
Topic: Exchanging Gamer tags to meet new players and friends

Posts 141 to 150 of 150


Quality Geezer feel free to add me



@CarbonLink @QualityGeezer Hi there friends.
I added you both. Feel free to add me as well.
Cheers, stay safe and happy gaming to us all

Edited on by RaZieLDaNtE

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



Hi all! I haven’t given my Series X the love it deserves as of late and looking to change that. Always happy to see fresh faces and have a nose at your achievements, feel free to add me - Peace Salad

I’ve added a few of you in this thread that I had missed.

Happy gaming all 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


Xbox gang, be sure to add yourselves, I do follow back. My gamertag is Fis4Phenominal

Add me on Xbox. Username: Fis4Phemominal


Gamertag: BrazilianPerson
I'm gonna change it soon, so add me as soon as possible!


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