Unless you've been living under a rather large rock these past few weeks, you'll be aware that Elden Ring is out on Friday, February 25th. Well, ahead of its public launch, plenty of reviews are now out in the wild and things are looking incredibly positive.
Here's a selection of reviews we've seen so far, and a quick summary of each review:
IGN (10/10)
But the thing that’s most impressive about Elden Ring is that, in between all of this brilliant open world design, there are also a handful of Legacy Dungeons that still deliver those “wide linear” levels that Souls fans have come to expect. These are gigantic castles, forts, manors, underground labyrinths, and more that are packed with secret areas, challenging bosses, and multiple paths that are linked via one-way shortcut doors. If they were strung all together without being tied to an open world, they could probably exist on their own as Dark Souls 4.
VG 24/7 (5/5)
The areas you explore, route you take, and enemies you face down along the way will differ depending on your approach – and FromSoftware appears to have built the game with divergent routes and deliberate sequence breaks in mind. Basically, speed-running strats and optimisation for this game are going to be delicious. The back third of the game feels a little more directed and features more mandatory bosses, but the world is still resolutely open.
Game Informer (10/10)
Once in a great while, a game comes along that seamlessly combines impeccable gameplay, a wondrous world, incredible tone-setting music, and unparalleled art direction. That game is From Software’s Elden Ring, an action RPG that channels the best aspects of the studio’s last decade of work into one enormous package. This absurdly ambitious open world captivated my curiosity, enticed me with puzzles, secrets, and mysteries, and served up unbelievably satisfying moments as I experienced one of the most extraordinary adventures of all time.
PCGamesN (10/10)
Your character sheet is crystal clear about what your strengths and weaknesses are, item descriptions aren’t needlessly obscured with esoteric lore snippets, and tutorial prompts explain every core mechanic in the game. Having the freedom to roam the world and go into your next battle with a stuffed inventory of consumables, all without having to grind for souls you’d rather spend on leveling up, is so refreshing.
COGconnected (98/100)
Compared to some recent games, Elden Ring is not a bleeding-edge showcase for the latest graphical effects. Nevertheless, its art direction is immaculate and spectacular. Every area is haunted by relics of a long-past age. It is always interesting to look at and often beautiful and awe-inspiring. New to the series is a day and night cycle that changes the monster population, lovely weather effects, and a head-spinning variety of architectural styles.
Shacknews (9/10)
It feels as though Elden Ring is FromSoftware’s original vision for the genre finally realized. Like all that came before were a series of stepping stones that the developers have been walking along in order to reach this point. Though the core gameplay on offer here is unchanged from the formula that was laid out with Demon’s Souls, it has been polished to a glistening sheen.
Push Square (Review-In-Progress)
Elden Ring feels like the definitive FromSoftware game. With a refined combat system packing new ideas and an open world perfect for exploration, it sets a new benchmark for titles of this ilk to strive for. While its technical faults and underwhelming side content may be sources of disappointment, what the core experience offers is spectacular. It won't suddenly convert those turned off by previous entries into fans, but FromSoftware lovers should probably consider Elden Ring an essential playthrough. We just need a bit more time to confirm those thoughts.
Well, Elden Ring is certainly shaping up to be one of Miyazaki's most beloved adventures yet. Currently, it holds a ridiculous 97 on Metacritic, from 42 reviews so far. We're hesitant to start calling GOTY contenders this early, but Elden Ring will surely be part of that conversation later this year.
How are your Elden Ring hype levels looking now? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 70
Miyazaki: This is not even my final form!!
#1 ranked game of all time on OpenCritic currently. 97 average
I'd really like Pure Xbox to weigh in.
Hype. The only question now is PS5 or XSX? 🤔
There’s a report going around on ResetERA that the framerate on Series X is only 45-50 FPS and on PS5 it’s 55-60 FPS. If that’s true, I really hope a patch is coming to help XSX.
