Microsoft has been gifting rare limited edition Xbox consoles for a very long time now, and even to this day there are probably many out there that we don't actually know about.

With this in mind, back during the Xbox 360 generation, Microsoft sent certain people within the games industry special launch systems featuring their names engraved on the hard drive. It turns out Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai was one of the lucky individuals to receive one and he recently showed it off.

Smash Bros. Director Masahiro Sakurai Shows Off His 'Rare' Xbox 360 2
Image: Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games, YouTube

You can see the hard drive in the latest video episode on Sakurai's YouTube channel, where he goes through his rarest belongings. Unfortunately, the original Xbox 360 system that was included apparently got struck by the infamous "Red Ring of Death". Thankfully, he was able to carry over this personalised component to an Elite model.

Although this was a long time ago, Sakurai is still playing Xbox - with the developer most recently acquiring an Xbox Series X. You can read more about this in our previous coverage:

What's your favourite Xbox 360? Did you have a particular model or themed one you were a fan of? Tell us in the comments below.
