Elden Ring Dev Undergoing 'Large-Scale Recruitment' For Future Projects

FromSoftware was really on top of its game when the Japanese developer dropped Elden Ring in early 2022, and it seems the team is now building up for future projects beyond its upcoming ER expansion plans. As spotted by IGN Japan, the dev is ramping up development in a big way, with lots of roles opening up across the studio right now.

The team is hosting 'online briefing sessions' around these roles, roles that represent a large-scale recruitment drive at FromSoftware. "Multiple new projects" are at the centre of this drive as well - a detail that's making us curious about what the team is up to next.

As we previously mentioned, there is an Elden Ring expansion still to come out in the form of 'Shadow of the Erdtree', but aside from that we know little else about what FromSoft is up to. More Dark Souls? 'Bloodborne 2'? A new IP? Who knows!

Either way, all eyes are on this team after the monumental success that accompanied the release of Elden Ring early last year. If we had one nitpick about that release as Xbox fans, we'd love for the next FromSoftware game to launch on Xbox Game Pass - we've had too many teases for Elden Ring on Game Pass that haven't come to fruition!

What do you want the Elden Ring team to make next? Do tell us down below.

[source jp.ign.com]