@AhabSpampurse I've gone for XSX purely as I have credit from rewards (and have Horizon on the go for PS5). But if the PS5 is any better performance wise I'm fully prepared to double dip for this
i knew journalist would give it a perfect 10/10😊👌 this game is everything we should expect from fromsoftware they added so much new things to that world it surely their most defining game and i expect the bosses to be more challenging and harder as it is a open world with 4 players coop. I just wait the release it can't disapoint someone that have zero expectation.
@AhabSpampurse windows central did a review of the Xbox version i believe and no mention of any issues other than you will die a lot and something else
@AhabSpampurse some early issues with ps5 regarding texture Pop in and frame rates and also long loading times, haven't read a series x review but I imagine similar issues, possibly fixed with an early patch.
Excited for souls fans! You guys got a good one!
Dark Souls: Death in the Wild
Cain't wait!! Thursday night at 9pm!
Sounds like a great game. Shame I don’t get on with FromSoftware games 🙄 pleased for everyone else though
Taking these reviews with a pinch of salt. Will wait till we actually get performance tests as apparently the frame rates all over the place on ps5 and pop in. I imagine the same with be for the Xbox versions. Hopefully a patch will actually polish the game…that’s when it will get my money tbh
I will wait have HFW for now and go for the best performance on either PS5 or Series x.
Typical FROMSOFT game as reviews I have read seems to be pop in, fps issues and to many long load times.
Be careful with frame rate reports that maybe because the series x is pushing a higher resolution and some better graphical effects.
Typical Fromsoft errors though.
I can only say: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
@Dezzy70 ...and it may also be cause its not well optimized or just performs worse. It does happen, CP v1.5 springs to mind.
As far as I am aware the two consoles are looking for parity on this release - we need the pixel counters at DF to confirm
Either way I've just pre ordered despite not being a souls player - this one seems too amazing to miss out on. I like the dual shock, so that the mention of decent haptics meant it that was the best choice for me. Hope it performs well!
It might be really good game. Hope everyone one enjoys it.
But no easy/story mode, then for me, really just don't care. Not going to even bother with it.
I would love to play this gorgeous game... However, i was never a fan of the permadeath style games, or having to spend hours on one battle and if you die you have to start all over or spend another 20 minutes going back to the fight you were on or something like that. Can anyone tell me what happens when you die in this game? How is the death system and
@PhhhCough I really, really really wish this would have been the name.
A patch dropped on Xbox about an hour ago.
Not sure if it's the final day one patch, but I'd ignore any technical reviews until then.
Yes, but is it any good?
Yowzers..I expected good reviews but not that good....going to check metacritic now lol
Damn 97 from 45 reviews on ps5...I was not expecting that good...maybe 91 or 92 at best
Wish Horizon and this didn't have to be so close together...Horizon will be taking a back seat to this
Will buy on the Xbox
Will hang on for a patch and see what console performs the best.
I do prefer overall the Xbox controller it just sits better with me having the joysticks not in line and the triggers are angled better for me.
Haptic feedback is good on the duelsense but I do forget it is there sometimes especially during my HFW playtime. Would love to play HFW with the Xbox controller.
@PapaGlitch yeah, that 6000 point bonus is looking mighty tempting!
What I have seen so far looks like both consoles PS5 and series x, best mode is Quality not performance.
As performance loses detail and does only give about a 10 to 15 fps boost not a full 30 to 60 fps boost.
PS5 seems to have a higher FPS overall for some reason, but if you have the tv series x smooth things out a bit with VRR.
So you typical confusing Fromsoft console optimisation.
yeah I didn't expect my preference would mirrored here
But its not a slight difference for me. I genuinely hate the series X standard controller, it feels like a nasty sharp plastic toy to me, and my wife cant use it at all. Fortunately the Forza special edition controllers feel much better (to me), so I bought two of them and leave the standard controller hidden in a draw
But I still prefer the dual sense over the xbox controllers, even the Forza ones and use them on PC too (I have three so there's normally one spare!). I'd suggest I'm just a weirdo, but I do have some friends who seem to share my views, so I know I'm not the only one!
