Is 'A Plague Tale' Dev Team Working On The Sequel To Requiem?

A sequel to A Plague Tale: Requiem hasn't been officially announced at the time of writing, but work on the series seems to be ongoing at developer Asobo Studio, with open job listings now live for the developer's internal 'Plague Team'.

Basically, the French studio is currently split up as it works on multiple projects, with Microsoft Flight Simulator being the other major franchise in development over there. There are lots of positions ready to be filled for work on Microsoft Flight Sim as the 2024 edition nears release, but there are also four roles available for the A Plague Tale team.

Those roles are for a VFX Artist, Gameplay Designer Senior, Senior AI Programmer and Senior Gameplay Animator. Work on Requiem — which launched on Xbox Game Pass in October 2022 — is now complete, so, is a sequel in the works?

Well... possibly. We can't say for sure, as the team could be working on some sort of expansion for last year's game, but DLC hasn't been announced yet and these roles certainly sound more involved than something like support work on the recently-released Requiem.

We'll be keeping our eyes on this one for any developments as we're very, very into the idea of more A Plague Tale from Asobo Studio. Whether it's DLC for Requiem or a full-blown sequel, you can count us in - it'd also be nice if a potential sequel launched on Game Pass again, wouldn't it?

Would you be up for more A Plague Tale on Xbox Game Pass? Let us know what you think these job roles are for down below.