Update: Digital Foundry has weighed in with a brief written preview, and the results there are slightly different. PS5 does still have an advantage, but it seems closer and due to VRR on Xbox, that gap is further shortened.
"Even running on the launch day patch 1.02, the frame-rate mode continues to run at a range of 45-60fps on PS5 and Series X, while the quality modes on each range between 30-60fps."
"In comparison, PS5 is typically operating at a higher frame-rate than Series X, though clearly neither is ideal. The bottom line is neither console offers a consistent 60fps in the final release."

"Xbox Series X is greatly improved by its system-level support for variable refresh rate (VRR) if you have a supporting display."
Original story: Elden Ring is almost here, and ahead of time, plenty of media outlets are going hands on. We've seen the glowing early reviews, and now a comparison video has cropped up showing every console version of Elden Ring. There are some interesting results here and it's safe to say, it's a bit of a mixed bag on Xbox.
We'll start by saying that this comparison is mostly focused on frame rate. There aren't any solid resolution numbers here, but the video looks at all performance modes across all consoles. That includes both generations of Xbox and PlayStation systems.
On Xbox, both next gen systems have two modes, quality and performance. Oddly, the Xbox Series S performance mode actually fares better than Series X, hitting around 50fps on average. In comparison, Series X averages out in the mid-40s in its performance mode. Both quality modes hover just above 30fps.
While it's nice to see the Series S hit a decent frame rate after a run of disappointing ports, the Series X version is a bit odd. As the video shows, PS5 climbs much closer to 60fps in its performance mode, and we hope the Series X version is looked at post-launch. In the meantime, VRR should help smooth things out on Series X, with a compatible display.
Does this change your mind on which version to pick up? Let us know in the comments.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 64
So it's as most of us expected then is it, my tv has VRR but I'll take quality for now, maybe continue the remainder of the game if they patch the performance mode in time.
Guess I’ll get it on ps5 then.
I have it pre-ordered, but maybe I’ll wait and see if they patch the performance mode before playing it
Honestly i'd take it with a pinch of salt. It's a Resero video, they're like the Chuckle Brothers of critical analysis.
Personally i'd wait for NX Gamer/Michael Thompson (now working with IGN) or Digital Foundry to have a more definitive take.
Additionally it's likely worth waiting for a few patches. FromSoft have a pretty bad record of launching games that they improve later. Bloodborne had 1 minute+ load times on launch that they later halved. Thought their framerates are rarely stable you'll almost certainly have a better experience if you hold off for a while.
i will play it even at 40 fps cut yourself from such a good experience for fps dig is quite insane i will play it on my series s and have a blast just hope that we dont have crashes or freezes like on pc that would be unacceptable cause open world or not i never experienced any freeze on dark souls series. can't wait to level up explore get killed and dying misreably such a good feeling.
I sometimes wonder why people are still arguing about which console is stronger. I've seen games running better on ps5 and some on xsx. Plus the gap is not significant enough that will make you think the game is a 6 out of 10 now because of it. It's something I have said to PC fanboys for a long time. Witcher 3 is still an amazing game on consoles. Don't need 8k 240fps to enjoy it.
Just buy the game where you think you will get the most out of it.
Some run better on one, some the other. Both are indistinguishable in virtually all instances without software to tell you where it went from 50 to 48 frames.
I never was a fan of the "most powerful box" argument for the Series X. Give me a box with fun games.
Why does the ps seemingly always best the series X on FPS...I have both but il be getting it on Xbox as I prefer achievements
@djshep1973 thank you for saying you can still play good stable 30fps games. I've chosen to play both FH5 and HFW @30fps because the amount of detail and granularity lost in their performance modes, together with pop in, mean I cant enjoy the 60fps modes like I do with all other titles.
You'd think that this would be an acceptable viewpoint, but I've been attacked in many a forum for suggesting this, with many people telling me they cannot ever play anything at 30fps as its a slide show - like the entirety of gaming history was rubbish as we rarely had 60 fps in previous gens.
I love 60 hz too - but there's only so much I'm prepared to sacrifice to get it! I'm an ex dev, I cannot ignore 'pop in', I spent 20 years trying to avoid it and correcting it whenever I saw it!
@Medic_Alert DF have released their initial conclusions now.
Update: the video on the article is talking about the beta, but the article covers review code.
In brief:
This idea is interesting. Should be a flat solid 60fps if there is a way to do this
@djshep1973 To be fair, I was a little mean, they do offer some benefit but they are at the lower end of the spectrum.