Regardless of the controller, we are all getting some mighty fine games to start this year - its a great time to be a gamer!
Might be time to try another FromSoftware game, as usually they are not my cup of tea.
This does look spectacular though, no doubt.
As an aside, the odd instance where the PS5 performs better (Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 1.5 as 2 recent examples) surprises me. The consoles have such similar architecture, yet the Series X is about 20% more powerful. Only thing I can think of is developers try to make use of that 20% with higher dynamic resolution targets or higher settings, and push things slightly too far, leading to less consistent performance.
Might have to get this one on PC for perfect performance.
Yes controllers are all about personal preference that’s all.
Yes some very good games for the start of year, let this continue throughout the year hopefully.
@Titntin I love my SeriesX - it's overall much better than I expected, and made me love console gaming again.
Apart from the controller That's the one thing that did not meet my expectations at all, especially given the fairly lofty public opinion of it. I also think it feels quite cheap and plasticky, just not very nice to hold or use. I was genuinely surprised it's so well liked.
The 360 controller feels weightier and better made and more comfortable. I still think the 360 controller is the best all round controller, and is my preference for PC gaming. It would be perfect if it had a better d-pad and 6 face buttons. It has better battery life too.
About the Forza controller - how is it better exactly? To me it looks identical to the standard one, just colourful.
Correct will be interesting to see the resolutions.
Normally where PS5 out performs series x on fps it is because the developers have pushed the series x higher in resolution and or graphical effects.
Of course all this gets miss read and the PS5 gang claim a victory and the increased series x resolution etc gets pushed to one side.
Also let’s not forget with series x VRR gives us a smoother experience normally and zero screen tearing. I hate screen tearing.
Have you tried the the elite series 2 Xbox controller
That is very very good. I have my thumb stick tensions changed to max and it feels so good.
@Dezzy70 Actually no I have not tried, I've seen it though and like the design of the d-pad. £150 though, oof
I do like the sound of adjustable tension analog sticks though. That's one of the things that surprised me actually, the sticks on the SeriesX controller feel quite loose and wallowy, kind of how DualShocks used to feel.
I love the higher firmness of the 360 sticks, they feel much nicer and more accurate.
PS5 - 97
XSX - 95
PC - 95
Holy *****.
@lolwhatno I'm smiling too. Today is a good day.
I have never liked the 'Souls/Borne' games (or Sekiro) and will never understand the hype or understand why these games are so critically acclaimed. I don't even think that visually they are 'that' impressive and the Game-play loop doesn't really do it for me either.
Each to their own of course and I don't 'need' people trying to explain to me why I 'should' like these etc,I have tried ALL (apart from Elden Ring) and not one has kept my interest despite 'numerous' attempts to try and understand why these are 'liked' and just came to the conclusion that its 'just' a genre/style that doesn't appeal and FromSoftware are the absolute masters of these so that's why they score so well.
At least my Son and his friends, as well as all those other 'hyped' fans of this genre should be very happy when they get their copy as it seems they are 'delivering' on their promise with this.
Yes the D pad is good and tension when adjusted does feel perfect and weighted in tension to perfection. Probably slightly firmer than the Xbox 360 tension and very accurate.
Yes it’s expensive but quality and perfection cost.
@Titntin Yeah people's preferences are so fun to hear. Like I can't fathom how people like the PS5 controller. I would love to be able to hook up my xbox controller to my PS5. I find it big, bulky, and I truly, 100% despise the triggers. The novelty was cool for a moment but I don't understand how people's finger literally don't get tired by pulling against the force trigger. Anyway, glad we have choices!
@Secryt for me the size of the pad just stretches my hand. its really just uncomfortable to me. i've since adjusted but its just never been comfortable and yeah, the adaptive trigger magic disappears real quick. most people actually shut it off because its hindering in matches.
@awp69 Worth noting as well is the PS5 doesn't support VRR. VRR will happily smooth out that frame fluctuation.
That said, I do agree, they should drop a patch to smooth that out if true.
