to be written as if they are ONLY on Xbox and most people here seem more accepting of others preferences in general, more accepting of others being able to 'enjoy' great games etc. God Forbid Sony allow any 'exclusive' to be played by others - even if they got to enjoy them 'first' on Console. LoU should never be on PC for example...

Some of that could be down to the selfishness of 'enjoying' Single-player only games, games that feel built for 'you', instead of sharing experiences in co-op/online games and 'feel' special as only 'Fanboys' get to play these games. I prefer to see 'gamers' united instead of divided as they share the same 'hobby' - but then you get animosity between Rival Football fans too instead of just appreciating the football. Its not CoD OR Battlefield to me, I can play 'both' or neither and on whatever platform I choose. Its not Spider-Man or Starfield as I can play both too, its not Xbox or PS5 to me, as I can play on both regardless too...

[Edited by BAMozzy]

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


I agree with the idea that these sites get more negative as/when there is any negative news. There does seem to be some more negative news at the moment for Xbox, so I think that’s probably why there seems to be worse behaviour in the comments. Hopefully as things improve so will their behaviour! Hopefully with the upcoming events and some big announcements/game releases.

As a general rule, I like it around here. There were a couple of users who used to be rude to other users, one of whom I believe has left and another who I am aware still posts but I have since blocked. I spoke to them a few times under my old user name back when I was posting here more regularly, but after a break decided I just don’t want to engage with them. To be honest, I would advise others to do the same as it definitely makes it a better experience not engaging with those you wouldn’t choose to.



I'm curious about the other games other than Starfield, the stuff like Hi Fi Rush and unannounced games (smaller stuff)



@BowsersBuddy There is always 'negative' news for one or the other 'Premium' Console - even if that means its 'positive' for the other. If Sony has a good week with Sales for example, that is somehow turned around to be a 'negative' about Microsoft. If MS has any 'positive' Game Pass news, its often turned around to be 'negative' or used to make PS+ seem worse...

Take the ABK news that is a 'positive' for both MS & ABK, yet that has brought out some of the worst in PS Fanboys. CoD, a 'game' they completely ridicule as its an annual Cash Grab, full of MTX and bugs/glitches/server issues etc - a game bought by casuals who only play CoD/Fifa etc. But as Soon as MS intends to buy it, its the most 'important' IP in Gaming History and MUST be kept Multi-platform, never be 'owned' by MS. Its a much bigger IP than Spider-Man or Wolverine can ever be -despite the fact that Spider-Man is a much bigger IP and kids growing up will be more likely to want a Playstation when they get their 'first' console as a result - therefore build up a 'digital' Library that they'd 'lose' by switching at a later date. Even the Promise of keeping CoD, therefore Sony can keep 'selling' to those 'casuals', those who 'only' play CoD and only bought PS because of Marketing, still get their 'profits' isn't 'good' enough.

The 'threat' of MS actually being in a position to 'Compete' with Playstation in terms of Game Output - even if 'some' are also on PS5, the fact they are 'free' on Game Pass adds to that competitive threat and list of games MS can compete with Sony's own Spider-Man, Wolverine, Last of Us, God of War, Uncharted, Horizon, R&C etc - games that will never be on Xbox or Game Pass or Xbox owned Cloud services. As MS is 'expecting' to be more Competitive, that is threatening the Sony Fanboy dominance and they are becoming even more Toxic as a result it appears to me...

[Edited by BAMozzy]

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy

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