Your idea is what Digital Foundry actually recommend as the only current way to get a stable 60 on console right now. Run the PS4 Pro version on PS5! Bonkers.
Also worth noting that PC isn't that much better. Reviewers with 3080s, 3080 Ti's have said they don't get a stable framerate.
As I said at the top likely worth waiting for a few patches here if you want the best performance.
@Medic_Alert "That looks like a bit of a s**t show all round." It's a FromSoft game, this is to be expected!! (Dark Souls 3 was the exception.)
To be fair and put everything in perspective: Bloodborne is one of my favourite games and it ran at an unstable 10-30fps with uneven frame pacing. Sometimes there are more important things than framerate.
P.S. Love your new profile pic. Playing Death's Door right now, it's amazing!
@RevGaming Agreed! I truly don't understand if a game is marginally better on one console, what difference does it make. Still get the game on YOUR console of preference. You're getting the same experience.
@RevGaming On the whole I agree with you. However there are times when one console is not optimised as well as another and you get significantly worse performance/graphics on one vs another. This is becoming far less common thankfully but used to be more commonplace. Skyrim immediately springs to mind as a huge title which ran like ass on PS3.
For me it's mostly about spotting the howlers like that and also as a multi-platform player choosing the best version of the game when I have the choice.
Would be cool if there was a a system level feature on the Series consoles to make a framerate cap when a VRR display js detected. Sounds like a 50fps would feel great on XSX. 45-60 Is too big of a range to feel steady even with VRR
I'd take 1080p in order to guarantee 60fps before the inevitable swathe of patches.
From have never been good at optimising their games so this is expected. The Series X without a doubt should be running similar numbers to PS5 though, since the beta it seems like little has been done to improve Xbox framerates.
Also while VRR is great, only the minority have sets supporting it, so for most this is a mute point when it comes to improving the experience.
I’ve been playing this this morning and with my LG CX VRR TV, I think it runs quite smooth. I’m not noticing big frame rate drops. Overall, I’m quite happy with the way it runs so far.
@themightyant Yeah, idk if Fallout 4 xbox one version was better, but there are still very noticeable bugs on ps4 (as of today). I can get those things, but 99% of games are just 5-6 frames drop during 2-3 seconds.
I'm still buying 99% of multiplats on ps5. In my country most people have a switch or a ps4/5, plus I enjoy dualsense a lot and enjoy trophies because of the platinum being more enjoyable to get for me. I was going to buy The outerworlds and Hellblade on xbox because now they own them. Diablo 4 and Wolfenstein could be the same case.
@jonnybuck84 It matters. I couldn't play ratchet and horizon on 30fps quality mode. I just can't go back. Nintendo only fans will get it in 10 years if I'm being completely honest.
@Rafie well sometimes is not about preference. Sometimes is where most of your friends will play it on.
If it isn't digital foundry, I don't pay attention to it. But either way, I am sure there is going to be post-launch patching going on.
My guess is, if the XSX is having lower framerate, its likely due to the PS5 version running checkerboarded 4k while the XSX is trying to run true 4k, or some other too high of a resolution, and likely will be adjusted eventually.
As for what platform I'll be getting it for, I was not planning to buy it at launch. Was planning for the inevitable summer sale or Christmas sale (I'm that patient) but my partner really wants to play it with their sibling, and said sibling only has a PS5, so might end up getting it on PlayStation and potentially playing together, that means I'll be playing it on a PS4 Pro, most likely.
@jonnybuck84 since it’s become an option yes. Try Control with Ray Tracing @30fps vs without at 60fps. It’s very noticeable. At the same time if there’s little drops here and there I’m not bothered, DF while great, has lead to some people being super forensic.
Sounds more and more like this is a game exclusively for existing FromSoft fans without much to offer anyone else.
@RevGaming Nintendo's home consoles were always about 60fps, 60fps, 60fps for generations until Switch....
@StylesT Something I wished PS had are the trophy leaderboards xbox has. I would like to see where I rank up worldwide, but that's not enough for me to enjoy. Not having a platinum doesn't give me the same psychological dopamine release lol.
@NEStalgia Yeah. I think pre ps4 it was the same thing.
Hopefully the next nintendo console lets you choose modes. It's honestly the best way to approach it.
@Fenbops I think the initial Network Test showed that while the Series X was taking more of a frame rate hit, the resolution on the Series X tended to be higher than the PS5 in like-for-like scenes.
Not sure why the DRS on Xbox side isn't as aggressive as PS5. I bet if DRS aggression was like-for-like, then performance would be like-for-like.