It's nuts the PS5 doesn't support VRR tbh. I know it's more of a PC gaming thing, but seeing as the tech is there and TVs now have it, why not use it?
dude people are saying the xbox series x and s version are terrible optimized.. throttling at 45 to 50 fps .....wtf happened to the worlds most powerful console. It seems every month PS5 is out preforming in FPS compared to the Worlds most powerful console. Im tempted to get PS5 these days due to XBOX pleather of issues i ve been encountering on Series x
People worrying about a 5-10 frames per second difference in a 3rd person action game...
That reviews are allowed to be published before the game's release, even if just by a day, and that those reviews are overwhelmingly positive, bodes well for this game. I'm excited.
A bit early to judge what version is better, I'm going to wait for Digital Foundry.
@Raffles The lack of VRR on PS5 is probably because PS5 doesn't have real RDNA2 and Series X/S do.
I’m not a god at Souls games or anything, but if anyone hits a wall (like I inevitably will), I’m down for jolly co operation!
You have to love how PS finds reasons for disappointment in every high-profile game that is not first-party 😂. I've never played a From Software game but now I'm curious about Elden Ring. I liked Sekiro in Digital Foundry's video covering the Xbox One X version but I didn't get it.
@OliverOwen other reviews have stated you get to go right back to where you die instead of having to work your way back to the spot and allows you to reattempt noses immediately.
Does anyone know if VRR is working with Elden Ring on Series consoles?
@Moto5 VRR isn’t game specific. It works for every game to my knowledge.
@Banjo- wtf, first I've heard of that. Do you think that's really true? I mean, even AMD have seemingly always claimed the PS5 is RDNA2
It isn't or wasn't working for a few games, like Halo Infinite. There used to be VRR compatible tags for games, but don't see them anymore
I guess usual FromSoft game. You die and you git gud.
You may lose your xp but not your experience as a player. It means you'll do better next time even without extra xp. That's the point of these games. If you don't like the concept just pass
@AhabSpampurse series X quick resume.....nough said
@OliverOwen There is a checkpoint system in this game that will apparently let you respawn with all your equipment, EXP etc. intact, and will respawn you right near where you died, provided you triggered the checkpoint prior to dying. Getting straight back into boss fights after being wiped out should be relatively hassle free here.
The store that I preordered at occasionally processes the orders an hour or two before closing on the day before the release. I'm wishing and praying they do it this time.
If not, I'll be outside the store at 9am on the dot
@Raffles Hm, that tweet looks like an ad and the link I posted is from a Sony engineer... I'm afraid that the engineer is more accurate.
@Raffles Hiya. The texture on the grips for a start are much smoother and feel lovely in the hand, almost soft and silky. Contrast this to the 'stippled dots' hard texture of the standard controller, they feel very different and I cannot feel the 'ridge' where the plastic edges are on the forza controller, where they are very noticeable on the standard controller.
The triggers feel like they have better, almost smoother, operation and feel.
Xbox controllers have a a kind of 'felt strip' glued under the trigger buttons to stop them making a lot of noise when they are pressed and the gluing is often pretty messy and results in the trigger getting 'sticky'. I had this a lot when I started Foza, and looking on reditt, its a known and very prevalent issue.
Because the Forza controller has some transparency, I believe they have changed the design and have certainly made surerany such fixing is not visible as you would be able to see it.
As a result both my Foza controllers have never stuck, and the triggers just feel much better.
I appreciate the design looks so identical barring the silly colours that its hard to imagine them feeling so different, but if you get a chance, put one in your hand and you will notice the difference instantly.
I also definitely agree with you, the xbox 360 controller felt much better in the hand, and I was truly shocked when I bought the series X and felt it had gone backwards in terms of comfort. Its not a deal breaker of course and I used it exclusively till the Forza special editions came along.
@Secryt Appreciate different views my friend.
With regards to haptics, do remember its dead easy to turn them down - I find many devs over use them and so its much nicer at half tension which can be selected in seconds. I don't want finger ache!
