
Topic: Blocked User bugged

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So while readying some threads I noticed that I wasn't seeing posts by a user like if I was blocked thing is I never had any interaction with said user, and I don't have them blocked. So could this be some kind of bug?

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki There are certain users I can't see their posts either. I know they have posted because I can see their Avatar as the most recent reply, but if I go to the Forum, their replies are hidden and also I notice 'gaps' in the number of Posts - for example it will jump from post #11 to post #13, (not show #12).

I don't have any blocked users myself so I just assumed that they have me Blocked themselves...

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@BAMozzy I have the exactly same problem! Thanks for pointing it out.



@Balta666 @BAMozzy Yeah I know they have that feature, quite annoying actually but I have explained myself over and over on how this is a bad feature but management doest agree.

Thing is the user that I don't see any posts, I never had any interaction with on any of the four sites so that is what makes me think it's bugged. Unless so for some reason that user just decides to randomly block someone by pulling names from a hat or something. I would reach out to the user but obviously I can't. So it lead me to think that perhaps its bugged.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki I don't know if its 'bugged' or not - just because you haven't really had any interaction with a specific user, at least not that you may recall, that doesn't stop them from adding you to their ignored/block list.

They could be 'offended' about the amount you post or even the length of posts, the way you choose to format/present yourself etc, not just ignore for what you said or what opinion you expressed.

Take your opinions on Jim Ryan in recent times, instead of interacting with you, they may just choose to ignore you/your posts for that reason and as a result, you can no longer see their comments and you have not had any interactions to explain why. For me, it could be 'my' opinions, maybe the amount of text I post or even the way I use apostrophes for emphasis on certain words (seems to 'really' annoy some in the US even though its an accepted practice in the UK instead of italics, bold etc) but I'll never know because I can't interact with them or see anything they post.

I don't know if its 'bugged' or just the way its designed. They may have just chosen to ignore you without any interaction to give you some indication as to why you can't see their posts anymore

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy Ok what you said makes sense. That just wrong that another user can block someone just because even without any interaction. Just another reason that the block system is a mistake.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki Just means you have been blocked. I have done that to the users that I feel have unhinged responses (the racist or homomisia folks for instance) and I don’t want them to interact with me either. Just means somebody wants absolutely nothing to do with you. It happens. Just read the posts you can see and go about your day.

[Edited by Ryu_Niiyama]

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