FromSoftware has historically favored Sony's platform from a performance standpoint.
Sekiro ran at a Checkboarded resolution on PS4 Pro, but a native resolution on Xbox One X. PS4 Pro ran better because its native resolution was lower.
Dark Souls 3 got a PS4 Pro patch that unlocked the framerate and I THINK gave it a slight resolution bump as well; but not a Xbox One X patch. We didn't get 60fps Dark Souls 3 until FPS Boost (at 900p) on Series X, PS5 owners got 60fps Dark Souls 3 (at a higher resolution) by simply playing the game on PS5 thanks to the unlocked framerate of the PS4 Pro patch.
Disappointing given the hardware but to be expected really, it's a FromSoftware game after all. Hopefully it gets a stability pass in the coming weeks. If I can get through Sable with its horrific 5fps framerate I can get through anything.
Again, if you have a VRR TV, this looks and plays wonderfully IMO. Concerns are overblown.
@lolwhatno I think what's motivating me is all the memes that subreddit made since the reveal of the game.
If you want to have a laugh, watch gamer2323 latest video. We're the most toxic fanbase now hahahaha.
We finessed Elden Ring winning most anticipated game twice.
It's all coming together.
It's not like elden ring is a first person shooter where frames per second really matters, stable 30fps is fine for a 3rd person action game.
Many people do not have a VRR display. Should be enjoyable and smooth for everyone, specially in Series X
There is no stable 30fps option for this game. PS4 and Xbox one have unstable 30fps caps with bad frame pacing. More powerful consoles waver wildly between 30-60
Really curious to see if it works!
@Shigurui you sir have just given me one of the best ideas in recent gaming history. Instead of game pass or season pass, stability pass. You pay extra for patches and support, to make the games actually playable.
Current generation seems like a great candidate for such a monetization plan (maybe Ubi, Activision or Square can see the potential..).
@RevGaming That's a fact as well. It's why I have all the consoles (except for Series X. Can't find one). I have friends on all consoles.
@Rafie Will get an XSX whenever Starfield drops, unless it's a bad game which I doubt it.
Not interested in the switch. Would love to play metroid, platinum games, pokemon and zelda there but the console itself is holding me back. I'll wait for their next console.
@djshep1973 "I’ll be disappointed if these sorts of issues aren’t ironed out, in the first few patches"
Based on their past games don't expect miracles. Except for Dark Souls 3 no 'Souls' FromSoft game has ever held a stable 30/60fps on release consoles.
@NEStalgia you surely forget the N64 and SNES SuperFX games. Games like Starfox ran at 19fps and Mario 64 constantly nosedived to 20fps.
Ocarina of Time was capped at 20fps.
N64 games were not very smooth…
I must be old...is this what people think of while playing games? Framerates and resolutions? In my days explosions would cause framerate drops. At the end of every round, in SFII on SNES, there was massive slowdown. All this on carts, mind you, but not once did I stop my enjoyment, to think, "whoa, look at the framerate. Garbage game". You young ones have got it lucky.
Series X version in Performance Mode using VRR for me.
Know not everyone has VRR, but John Linneman from Digital Foundry says he’s opting to use the Series X with VRR for this game. So despite the increased framerate on PS5, the VRR Series X option sounds better overall.
@Tharsman Yeah, I just tend to forget N64 ever existed. A few classics emerged, but I see that as the darkest timeline for Nintendo even under WiiU, personally. Thing was FUGLY. A few classic games, but FUGLY AF.
@RevGaming Wow you're not into the Switch? Is it because of the hardware? Just curious.
Yeah I want an XSX so I can fully enjoy some of the games in the highest quality and such. I want to be able to play the new Halo, Forza, Fable, Starfield (as you've mentioned), etc on that console. I hate that it's not readily available.
@Rafie The hardware, controls, online and no price drops are the things holding me back.
They have the games, but I'm interested in some IP. Mario Strikers looks good, but I don't think I'll pay $60 for that.
What I'm interested in:
Anything Platinum Games
Monster Hunter
and Smash Obviously.
Don't care for zelda's and pokemon's spin offs, mario kart, mario sports, wii sports, xenoblade, animal crossing, yoshi, kirby, DK, fire emblem, splatoon, pokken, luigis mansion and whatever else they have.
They have the best first party catalogue objetively speaking when it comes to quantity and quality (the games budgets aren't that big and development is faster), but too many titles are been there done that. People say Doom Eternal and God of War Raganarok looked more of the same, that's even worst for most Nintendo titles.