@Sunanootoko Definitely going to pass. Games like this are for a certain type of group and person. They are not me...
@Clankylad I’m not buying it because FromSoftware games are just too difficult for me, and I don’t mind admitting it. I loved the look of Bloodborne, played it but only got so far. Same with Sekiro. Against my better judgment I caved and bought the Demon’s souls remake on PS5 when it was in a sale....yet again I only got so far. That’s it for me now...unless they start including difficulty settings (highly unlikely) I won’t be buying anymore FromSoftware games, no matter how high they are rated. Plenty of other games to be getting on with anyway!
@Banjo- agreed, I was in a bit of a rush reading and replying, I glossed over the engineer part
That is very interesting, I would have thought there would be a bigger performance differential between them, but maybe it's more about featureset than performance.
@Titntin Thanks for the info, indeed I had no idea the materials etc would be different, and even the triggers.
Interestingly you did list 2 of my gripes with the pad - the nasty stippled plastic, and the sticky triggers, with the third being the pretty loose analog sticks. So pretty good that 2 of them are better.
@PhhhCough did you see on Gamespot they stole your title for their Elden Ring review?
@Raffles Most games perform better on Series X than on PS5 but most are not optimised and there aren't any third-party AAA games that are not cross-gen, are they? I think that in a couple of years we'll understand the differences, comparing similar or the same PS5 and Series X games in terms of resolution and frame rate and everything on top of that. The truth is that Series X has 12 TFLOPS and PS5 9.2 sustained TFLOPS (10.28 advertised) and Series X has full RDNA2 and a 9% faster CPU but developers are still scratching the surface of the new generation.
Are From Software games difficult because you have to memorise complicated controls or because they demand quick reactions? Can somebody explain why they are difficult so I can make up my mind?
@Raffles @Titntin I use the Elite controller 2 and I love it.
@Banjo- Interesting, first I heard about the 9.2 TFLOP figure too. Where did you read that?
It does surprise me whenever the PS5 does have the edge in a game, because on paper the hardware difference is fairly significant in favour of the Series X. Not only does it have a solid 20% TFLOP advantage (or 32% if your figure is correct) but it also has a 25% VRAM bandwidth advantage too. I mean, it's not like it trounces the PS5 but those are solid numbers, like going up a tier in the GPU world (say from a 2070 super to 2080 super).
Also, we're not in the 360/PS3 era where they had vastly different architectures - the hardware is nigh on identical, and surely the APIs are too. So it is weird when you see some recent games favour the PS5, not sure if it's as simple as more ambitious resolution targets on the SeriesX or something more random.
I agree it'll be interesting to see what happens when the generation in in full swing. It's no surprise the PS5's best looking game is a PS5 exclusive rather than cross gen.
What would you say is the best looking SeriesX game? I still think FH4 and 5 are unmatched, running at 4k60 both look superb. Flight Sim is good too.
@Raffles 9.2 is an approximate estimation that engineers and developers make. The 10.28 is the maximum but it's what was advertised. That figure goes down. PS5 GPU has 36 CUs (Series X has 52) so Sony overclocked them to 2.23GHz but that speed is the peak, not the sustained speed. It would get too hot. 2.23GHz is too much and that's why most people assume that Sony overclocked the PS5 and made it huge at the last minute because they didn't expect Series X to be so powerful.
Elden Ring is Japanese and most Japanese developers don't optimise games very well and even less for Xbox. My guess is that the PS5 version was made first. The optimisation for Series X is rubbish as I just posted:
The best-looking Series X are Forza Horizon 5 and Flight Simulator, I agree. I think we're going to see something incredible in the next The Coalition game and in Fable 4, something that PS5 won't be able to match at the same frame rate and resolution.
@Dusk_Actual imitation IS the greatest form of flattery.
@BAMozzy I actually LOVED Sekiro for some reason, but I'm with you unfortunately. Fighting each boss 40 times, dying over and over....I just bounce off of these games usually....
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