Xbox's Recent Multiplatform Releases Selling Well On PS5, Fallout Sales Also Get A Boost

Whatever we may think of Microsoft's new direction in bringing certain first-party games to other platforms, the results are beginning to speak for themselves. Circana's Mat Piscatella (formerly NPD) has today posted a bunch of figures and statistics about US game sales for the month of April - and Xbox's new PlayStation releases seem to be doing rather well on the whole.

First off, Rare's Sea Of Thieves was the fourth best-selling game in the US last month across all platforms, climbing up from number 55 in March. When talking about PlayStation specifically, the game came in at number three in the best-sellers list.

That's not all, either. Thanks to a PlayStation-flavoured sales boost, Obsidian's Grounded climbed from number 167 on the US sales chart all the way up to 12th position across all platforms. Again, when talking about PlayStation specifically, Grounded was the ninth best-selling game on Sony's platform during April.

There's good news elsewhere for Xbox game sales as well. Thanks to the hype behind the Fallout series following Amazon's recent TV debut, sales have shot up on all platforms. In the US, Fallout 4 was the fifth best-selling game in April, with Fallout 76 also managing to claim the number eight spot in the charts.

Of course, demand for these titles is at a real high point right now given all of the recent releases on fresh platforms, but it's still great to see either way. That Fallout boost feels like it came out of nowhere as well, largely down to how well-received the TV show has been so far.

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how all of these games perform during May — once those figures are out in the wild — to see which of the newly-released PS5 titles can carry their momentum forward. Based on this though, we could see Microsoft wanting to move more titles over in the coming months!

What do you make of all these fresh sales figures? Tell us your thoughts down below.