GTA 5 Next Gen

We finally got that big next-gen blowout of Grand Theft Auto V last week, when Rockstar revealed what's coming to GTAV on next-gen. The developer also reiterated that GTA Online will be available separately and, well, it looks like that's the case for Story Mode too.

A listing has popped up on the Microsoft Store for Grand Theft Auto V: Story Mode on Xbox Series X|S. This is the first time we've heard of a separate package just for the campaign, and the listing's description adds a bit more context.

Requires access to Grand Theft Auto Online for Xbox Series X|S. Get 50% off GTAV: Story Mode for Xbox Series X|S until June 14, 2022.

Even the official listing is vague! Typical Rockstar... Anyway, what this sounds like to us, is that if you pick up GTA Online on its own, you can then purchase the story mode as an 'add-on' after the fact.

And that story mode add-on will be discounted for the first three months, at a rate of 50%. This could lead to a cheaper version of the full game, depending on how much that standalone purchase of GTA Online turns out to be.

Gta Online

Hopefully, in the coming days, Rockstar explains all of its purchasing options for Grand Theft Auto V on Xbox Series X|S. In the meantime, keep an eye out for a GTA Online to Story Mode upgrade path, as it may well be cheaper than the full release.

Would such a discount persuade you to pick up GTAV on next-gen? Let us know in the comments.

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