I honestly think Xbox will have more games that cater to me without having the issues I mentioned first. Funny how that changed from one gen to another one.
I don't care about PC exclusives neither. Starcraft 2 is a almost perfect game, but idc about mmos, dotas and rts games that much.
VRR with quality mode is insane. FPS flow from 80 to 120 on elden ring with a 4k picture. Its dope and you cant convince me other wise. VRR makes it an insane experience.
@blinx01 Bro try quality mode with vrr... Its damn good.
@StylesT Digital Foundry - on one of their 1 year retrospective type videos - tallied up the Xbox Vs PS5 performance differential so far and the SeriesX did come out ahead by about 15% as I recall, so fairly close to the 20% advantage it has on paper. And there was a recent game where the SeriesX trounced the PS5 handily, I think that Tales game.
It's just there's been several notable titles that for some reason the PS5 has had an advantage in recently, namely Cyberpunk 1.5 and Elden Ring.
Unfortunately, Digital Foundry's video is made by Thomas Morgan who makes the most boring and least specific DF videos.
Frame rate mode: 1512-1800p on PS5 and Series X (he says that he "thinks" that the resolution is slightly higher on PS5).
Motion blur is missing on Series X/S in frame rate mode.
Lower frame rate on Series X except when trotting.
Weird results for the early build, I hope that the final game is a bit more optimised. Optimisation for Series X is rubbish in the early build. I expect at the very least solid 60fps in frame rate mode on both consoles by launch and the motion blur enabled on Series X. The frame rate mode is broken unless you run the PS4 Pro version on PS5 but the PS4 Pro is like the Xbox One X version, with less graphical detail.
PS4 Pro version is the same as PS4 and One X other than resolution. Xbox One has less details, some animation quality and foliage density compared to One X and PS4 versions.
It's too bad the XSX and PS5 didn't get a version with One X settings, would probably have been a locked 60 on both. Also looks the PS4 Pro would have been at 60 most of the time with PS4 settings. What a mess.
Thinking I'll go with XSX for this game. Would probably do PS4 Pro version on PS5, but the load times will probably be last gen as well like that
@Moto5 Sorry, I mean Xbox One X, I'll edit that.
The early build is a total mess on all consoles but, obviously, PS5 is going to run a last-gen game at 60fps. Don't regret your decision, I'm sure that the game will be patched on Series X, it has to. I mean, they even forgot to enable motion blur.
Being positive, I'm sure that the critical acclaim and almost-guaranteed commercial success will trigger early optimisation patches.
I'm probably going to wait and let the dust settle a bit on this. Apparently the 1.02 patch made stutter worse on PC. Have plenty of games to play for now anyway!
@Moto5 That's a wise decision, wait. By the way, have you played any From Software game? I haven't.
Otogi Myth of Demon's games on the OG Xbox and Demon Souls on the PS5.
Saw that Otogi is now backwards compatible, I was so annoyed when I got a 360 and couldn't play it. Haha, maybe I will revisit that instead of getting Elden Ring.
@Moto5 Good. I think that I should try it first just in case I consider it too frustrating.
@teknium_ 30fps is fine for something like Watch Dogs but for melee based action games it's awful. I'm no framerate snob but as someone who plays a lot of hack/slash games 60fps in that genre absolutely matters, it's always a far better experience without exception.
Definitely try one first, they are not for everyone.
Damn, that would have been interesting to see
@lolwhatno I think people are pointing how Elden Ring is better than your favorite "trash" game of the year and they're calling that toxic.
I'll give it a go, but from what I've seen the FPS isn't high enough for VRR to make much difference.
@blinx01 it does if you wanna stop screan tearing... VRR is doing something in that respect....
I've played heaps now on Series X, it's fine.
Well I have it on my XSX. Pretty decent with VRR, but you still can feel fluctuations. VRR likes a tighter range than what is being provided. Had to set the XSX to 120hz for VRR to work for some reason though.
My brother got it on PS, and think I may as well if it doesn't get better by the time I actually start playing it. The PS4 Pro version still looks sharp enough, and I actually prefer the lesser foliage as it pops in so close on the next gen versions it can be distracting. Frame rate never missed 60 and no stutters. Load times are also better, kind of annoyed by that. Series consoles should be loading faster than a PS4 app on PS5.
Still gonna wait a bit in hope things will get better on XSX. But as it stands the PS4 Pro version on PS5 with a Brook Wingman XE and Series controller feels like the best way to play Elden Ring
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