The new Fable is a game we're all very excited about here at Pure Xbox, but recently we've had little to talk about in terms of updates - aside from a Senior Producer responding to concerns about "scoping" earlier this week.
Back in March, Playground Games appointed a new lead-level designer for the project, and now in a new update, the team is currently seeking a senior gameplay animator. This was shared by Fable's principal animator, Chris Goodall:
According to the description, this role will be responsible for creating a "diverse variety of animations" required to realise the vision for the new Fable game and its "open world action RPG" gameplay. This animation work will cover a broad range of areas - from characters, creatures to props, and even facial and motion capture.
Fable has reportedly been in development for at least four years now, but the general consensus seems to be that it won't be releasing any time soon. Let's hope we don't have to wait too long for this one to arrive on Xbox Series X|S.
Perhaps we might even see or hear more at the upcoming Xbox Bethesda showcase. Share your own thoughts down below.
[source jobs.jobvite.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 23
So this will be an xbox super serious series x-clusive? Expected release date of 2030?
Wow so this game isnt even close for a game announced like 5 years ago
It’s all a bit weird at the minute when it comes to game announcements, development and finally releasing.
I will be honest and been Xbox since day one. Microsoft development and PR and announcements all seem a bit not right and not aligned and unfocused.
Thx for the job ad, I'll be sure to apply
Back in the day, E3 was a trade show for US retailers to prepare for the incoming game discs in the holiday season and align their ordering and existing inventory reduction. Announcements were mostly for games coming that holiday.
Then we went into the era when games were announced mid-way through to build hype and solidify console bases for exclusives.
Now, games are announced before they exit the planning phase and get into full production, both to secure new talent, and I suspect to generate funding. I think the normal, today, is conceptualize the game, then market it, then develop it based partly on response and funding, so most games will be announced a year before it's even in development, with 4-6 year dev cycles, so a release 5-7 years after announcement.
And this is why E3 is dead. Most games announced after year 3 of a generation are really for the next generation.
This game is so far away…I really wish Xbox would stop showing games so early. But of course it’s obvious why they continue this tried and tested pattern. Appeases stockholders, gets subs/hardware sales. We’ll see it again next week and all be super hyped for Xbox over games that will either get delayed or won’t be out for years. We like this dance.
I am glad they’re getting an animator in though. We’re all super hopeful for fable because it’s playground games…but playground games have done so little with AI. We’ve never seen them do combat. And the character models and animations are always the weakest part of any Forza horizon. Fable is proving to be a huge task for them…given the lack of experience I don’t get why it’s surprising we’re hearing all this now.
Fable should have been given to obsidian or someone with rpg experience really.
I don’t expect fable to look anything like the cg trailer when it finally does hit. I hope they can run with the opportunity they’ve been given though…I’d love to see them prove themselves like gorilla games did for PlayStation. It just never seems to work out that way on this side.
"good afternoon everyone, this is the stewardess. Everything is fine, don't worry. I was just wondering if anyone knows how to fly a plane....?
No doubt showcase will be showing Games coming out in 2025
Damn it this is gonna come out 2024 at the earliest.
Ok. This game is not showing up at e3.
@Rmg0731 i only got into Xbox this gen but wasn't the game just announced last year? Then they had a slew of hires so realistically this game was 2-3 years out as of last year? Or was this actually announced a long time before that?
@Dezzy70 they do seem to have a major communication issue. Hyping starfield a few weeks before it got delayed. Did no one talk to each other before they started hyping it up... clearly not...but how? Still don't understand how no one was let go after the Halo debacle.... like all the third party product tie ins and it got delayed in the last minute. Any other company in the world and more than one person would have been walked out.
@Krzzystuff This!!!!!!!!!!!! Bethesda before the purchase would never have done this. There was always some hint or knowledge they were working on a game, but they did not start building hype until about 4or 5 months out. MIcrosoft doesn't even need to do this I was a a day one customer for all their releases because i like their products. With the incredible value of gamepass and backwards compatibly I don't feel like they need to hype games that are so far away. Starfield it made sense they had what they thought was a solid release date. I am glad they delayed it if it helps with crunch and makes the game the best it can be.
The potential concerning thing is and a lot will depend on the Xbox showcase next Sunday, it seems to be spreading and not getting better communication wise since the release of the series consoles.
It’s strange for me they got the new consoles spot on and released them perfectly and even now production wise are getting a good amount of consoles into stock UK wise.
But big AAA games and their studios they seem to be running around like a bunch of amateurs or maybe high paid suits that have lost their managerial drive and ambition and just let things that are fundamentally wrong go by, like a bunch of drifters not caring anymore.
@Bleachedsmiles "Fable should have been given to obsidian or someone with rpg experience really."
While Obsidian would have been a good choice... They would have also been a terrible choice. They aren't British, and a lot of that Fable comes charm from British humor and what not. Which is probably why the IP was probably passed to Playground. Who would be a good British developer for the IP?
@Floki I’m not sure. But that also assumes playground games can write - have you heard the radio station/ai scripts in FH?
It doesn’t take much to bring in a British writer though. Plenty can write about kicking chickens.
It's a shame Microsoft never had a studio full of people with experience not only in making RPG's but with the Fable series as well.
They couldn't have, it's not like if they did they'd of shut them down and fired everyone, that would just be stupid!
@Bleachedsmiles Nah. That just doesn't feel right. Taking a British IP and handing it to an American Studio.
Sadly another game that was announced FAR too early. While I understand the reasons why (@NEStalgia covered it all well), and I do believe it’s a necessary evil to get staff and funding, that doesn’t stop it being really frustrating too.
This was first announced at the July 2020 showcase yet we likely won’t see it till 2024 or 2025 at this rate.
What about Avowed (also first shown July 2020), Hellblade 2 (2019) or Elder Scrolls VI (2018). How long must we wait for these games after first announcement? 3 years? 4 years, more? Feels like we’ll be lucky to see the next Elder Scrolls this console generation. A shame
@themightyant well we can’t really blame MS for elder scrolls… it’s just the whole carrot on a stick thing xbox do that frustrates. Thing is we all know we’re going to see them continue dangling it on the 12th…and we’re all going to applaud them for it. So why change?
We’ll be like “omg cgi trailer for conkers and banjo crossover!!! Wooop woop. Xbox win again!”… 2 years later we’ll be here complaining the games are still at the hiring devs stage. But then they’ll show jade empire 2!! Woop woop!!!
@themightyant Yeah, elder scrolls they said they'd start after star field (at least they were open up front that it was an announcement for the far far future just to tell everyone it's planned) star field is now delayed again, I'm guessing a year. So tes 6 is realistically starting dev 2024. And that game I would assume a7 year dev cycle unless ms money really speeds things up. So 2031 release maybe. Mid to late next gen at best?
They spent too long on back to back fallout imo. At least teso scratches the itch.
@Bleachedsmiles you got me at Jade empire to. They can have my money now. I'll believe the lie!
@Bleachedsmiles @NEStalgia Should have been clearer I’m not singling out Microsoft, others are bad at this too. KOTOR remake, Quantic Dream Star Wars, Wolverine, Indiana Jones, James Bond just a few examples. Incidentally it seems to happen more for licensed IP, likely to attract talent.
But I do think MS has been particular bad at mentioning games that are 3-5+ years off, also Everwild (first shown 2019), Perfect Dark (2020), State of Decay 3 (2020) it often feels like the majority of their announced games are a long way off, which is disappointing IMO. They need to have a better balance.
+1 Sign me up for more Jade Empire.
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