2019's Terminator: Resistance has today received a free upgrade for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S! It's now live ahead of the "Complete Edition" launch in October, which will include even more current-gen content when it arrives.

In terms of today's free upgrade, digital and physical owners of the game will receive a visually enhanced version complete with Infiltrator Mode and an FOV slider. Series X runs at 4K, 60FPS, and Series S runs at 1080p, 60FPS.

If you're more interested in the Complete Edition, that'll be available on October 27th. It comes with the Annihilation Line narrative expansion, and will be priced at just £11.99 / $14.49 for owners of the base game. It's worth noting that the Complete Edition will have its own Xbox achievements too, as it counts as an entirely separate version.

For now though, go and check out the free upgrade and let us know what you think of it!

Will you be jumping back into Terminator: Resistance on Xbox this week? Tell us down in the comments.