It's been almost 10 years since Grand Theft Auto V launched on Xbox 360, and yep, it's almost here once again. The Xbox Series X|S versions of GTAV have finally been properly revealed by Rockstar, and we're being treated to three graphics modes.
So, Fidelity Mode brings all the graphical bells and whistles — including ray tracing — at 4k, 30fps on Xbox Series X. Performance Mode mode ditches ray tracing, and opts for an upscaled 4k resolution on Xbox Series X, at 60fps. Finally, Performance RT Mode aims to balance these two modes, with ray tracing enabled at a higher frame rate, but a lower resolution.

For Series S users, things are a little different. Fidelity Mode will bring upscaled 4k to Xbox Series S, at 30fps. Performance Mode opts for 1080p, 60fps. However, ray tracing appears missing entirely, as there's no mention of it in Fidelity Mode, and Performance RT isn't available on Series S.
Across the board, all versions will feature increased increased population, traffic variety and vegetation density, while also delivering improved lighting quality across shadows, water reflections, and other elements. A bunch of other effects have also been updated from their last-gen counterparts.
Grand Theft Auto V launches, again, on March 15th for Xbox Series X|S.
Do these sound like worthy upgrades to you? Will you triple dip? Let us know below.
[source rockstargames.com]
Comments 24
I don't know how to feel about that.
Any word on whether MS version gets the free or discounted upgrade? From what I can gather it ain't looking that way for PS5
@AhabSpampurse From what I can gather, there's no free or discounted upgrade. GTA: Online will be available on its own though, which will be cheaper than the full game.
"Performance RT Mode aims to balance these two modes, with ray tracing enabled at a higher frame rate but a lower resolution".
If it hits 60fps, it's the best mode on Series X.
This is the definitive way to pretend it's still 2013!
It clearly makes loads of money so I understand why they have done it but it's not for me.
I never bothered with the online part but just judging the single player I thought the game was no more than a 7/8 out of 10. Technically it's fantastic, even the first versions of this still look good, but the game felt like it was playing itself a lot of the time. The story, atmosphere and characters all worked just less so the actual playing. Rdr2 is similar.
Why no 1080 30fps with ray tracing for series s? Why even bother with a 4k 30fps mode smh
Honestly, I’d be willing to pay quite a bit for an RDR2 upgrade, but not this unless it’s cheap.
"..upscaled 4k to Xbox Series S, at 30fps. Performance Mode opts for 1080p, 60fps.."
I know it's an old game, but that's still impressive, considering other games have struggled to hit similar marks on the series s.
All the details apart from whether it's a free upgrade or not 11 days before release, I'm guessing it's a full price game and if so I'll pass, I'm not paying for it again after buying twice 360 and Xbox one
@AhabSpampurse Rockstar is infamous for selling the same game over 3 generations for full price. Even the GTA Trilogy wasn't a free upgrade it was a paid for broken upgrade. I decided I'd wait until they fix it to try. Even then, I've already bought the game for Xbox One and PC and have no reason to play the game really. Makes you wonder if the game saves even work or if you have to start over.
I hope performance ray tracing becomes a standard.
I sacrifice resolution for 120fps. If the game isn't gonna include a 120fps mode, then let me sacrifice resolution for Ray tracing to get 60ish. FreeSync Premium will iron out the rest.
@Banjo- and @InterceptorAlpha I couldn't agree more.
I believe in doing more per pixel, than more pixels just for the sake of it. There are countless games out there that would be SO much better at say 1080p60 with ray tracing and solid AA, rather than 4k, or even 1440p60 with improved settings. 4k just feels like a waste of resources to me, to a large extent.
But people are obsessed with it, so it be
@Raffles Performance is my priority since the last generation because advanced graphics with fog and other effects at a choppy frame rate is bad for my brain. Resolution is not as important, I mean, unless you're given 260p like in some Switch games LOL.
I want to enjoy ray tracing but I only turn it on if frame rate is 60fps and not 30fps. VRR is very useful to iron out performance on our LG OLED TVs 😊.
All I wanted was 60ps at 1080p on ps4 pro but nope they wanted to resell it on ps5 & Xbox series 👎🏻
No vrr mode? Please add the option to disable the 30fps cap!
Now if only they could upgrade the story to be interesting or funny, Rockstar long since forgot how to do irony.
Given the recent GTA trilogy disaster, I also think that we need to be mindful that even at this late stage, Rockstar still haven’t given us a proper trailer or shown any footage of these so called ‘next gen’ features. Wouldn’t surprise me if this update was also handled by the devs of the recent (terrible) trilogy ports. Definitely be worth waiting for the reviews on the one 🤔
@Gr81 Agreed. You dont but an S to play games in 4k. Rather have ray tracing and 60fps @ 1080p
I’ll definitely be using Performance RT Mode but I hope it’s not @ 1080p, it should be at least 1440p given the power of the Series X.
@Banjo- Yeah I forgot to say as for me it's a given - performance is king.
Some people who don't care about framerate would think I'm crazy, but I would take 720p60 over 4k30 without a second thought
BTW Cyberpunk is another game that is needlessly prioritising resolution and struggling because of it. I played the SeriesX version for the first time recently and tbh it's still pretty bad even after this supposed great next gen update. NPCs were still popping up right in front of me with a lot going on, and the framerate is too choppy. Lowering the resolution and increasing the settings would work wonders to make it look and play much better.
It's still worlds away from the PC version. To illustrate my point about resolution, the PC version at 1080p60 with high settings and all ray tracing active looks and plays much, much better than the next gen console versions, even with DLSS (internal 720p).
At least it sounds like Rockstar realise that, given the RT performance mode.
@Raffles That's right. FPS Boost is another great thing for older titles.
@Banjo- Agreed, one of the best things about the SeriesX along with quick resume. I've bought a few games purely because of FPS Boost, the most recent one being Sonic Generations.
@Raffles Actually, the best Sonic 3D game!
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